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The Excuse thread

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, jakedee said:

Same constituency.

One leaflet from the SNP, four from Stephen Kerr (didn't say which party) and four from Pena.

None from the rest.

It must be selective targeting to specific area's.

I'm in the Dunfermline & Dollar constituency which had been help by the SNP and we got carpet-bombed by Labour as soon as the election was called. Leaflets, canvassers, irritating social media ads everywhere about the candidate who's basically a Councillor talking head but on the bright side at least he's not Tom Docherty or Cara Hilton.

Labour spent a lot.  And that was money the SNP just didn't have. Normally we get at least 2 leaflets and a letter. No canvassing and we got one letter which looked like it was sent out to known supporters and wasn't a blanket thing.  Labour was also helped by a near non-existent presence from the Lib Dems and the Tories.

Edited by AndyM
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I got stuff through the door from
Labour, SNP, Tories and Reform. It all went pretty much straight in the bin. Any opinions and voting preferences are taken from TV, social media and online pieces. Leaflets should be consigned to the past.

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58 minutes ago, jakedee said:

Same constituency.

One leaflet from the SNP, four from Stephen Kerr (didn't say which party) and four from Pena.

None from the rest.

It must be selective targeting to specific area's.

Our SNP incumbent won pretty convincingly in the end. Tbf to him he is actually a good constituency MP and made a proper effort when it came to canvassing/knocking on doors etc. Kerr just went for a few photo ops in places he knew he'd be welcome, a few farmers and apart from a tantrum at a hustings, was otherwise invisible. 

Pena was something else. He held a series of "town hall meetings" which seemed incredibly poorly attended. Apparently 15-20 folk turning up and agreeing that PEOPLE NEEDED MORE DISCIPLINE NOWADAYS meant the entire town agreed with him. He must have spent a few grand on this campaign to get about 700 votes. Lunatic. 

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