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What are you like at the football?

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I once in my mid 20's ran down about 15 rows of steps screaming at Bobby Madden so loudly that I almost fainted at the bottom due to lack of oxygen.

I now sit there pretty quietly overall - home games I'm a boring b*****d. Away games I tend to get tanked up and sing a bit.

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1) Colours or no colours? Usually a classic red-and-white bar scarf, or occasionally no colours. For a special occasion, I will add an inherited pin to the scarf or my jacket. For Scotland games it's no colours.

2) Are you a shouter? As with @VincentGuerin in his OP, I was when I was younger (and when I drank more). These days it's more the occasional shout of exasperation or encouragement. Heid's gones are a thing of the past for me (I think).

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? Never started it. Joined in when I was younger but very rarely now. There's a pattern forming to these answers. 

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? Generally speaking I'm pretty resigned. Maybe a bit pissed off, but that fades on the way home. Last time I remember feeling more intensely upset at a ground was after Celtic's winner in the 2017 cup final. The magnanimity of my young nephew shook me out of it though. 

5) How do you travel? Almost always by car for the Dons, as it's usually a family affair these days. Scotland games are still more often with pals, and I'll take public transport.

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? A beer or two before a Scotland game, stone-cold sober for Dons games - for the same family vs. pals reasons as previous answer. Even when I was younger I wasn't one for getting hammered before a game - I like to follow what's going on, team shapes etc., grim as it may be.

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3 hours ago, Der Panzer said:

I once in my mid 20's ran down about 15 rows of steps screaming at Bobby Madden so loudly that I almost fainted at the bottom due to lack of oxygen.

I now sit there pretty quietly overall - home games I'm a boring b*****d. Away games I tend to get tanked up and sing a bit.

When Celtic went either 3 or 4 goals ahead after 30 mins at Rugby Park in April 2023 and Fraz Murray had cost us two of the goals I lost the absolute plot, I was in the main stand about half way to the corner flag sitting on the concourse row and before I knew it I was charging along to the dugout screaming at McInnes to get him off.

It was almost like a blur and after probably just a second or two I gathered myself and headed back to my seat.

McInnes took him off straight away (clearly shat it from me) and Murray hardly started a league game since then and of course we finished 4th last year so really Killie fans can thank me for the success.

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On 14/10/2024 at 16:17, Alert Mongoose said:

A lot of St Mirren fans claiming not to get angry at games here. I've heard what happens when an opposition players steals a few yards from a throw in at The SMISA...

I used to work with a St. Mirren fan (lovely guy), even he admitted they were perma-raging at the fitba.

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1) Yes

2) Sometimes. Depends on how things are going on the field. I mean, there's no Anthony Stewart to anger up the blood any more...

3) On occasion depending on mood. If everyone around me is, then why wouldn't I? Would certainly never start one.

4) Now and again, but it wouldn't leave the ground. Can't say that's always been true.

5) Service bus to home games only these days when i'm able to make it, due to family commitments.

6) Depends on whether i'm busy later or not. I was stone cold sober at the Hearts game a few weeks ago, and that was very enjoyable, for example.

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23 hours ago, Der Panzer said:

I once in my mid 20's ran down about 15 rows of steps screaming at Bobby Madden so loudly that I almost fainted at the bottom due to lack of oxygen.

I now sit there pretty quietly overall - home games I'm a boring b*****d. Away games I tend to get tanked up and sing a bit.

Once caught myself on telly on the highlights running down the stairs screaming at Steven Naismith for diving when he was at Rangers. I was early 20's and had a few beers, but never been quite the same since in terms of losing it. Cringe just thinking about it.

Edited by Tony Wonder
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1.Wear a scarf in the Winter months.

2. Occasionally shout.

3.Again occasionally join in with the singing.

4.Very rarely, and lasts about 1 minute.

5. Car or train, don't like buses, too cramped on my legs. Me and a mate take turns about driving to away games.

6.Mostly have a few beers at home games pre match, down at the stadium, and if we get the train we go early to take in a pub pre match too. 

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1. Wear a scarf when it’s colder but that’s about it. 

2. Occasional shouter and only really if a decision has gone against us. 

3. Can’t say I sing that much which is a bit hypocritical as I’ll be the first to criticise the atmosphere at Somerset. 

4. I allow Ayr United to dictate how good or shite my weekend will be all too often. 

5. Drive to games.


6. Sober due the above. I’m not particularly arsed about having a drink at the football. I never have been. I’m partial to a drink post match but I like to try and have some sort of memory of the game I’ve just been at. 

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1) Colours or no colours

I don't really have a rule here but if I was to break it down I'd say league cup group stage weather I'll probably have a replica on.  If I have a replica on any other point of the year it's not on display.  

