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What is the point of labour ?


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This is the greatest Tory government we've had in my life time, and I've lived under Thatcher, Major and Cameron. May's incompetence is their greatest asset, the less things they are able to make worse the better. Only someone who thinks nothing but Brexit matters would regard this government as worse, and I voted Remain. In fact, if it wasn't for these Tory/Blairite twats we would never have had a Leave vote in the first place!

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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I think the polling is genuine but probably more to do with the supine reporting of May's "triumph " in the Commons on Tuesday - dumb voters believing the crap pumped out by the MSM.


Survation also released one with a single point Labour lead. I don't doubt the poll is real but they are easily manipulated depending on the preceding questions.

Apparently the CEO of ICM is involved in a Blairite think tank. They had the Tories 12 points ahead on the day of the last election....

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4 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

It’s incredible that Corbyn, an opposition MP, is still regarded as some sort of extremist whilst real Tory extremists and the DUP, who are effectively directing the government, are being overlooked.


Good point. I don't think Corbyn is radical at all. He's probably what an 'average' Lab member would've been until the onset of Blair and Brown.

The DUP on the other hand are genuine crazies. Questioning the existence of dinosaurs FFS... gay cake rows, feart of women's rights and Irish language as well as their wee shoulder rubbing with terrorists. Our media should be labouring these points mercilessly in interviews with them and the Tories, not photoshopping Russian hats onto Corbyn.

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11 hours ago, Crùbag said:

Good point. I don't think Corbyn is radical at all. He's probably what an 'average' Lab member would've been until the onset of Blair and Brown.

The DUP on the other hand are genuine crazies. Questioning the existence of dinosaurs FFS... gay cake rows, feart of women's rights and Irish language as well as their wee shoulder rubbing with terrorists. Our media should be labouring these points mercilessly in interviews with them and the Tories, not photoshopping Russian hats onto Corbyn.

Corbyn was seen as an extremist because he thought that violence in Northern Ireland would not end unless we started talking to the IRA.

When John Major and Tony Blair came to the same conclusion that was seen as common sense.

Probably the key difference was how they went about.  On this, I might accuse Corbyn of being clumsy, incompetent or insensitive but not extreme.

Similarly, if he expresses concern for the Palestinians then this is seen as anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic and almost as support for terrorism.
Yet when a more accepted mainstream politician says the same thing, again it is seen as common sense, yes, the Palestinians have it bad, we need to do something about it.

Corbyn likes to play Devil's Advocate a lot.  Personally I think that is a good thing but I am not sure he is as skilful at it as he needs to be.

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31 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

The most obvious way forward for Labour is for a challenger with very similar politics to Corbyn but without his baggage to come forward. It's interesting to me that this never seems to happen. There probably is a lot of mileage in some of the criticisms sent his way, but because it all comes from pro-establishment centrists it is ineffective because they'd just get PASOK-ified if they took control of Labour.

The reason this doesn't happen is because conspiracy-theory paranoia brigade that exists within the Labour party.

If anyone challenges Corbyn, these people immediately come out of woodwork and claim it is all a Blairite or Thatcherite plot to dispose of socialism altogether and lock us into a neo-conservative agenda for all time.
There is nothing they love more than a leadership contest but once it is over they go back into hibernation.

Even if you offered up a challenger like this - they would smell a rat .  You're only pretending to be similar to Corbyn to get votes but once elected you will  reveal your true colours.

Edited by Fullerene
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See the bold Corbyn is trying to out unionist the conservative and unionist party again, stupid auld kunt doesn't realise a large amount of the unionists hate him for his IRA support.  https://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/17405157.jeremy-corbyn-independence-referendum-was-once-in-a-lifetime-vote/?ref=ebln&fbclid=IwAR1e8Q5fhf0A1Xq2CiT_9lFffn0GbAnkEAkm7Iesac_do62FaAAmrjrvx68

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See the bold Corbyn is trying to out unionist the conservative and unionist party again, stupid auld kunt doesn't realise a large amount of the unionists hate him for his IRA support.  https://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/17405157.jeremy-corbyn-independence-referendum-was-once-in-a-lifetime-vote/?ref=ebln&fbclid=IwAR1e8Q5fhf0A1Xq2CiT_9lFffn0GbAnkEAkm7Iesac_do62FaAAmrjrvx68
What a fud [emoji23]. One referendum is once in a lifetime the other is not....nae bother Jeremy.
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Tom Watson is a total fanny.  He wants Berger’s CLP suspended because they had the audacity to propose a VoC in her.  Imagine a CLP whose members worked to get her elected feeling that they have the right to question her.

The sooner c***s like Watson are binned the better.


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