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What is the point of labour ?


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1 hour ago, MixuFruit said:

Unless and until they get rid of the darkies, the Tory vote share in England will stay north of 40%.


Clearly that pig-fucker Cameron knew this. The Tories promote the idea that “multiculturalism” has been a regrettable leftie experiment, thereby comforting their racist core voters that one day, one day, they’ll reverse things and return the undesirables to Bongo Bongo land.

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I'd say that conflating an ethnic group or religious orientation with a fucking job occupation is an utterly ridiculous comment, not sure where fair comes into it either way 

The “imagine if word X was replaced by Word Y! Would that be alright?” trope is a fairly good indicator of an idiot

Imagine if “Twist and Shout” were replaced by “The Horst Wessel song” Motherwell fans are utter scum

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I can remember reading a Times column  from when Gordon Brown was PM  that basically argued that private school  English types  couldn't handle  how directly aggressive Scottish people are when they are annoyed.

Alexander is a twat but the people he bullied are probably complete fannies as well.

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3 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I can remember reading a Times column  from when Gordon Brown was PM  that basically argued that private school  English types  couldn't handle  how directly aggressive Scottish people are when they are annoyed.

Alexander is a twat but the people he bullied are probably complete fannies as well.

He's an aggressive Sevcoian fud.

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Labour are fucked because they need to win back the 'red wall' and Scotland to have any chance of governing.

The messaging they think is required to win back the red wall like doing a brexit, flag shagging, thinking Britain and it's decrepit institutions are sexy and letting are brave boys do war crimes is inevitably going to go down like a lead balloon up here.

Equally, giving Jockistan permission to have a referendum, or chucking more money at the subsidy junkies won't play well down south with their coveted Daily Express columnist demographic.

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7 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Labour are fucked because they need to win back the 'red wall' and Scotland to have any chance of governing.

The messaging they think is required to win back the red wall like doing a brexit, flag shagging, thinking Britain and it's decrepit institutions are sexy and letting are brave boys do war crimes is inevitably going to go down like a lead balloon up here.

Equally, giving Jockistan permission to have a referendum, or chucking more money at the subsidy junkies won't play well down south with their coveted Daily Express columnist demographic.

Nail on head. They can't have it both ways. So which are they prepared to give up? My guess is Scotland, because they're too far gone here. They won't admit it though.

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2 hours ago, Academically Deficient said:

Nail on head. They can't have it both ways. So which are they prepared to give up? My guess is Scotland, because they're too far gone here. They won't admit it though.

Not only that they’re too far gone, but they must know from years of having Scotland as a fiefdom and still losing UK general elections that even a large majority of Scottish constituencies doesn’t mean forming a UK government. To ever win, they need the Tories to lose the support of most English constituencies.

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17 hours ago, Detournement said:

I can remember reading a Times column  from when Gordon Brown was PM  that basically argued that private school  English types  couldn't handle  how directly aggressive Scottish people are when they are annoyed.

Alexander is a twat but the people he bullied are probably complete fannies as well.


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7 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

From the same poll.  Seems most people are happy with Sturgeon’s leadership; but strangely not the Tories!


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Nothing specific but his relentless stream of SNPBAD tweets without offering anything constructive 
Basically turned into Willie Rennie 

They’ve given up on being he government in Scotland, he’s happy to settle with largest opposition party which means trying to win back the orange order vote and unionist vote.

It won’t work and Anas Sarwar or Jackie Baillie will be party leader by June next year.
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3 hours ago, Frank Grimes said:

Nothing specific but his relentless stream of SNPBAD tweets without offering anything constructive 

Basically turned into Willie Rennie 

It really is just a relentless stream of "why isn't there more of this? why isn't this better?"

I was listening to him on Any Questions having a pop at the SNP over covid testing. Even the BBC moderator pulled him and said basically isn't that a bit unfair, testing levels are generally comparable to other countries and his response was just "Yes, but they could be higher".

Yes Richard, unless we're literaly doing over 5 million tests per day, they could always be higher.

Even staunch Labour gonks like Duncan Hothersall have started saying Labour will get absolutely nowhere with this SNPBad pish without at least looking like a party who can comprehend offering any kind of credible alternative.

Say what you like about Jeremy Corbyn but at least he tried to make Labour seem like an alternative government at Westminster. SLAB have essentially never tried to be that since 2007. And Kier Starmer seems happy to follow their lead of playing the part of pathetic whingers sitting on the sidelines.

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