I'll randomly take or not take a scarf. 

I guess my answer is 'yes'. 

2) Are you a shouter? 

I enjoy a wee shout at opposition players. 

I mind hounding Wullie Gibson one day and when they visited next he was all worked up from the get go, they won and he's over pointing at me grabbing his knob.  I'd have given him a wee clap if he hadn't followed it up by wishing domestic abuse on me :lol:

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing?

I will join in no bother, very very rarely will start a song. 

4) Do you get angry/upset? 

The odd game in the odd season, for me the day out is all a laugh.  It's the big embarrassments or relegations that get ye.  

5) How do you travel? 


6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? 


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1. No colours other than some big games (cup finals/euro away trips)

2. I shout semi regularly but usually when everyone else is. Personal favourites are “Penalty!” Or “FFS Tav”

3. My section isn’t the best for atmosphere so at home games I’ll tend to join in singing at the beginning of the game or when the crowd is hyped up a bit. Away games I’ll sing more as most other folk join in too.

4. I try not to get angry or upset and generally don’t show it in the stadium, but after a poor result I’ll often sulk for a while and usually come on here to discuss match events/take my medicine which seems to help

5. Travel pretty much exclusively by supporters bus

6. I’ll maybe have a drink about 50% of matches. This will range from a couple of pints in the pub before the bus to an 8am start for big matches

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1. Always for Scotland games, occasionally for Morton games

2. Hardly ever shout, even back in my younger days it was always just the occasional "ffs ref!" or eye rolling lol

3. Never started a song but joined in a few 

4. Again back in my late teens/early 20s Morton and Scotland had the ability to absolutely ruin my Saturdays, bring out some real seethe, but now in my 40s it's usually out my system before I've even left the ground.

5.  Train for every game at Hampden, Cappielow is a toss up between train and car depending on how late I've left deciding on my attendance.

6. Scotland games are a rare catch up with old mates these days so always begin pre match in the pub in Glasgow for a few beers and food.  Hardly ever drink before or after Morton games these days

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1) Colours or no colours?

Usually something, bar scarf or wee badge. More for Hampden games.

2) Are you a shouter?

I am usually close enough for the players and referee to hear, so I usually shout something witty or hilarious.

3) Do you sing? 

Not so much now. Big or away games mostly.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely

Usually pantomime angry but sometimes something switches and I go daft at someone stealing two yards or something similar.

5) How do you travel? 

Depends. Walk mostly, bus sometimes, train for a good away day.

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober?

Usually not fit to operate any heavy machinery.

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1. Usually.

2. Yes.

3. Very rarely these days. I did start a song once at the League Cup Final in early 1979. Peter McCloy let in an awful goal by Duncan Davidson and I just started singing "Nice one Peter, Nice one son, Nice one Peter, Let's have another one." I just kept singing it over and over and eventually it took over all the fans around us. My proudest moment. However, we did lose Doug Rougvie and also 2-1.

4. Not now, although I did used to.

5. Almost always by car. Alternate between mine and my friend's. 

6. Usually have one pint before the match.

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Good insight into fellow sufferers here 😁

1. Scarf and probably an Alloa shirt too. I know it's a widely held opinion that people my age shouldn't wear football tops but I love them and came to peace with it long ago. I have loads of random shirts from teams all over the place and wear them on a regular basis, although I'd only put on an Alloa top for games. 

2. Probably used to shout a bit when I was younger and more excitable. Nowadays only shout some encouragement if the play was right in front of me and I thought it might perhaps give our players a wee lift. 

3. Not much singing at Alloa games! I would join in on occasion when it does happen. And definitely at Scotland games. 

4. Less than I used to, wee post mortem (on P&B invariably) and I move on. Last time I was really pissed off was when we were 3-0 up on Edinburgh City and lost 4-3. Was raging that night and it struck me at the time that I hadn't been that bothered about a match for a long time. But if the team has put in a decent effort (and been set up in a sensible fashion) then that's all I ask for. 

5. Train or bus but with expense and (more importantly) being away from family all day I don't attend games as often and often watch a stream. Will get back to attending regularly down the line, I hope. 

6. I'd always have a couple of pints with my Dad before a game. He's not so mobile now but many a great day in towns across the country with trains and pints. For Scotland games with friends it's always a bit of a session. 

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1) Colours or no colours?  Always - usually a hat and a scarf, never a shirt.

2) Are you a shouter? Aye, only the odd, "come on Saints!" though.

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? I usually sing, but never start it.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? Generally, no. I prepare for the worst. However, if it's an important fixture or I think we've been cheated, then aye. 

5) How do you travel? Train, walk (if it's a nice day & I have time) or car.

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? I don't drink, so no.

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