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What is the point of labour ?


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3 hours ago, Kejan said:

Corbyn trying to gear up the crowd or make a speech powerful is hilarious.

He starts speaking then in the MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE SHOUTS a few words before lowering his tone to NORMAL speech levels whilst waiting for an applause WHICH SOMETIMES never comes because I think people are still waiting for him to RAMBLE ON more, and even when he does SHOUT THOSE WORDS it feels like its all so forced and ALL AT THE WRONG time.


Cracking speech if you read it. Following the Guardian commentary instead of watching.

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I like Corbyn, and I liked his speech (the last five mins that I saw).

But the whole standing ovation every two sentences can get in the fucking sea. It completely breaks up any flow or momentum that was building (not something that comes naturally to Jeremy as it is).

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Ian Murray MP is on Sky News from his house in Edinburgh. Obviously didn't fancy the conference.

He has a heavy Jambo look.

And he just called for a referendum before a General Election. Obviously hasn't heard that snake plan got killed off yesterday.

Edited by Detournement
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24 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Ian Murray MP is on Sky News from his house in Edinburgh. Obviously didn't fancy the conference.

He has a heavy Jambo look.

And he just called for a referendum before a General Election. Obviously hasn't heard that snake plan got killed off yesterday.

For some daft reason it takes 6 months to arrange a referendum. How could you have a totally impotent Government desperate for euthanasia hanging on for that long?  

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7 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

In which alternate reality was this?

Some parts were good but on the whole I found it a bit meandering.

Not an alternate reality, just my opinion which you’re entitled to disagree with.

Covered a lot of important points and not meandering at all IMO.

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4 hours ago, Detournement said:


This is exactly the kind of drivel we now get from Labour. Just over a decade ago we got the Climate Change Act. 


Built on the back of the Stern Review to analyse the economic impacts of climate change, a document still sighted by governments across the world when making the case to decarbonise and after a lengthy consultation with the civil service about what was achievable we set a legally binding goal that was consistent with our part in meeting the global 450 ppm target. 

Now we get Gandalf and his magic wand wafting into existence fairy tales that are devoid of reality. The kind  of people who support this kind of pish usually cannot change a plug let alone explain the complexity in balancing a grid based on varying energy sources when you have no credible, spinning reserve to meet a sustained drop in output. I know about lithium grid storage and its coming, it is a real technology arriving but its nowhere near ready for this scale of deployment. There are other issues with this kid of dribbling horse shit. You would need to build huge factories to knock out vast amounts of renewable energy generating capacity to meet 2030, then when you have built all that and run the factories for 6 or so years (they will take time to design, finance, build and train the staff) then in 2030 you have hit spent well over a trillion and now the factories are dormant. Once you have replaced everything you do not need to replace it again for decades. 

The sheer amount of earth you have to move to install tens of millions of electric charging points, what technology you will use to replace the dominance of gas in our space heating....


And then 2030 what then? How much money have you diverted from schools, hospitals, social care? All the while pushing for a plan from a Stalinist 5 year just build it and f**k the consequences. 

This is a party run by childish self indulgence and attention seeking. It is not a program designed to win marginal constituencies and appeal to people who voted Tory in 2010 and 2015. 

Edited by dorlomin
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18 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

. There are other issues with this kid of dribbling horse shit. You would need to build huge factories to knock out vast amounts of renewable energy generating capacity to meet 2030, then when you have built all that and run the factories for 6 or so years (they will take time to design, finance, build and train the staff) then in 2030 you have hit sp

I don't think that global demand for renewable energy is likely to disappear by 2030. It also won't take a penny away from schools or the NHS as it will be paid for by bonds which will either be purchased by the private sector or the BoE.




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4 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I don't think that global demand for renewable energy is likely to disappear by 2030

You mean in countries like Germany, Denmark and China that have their factories already producing offshore wind and so on.


t also won't take a penny away from schools or the NHS as it will be paid for by bonds which will either be purchased by the private sector 

You mean massively increase our national debt.

And this is still not thinking about the manpower required to be trained to do the huge amount of work for about 6 years then stop. Lets face it, you are a buffoon who believes in conspiracy theories so practicalities are bottom of your skill set. 

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