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What is the point of labour ?


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Corbyn shitting the bed again. They really need someone more ruthless in charge at this point.
There'll be much more to this though.

And not having a gun-slinging, ruthless leader is just what this country needs right now. Corbyn is an easy target - but he's a natural compromiser.

I like McDonnell. And I think he holds a lot of sway with Corbyn.

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Just now, NotThePars said:

This is why I’ll always vote for independence no matter how shite the SNP are. The UK left have an unimaginably massive battle ahead of them and they can’t even see off Tom Watson. emoji23.png


Aw, c'mon...

This conference will unite the party and the country like never before.

On Monday morning Richard Leanard will be addressing conference - presumably he'll be telling them how he totally transformed and turned round Scottish Labour.

Seriously I can see a few more defections to the Lib Dems before the end of next week.

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33 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

There'll be much more to this though.

And not having a gun-slinging, ruthless leader is just what this country needs right now. Corbyn is an easy target - but he's a natural compromiser.

I like McDonnell. And I think he holds a lot of sway with Corbyn.

I think Sturgeon is the sort of leader I want, and she’s nothing like Corbyn.

I agree with most of Corbyn’s policies on a wide range of domestic and foreign matters but he’s an utterly shite leader and a hypocrite.

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36 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Tom Watson calling for unity.  What a brass neck.

When he's calling for unity. He's actually calling for unity around his own made up manifesto that completely contradicts official Labour Party policy. He should have been emptied so long ago.

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The Tories are split from top to bottom yet Labour seem more intent on continuing the post-Blairite civil war - thankfully some have seen sense. Getting rid of Watson is just fucking lazy - it's navel-gazing shit of the worst kind.

If they are going to get rid of anyone then it should be those who consistently keep voting (against the whip) with the Tories on Brexit.

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Journalists have a habit of saying "imagine the damage a competent opposition could be doing to this government right now" like it isn't the job of the Fourth Estate to also hold the government to account. That would probably contradict their jobs for the Conservative Party right enough.😂

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Even more split over Brexit than the Tories. They are a total clusterfuck under Corbyn. Looks like his closest allies and policy advisors are telling him one thing and he is saying another. He's going to hand the Tories a hard Brexit mandate on a plate. A totally useless c**t of a man.

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Corbyn and his supporters have literally zero interest in the wishes of the British electorate. It is increasingly an enclosed clique far more obsessed with cleansing the party of all who differ from them than engaging with the electorate. 

There policies are trying to be the coolest candidate for a NUS sabbatical officer, not trying to win over people who voted Tory in the past two elections in marginal constituencies but had voted Labour before. 

In the European elections Labour got 14% of the vote.


That is people who could be arsed and when a Tory government was not a risk could vote for who they really wanted. Corbyns wave of enthusiastic youth does not exist or if it does its completely swamped by people who have walked away in disgust. 

That is roughly on par with his personal ratings. 



The party is in the hand of thick as f**k amateurs who have nothing to offer but slogans. Who is going to entrust them with the economy and national security?

These are not people returning Labour to some kind of true values, Harold Wilson was implacably opposed to the PIRA violence. No Labour leader of the past would have ever cosied-up to extremist Islamists like Hezbollah. Callahagn, Wilson and Michael Foot did not lay wreaths of Black September terrorists. 

Corbyn is a fringe fruit cake out of his depth (anyone remember him demanding the intimidate invoking of Article 50 the day after the referendum?). His supporters are quacks and cranks. The Labour Party was set up by the unions to represent their interests and to form governments to support their needs. It was never in its history an outlet for crack pot activists. It has now lost its moorings of reality and is nothing but Continuity NUS for people who have not yet grown out of student politics. 

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Unison voting against the Corbyn strategy. Committing the party to fully backing remain while halfheartedly negotiating a Norway style deal to offer to a referendum is the least convincing option to offer the electorate in a GE imo. Libdem lite. Negotiating the best deal possible while staying officially neutral, and allowing members and MPs to campaign on whatever side they choose is offering a real choice in a referendum, unlike the Tories who are offering a hard brexit or no deal, and the Libdems who want to ignore the first referendum.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Unison voting against the Corbyn strategy. Committing the party to fully backing remain while halfheartedly negotiating a Norway style deal to offer to a referendum is the least convincing option to offer the electorate in a GE imo. Libdem lite. Negotiating the best deal possible while staying officially neutral, and allowing members and MPs to campaign on whatever side they choose is offering a real choice in a referendum, unlike the Tories who are offering a hard brexit or no deal, and the Libdems who want to ignore the first referendum.


And if the referendum comes up with a 50:50 result or close to it, what then?

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3 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


And if the referendum comes up with a 50:50 result or close to it, what then?

Honour the result, Norway wouldn't be too bad and it would be an informed choice, unlike last time. Are you against a second referendum?

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On 21/09/2019 at 12:57, Granny Danger said:

I think Sturgeon is the sort of leader I want, and she’s nothing like Corbyn.

I agree with most of Corbyn’s policies on a wide range of domestic and foreign matters but he’s an utterly shite leader and a hypocrite.

Disagree completely.

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11 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Honour the result, Norway wouldn't be too bad and it would be an informed choice, unlike last time. Are you against a second referendum?


Yes, and we have seen how divisive they can be become - another referendum is hardly going to reunite the country and would be unlikely to resolve anything.  I really believe the deal we have with the EU right now is vastly superior to anything we might negotiate by leaving.

Having said that, I do want to see an Indyref2 - given the big fat lie that the only way Scotland could remain in the EU was to vote for the Union.



Edited by ICTJohnboy
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