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What is the point of labour ?


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16 hours ago, DrewDon said:

Starmer feels much more Miliband than Blair to me. Apart from being obviously to the left of Blair, he just doesn't have his political instincts (pre-2010, at least) and he isn't nearly as good a communicator. Obviously a very different set of circumstances in many ways than between 2010 and 2015, but it feels like Labour is kind of in that perpetual drift it was in under Miliband, to me as an onlooker anyway. 

Milliband was undone in large part by the intellectual poverty of the British electorate.  Rather than focus on policy and ideas and what should really matter, voters bought into the media shit about how the guy ate a bacon roll and admittedly juvenile stunts like him awkwardly posing beside a policy commandment obelisk - whoever dreamed that up should have been fired.  Some weeks ago Ed Milliband deputised for Starmer at PMQ's and he absolutely fried Johnson in oil; never in anyone's wildest dreams would you expect that of Starmer.

But naw, the average English voter would prefer the incandescent talents of Johnson, Raab, Patel, Hancock, Williamson, Truss , Dorries and the rest of the cast of incompetents.

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5 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Poll for Independent shows Labour voters would prefer Burnham to be leader.  Starmer should resign his seat and let Burnham fight it in a by election.


The Tories would probably win the seat.

Labour are completely fucked.

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19 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

Free speech merchants unhappy at these comments 

She’s not wrong though

Maybe I’ve got you wrong but if you believe in free speech, why then would you object to what she said?

No problem with me. Words never did any harm.

Dont like her at all but she can say what she likes.


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On 26/09/2021 at 07:44, Granny Danger said:

Poll for Independent shows Labour voters would prefer Burnham to be leader.  Starmer should resign his seat and let Burnham fight it in a by election.

I'd like to see the options for that question, as most members I speak to would rather have fucking anyone than this self-serving lying cúnt. At least Umunna, Berger and the rest had the decency to leave the Party rather than hollow it out from the inside.

Just imagine being LOTO and being unable to call out Boris fucking Johnson for his mendacity because you have also lied in order to gain your position. Starmer is a fucking liability and, if his bunch of fucking shy Tories get their way this week, you can count me among the hundreds of thousands of members lost since the days when we actually held Socialism to be more important than begging for money from businesses.

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It's infuriating that all the absolute creeps from the Forde report that are close to Unison like Emily Oldknow are probably partying it up right now. 

It's pretty clear that all the parties believe the best way to deal with the various crisises is by blocking off any prospect of mass politics and then making people hyper engaged through the media around election time then putting them back to sleep. 

We are now fully Americanised. The Tories are the GOP representing capitalism unleashed and Labour, SNP, Greens are the Democratic party of technocratic management but they are essentially on the same side. It won't end well. 


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Time and again Labour have the uncanny knack of missing an open goal and licking the ball in to their own faces. 

Empty shelves, energy crisis, fuel shortages, all during the Labour party conference. The conditions cannot be any better for Labour to absolutely put the Tories to the sword here. They could hammer the Tories in every speech about this crisis, gain traction and take some lead in the polls. But no...let's bugger about picking internal fights about leadership elections, and call the Tories scum. 

Same happened in 2016. Right after the Brexit referendum result the Tories looked vulnerable for the very first time since 2010. Labour could have gone after them then...instead they formed a circular firing squad and tried to take out their own leader instead.

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Rachel Reeves dismissing energy nationalisation as something which doesn't interest the average voter at the exact moment everyone's bills are about to be jacked up and the polling is broadly supportive of the policy is so indicative of the shower of dumb incompetents in charge. They have no ideas and they're talking to nobody.

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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Unfortunately we are going through a phase of politics with historical levels of incompetence at all levels of government and opposition in every part of the UK.



1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

Rachel Reeves dismissing energy nationalisation as something which doesn't interest the average voter at the exact moment everyone's bills are about to be jacked up and the polling is broadly supportive of the policy is so indicative of the shower of dumb incompetents in charge. They have no ideas and they're talking to nobody.

I'd say you are both wrong in the same way. 

The purpose of all the parties now is to manage the decline brought on by the climate crisis and the collapse of capitalist rate of profit in a way which protects the super rich and the small minority they rely on to sustain their lifestyles. 

Tories, Labour, SNP and Greens are doing this perfectly. 

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19 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

Whoever writes the speeches for senior Labour figures really should lay off the 'spend the first 3 minutes talking about what jobs your parents did' strategy.

Given the alternative is actually offering working and lower middle class people policies which will benefit them and are popular it's not a surprise that they spend their time reminiscing about the secure and relatively well-paid job their parents did if it's blue-collar coded. We definitely need to have a moratorium on letting anyone point to their upbringing as indicative of their class especially if they earn 80 grand a year.

1 minute ago, Detournement said:


I'd say you are both wrong in the same way. 

The purpose of all the parties now is to manage the decline brought on by the climate crisis and the collapse of capitalist rate of profit in a way which protects the super rich and the small minority they rely on to sustain their lifestyles. 

Tories, Labour, SNP and Greens are doing this perfectly. 

I know exactly why they're doing it but it's very funny to watch how bad they are at doing it. The SNP at least are able to win a substantial number of people over to their cause even while it stalls. On the other hand Labour's base continues to desert them and the people who copy and pasted their gossip into the broadsheets make the minimum possible effort to sell their message as it turns out it's more entertaining to derail a train than drive it.

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5 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Given the alternative is actually offering working and lower middle class people policies which will benefit them and are popular it's not a surprise that they spend their time reminiscing about the secure and relatively well-paid job their parents did if it's blue-collar coded. We definitely need to have a moratorium on letting anyone point to their upbringing as indicative of their class especially if they earn 80 grand a year.

I know exactly why they're doing it but it's very funny to watch how bad they are at doing it. The SNP at least are able to win a substantial number of people over to their cause even while it stalls. On the other hand Labour's base continues to desert them and the people who copy and pasted their gossip into the broadsheets make the minimum possible effort to sell their message as it turns out it's more entertaining to derail a train than drive it.

It doesn't matter which party wins. What matters is the dominant ideology and all the parties have that locked in now. 

The Labour right understand this perfectly. 

Edited by Detournement
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