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What is the point of labour ?


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8 hours ago, Sir Tarmo Kink said:

I pretty much agree with this unless Brexit goes disastrously wrong. Miliband and now especially Corbyn have fucked Labour completely. Bizarre that Corbyn had such a fan group.


Actually I can understand the appeal. He knew how to say things that sounded exciting and new, of a better world where there was no more wars or poverty and everybody was nice to everybody else.  To a young idealist (and maybe not so young) it was like a breath of fresh air.

However in practice, he was utterly useless.  Good at the interview.  Crap at the job.

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Actually I can understand the appeal. He knew how to say things that sounded exciting and new, of a better world where there was no more wars or poverty and everybody was nice to everybody else.  To a young idealist (and maybe not so young) it was like a breath of fresh air.
However in practice, he was utterly useless.  Good at the interview.  Crap at the job.

Exactly. Anyone can say the most unrealistic shit and the studenty idealists will buy in to it and start doing marches on it.
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9 hours ago, Donathan said:


Tony Blair was the best UK prime minister we’ve had since Harold Wilson in the 70’s. Iraq was really a very minor issue compared to Brexit.


The Iraq war caused far more real death, pain and suffering than Brexit will.

I guess what you’re really saying is that it was only Iraqi men, women and children who suffered, so that’s okay.

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Just out of interest what specifically did you think was unrealistic in Labour's manifesto?

“There should be no billionaires and no poverty” - sounds really good to the idealistic young people Jeremy but how exactly are you going to fix that?

Nationalising the railway - the railway was much worse off when it was British Rail, even if it may seem unlikely, and that would take years of waiting for each franchise commitment to expire to bring the railway back to the government for not much gain.

Nationalising almost everything, including the Royal Mail and broadband is not only unnecessary but it was completely mind-boggling that Corbyn thought that would buy over the public.

Corbyn’s pledge to spend endless amounts of money would have been badly felt by the young idealism alliance that back him, which would have been quite funny.
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Fair enough. I did wonder why they were going on about free internet so much since everyone has a phone these days and free wifi is easy to find.
I like the idea of there being a national rail company that can bid alongside private ones.

I don’t work in the rail industry but I work very closely with it and not a single person wants renationalisation. There’s a small group that think it’s the answer to all the problem such as the ones Northern, Thameslink, East Anglia, ScotRail etc are having just now though. The government pretty much picks each private railway company and regularly fucks it up so I wouldn’t trust them to run it completely. That being said, ScotRail probably has the biggest case for renationalisation of any area in the UK.
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The main east coast line from the English border to London was run by the government profitably for a few years wasn't it?

It currently is being run by the government, more successfully than Virgin Trains East Coast previously, so much so that an originally temporary agreement was extended to 2025. However, they were pretty much dealing with day to day business. Now, the East Coast Main Line has become more populated with new TPE and ECT proposed, and the new (and controversial) rolling stock is being introduced so we’ll see how LNER fare in the next couple of years.

That being said, it’s slightly easier to run a main line express service where your train will always be given priority at the signals than it is to run an entire UK commuter network.


Edit - you also have to remember that Virgin would have made a far larger profit that the government run LNER if it wasn’t for huge DfT premiums, something the government run company doesn’t have to pay much of.

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41 minutes ago, pandarilla said:
47 minutes ago, Londonwell said:
Late to the party here but what a shocker this is. 

The standard of the competition means he's probably right thigh. How fucking depressing.

I was referring more to the downplaying of Iraq than to the up playing of Blair’s abilities tbh.

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15 hours ago, Donathan said:


Yes but Brexit will do much more harm to the UK which is the PM’s remit


I certainly think so  but who will be blamed ?

The EU.   The Remoaners.  The SNP.   Londoners.  Immigrants.  Emigrants.  Foreigners  (the French especially).

There will be a scattergun reaction from the government and certain 'newspapers' and other media outlets

which will lay the blame at the door of everyone and anyone who isn't or wasn't an ardent brexiter.

Well they can blame me if they like 'cos I'm spending my  pension in the EU. 🇪🇺      So there!  :P 


eta :-     my pension is stretching a bit further now that the local hotel bar is selling 2  'pints' of Afligem for 4 euro during happy hour   :guinness


Edited by cyderspaceman
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