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What Are You Listening To?


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When this song came out a good few years back (early 2000's, possibly late 90's) I was so moved by the video and even now I can't help but be moved when I watch it. To cut a long story short it is about the authorities in Mexico doing f*ck all whilst women who were working were being picked off going home from work, often being raped then murdered. Hundreds dead and nothing seems to be done. The video is highlighting the problem.

Had not listened to this song for a while but last Sunday I watched the documentary on BBC2 about Mexico’s drug problem and the countless deaths which are not solved and the Police do little to help. This is not happening in mid Mexico it is right on the boarder with the USA and the state of Texas.

The top drug dealer is amongst the world elite in the rich list and pretty much through back handers escaped from prison where ‘not one security person saw him escape and no footage of it on any camera’. The President of Mexico in a bid to cull the problem and the corrupt Police force have sacked over half the Police force. However officers who do not take bribes from the gangs are usually murdered, if not them there families. The country seems to be a in a real mess and it does seem as if the authorities in Mexico are fighting a losing battle.

Sorry to have gone on

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