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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I've got to go to a funeral today, I hate funerals :(

I went to my first one at the end of July. It was a good friend of our family that had died. It wasn't until I went in with my folks and sat down and saw the coffin that it really hit me. I was choked up throughout the entire service and couldn't hold back the tears.

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After my ex-husband's auntie's funeral (a woman I had met once in my life and who didn't leave a brilliant first impression) and I sat bawling my eyes out all the way through (I was due to give birth any day, so full of hormones, too), I made a decision to never to go a funeral again unless it was a family member. Then my nan's decided to go and die, one 2 years later, the other 11 months after the first. Bloody inconsiderate if you ask me, especially since I was pregnant again and full of hormones for the second one.

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Unexpected visits from extremely senior members of your employer, that has everyone running round like headless chickens tidying the place up and making sure you look busy! :angry:<_<:(

Doff's cap, bows humbly and tugs forelock! :rolleyes:

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As a Berwick fan, it must be quite a novelty for you to say that. ;)


Especially in 30 zones. :angry: Deserve all they get (including me who got done in a 30 once).

Im not really complaining. Its a bit of a c**t of a road though. Long, wide and straight with nothing much along the side. It wouldnt surprise me if they are picking up everyone driving along there today.

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Glasgow Airport baggage handlers :angry:

Some bright spark thought it'd be a great idea (Kilt? :P ) to put one, yes one, handler to unload a jumbo bloddy jet.

Took me two hours to get my cases, and I was one of the first out :rolleyes:

BAGGAGE-HANDLER?!?! :o Feckin cheek. <_<

See when you first got back here and had to present your passport to those nice lad and lassies in uniform at the desks for checking to see if you'd be let back into the UK or not......? :ph34r:;)

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