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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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If it was, it would have to be a Mexican town. Sara-bande (add accents at will). But, it still sounds like some sort of weapon.

"Disciple, you have travelled far, worked hard, and now, it is time for you to learn the skills of the legendary Sarabande."

"Gosh Sensai!"

"Yes, the SarAbande is the semi-mythical combat weapon first built by Gohan, and was used to defeat Emperor Ryu in honourable combat. Only one disciple a generation is taught the skills of the sarAbande, and now it is time for this wealy ord man to pass the gift on to his chosen student"

No self respecting warrior would use the word 'Gosh' surely?

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"When you have snatched the pebble from my hand, you may learn the ways of the sarabande, Grasshopper Zurich"

Question is, what would steve rather play, a mythical fighting weapon, or an isolated western town? And could he do it with a whoosh stick?

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Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture? It may not have the most fantastic basslines, but it has cannons in it. Imagine playing the cannon in an orchestra! Would smack f**k out of a triangle! :D

The Gray Ghost appreciates that this doesn't help you at all, he just thinks cannons are cool. sorry.


"Now, Steve, when I give the signal, you have to prod the hungry uncaged tiger in b-sharp. After that, you need to follow that with panther yowls, and then finish with the whoosh tubes."


"The road to Sarabande is plagued with bandits, you will surely never make it across the canyon."

Would they not even make it through the canon? :ph34r:

Question is, what would steve rather play, a mythical fighting weapon, or an isolated western town? And could he do it with a whoosh stick?

Ok. Not whoosh tubes or whoosh stick. It's actually called a rainmaker. My kids have various versions of them in their musical instrument box in the playroom! Oh, and Steve lives just opposite us. :lol:

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Ok. Not whoosh tubes or whoosh stick. It's actually called a rainmaker. My kids have various versions of them in their musical instrument box in the playroom! Oh, and Steve lives just opposite us. :lol:

Imagine a really big one filled with panthers instead of whooshstuff (sand? :unsure: ), now THAT would be fun for Steve to play! :D

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Imagine a really big one filled with panthers instead of whooshstuff (sand? :unsure: ), now THAT would be fun for Steve to play! :D

Mine My children's are filled with small plastic balls. They're really colourful and pleasing on the eye. Steve would like them.

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Last night when getting something out of the fridge, yes it was a beer, I knocked the number on the thing to 2. Then I couldn't remember if lower was colder, or higher was colder, so, presuming I'd knocked it down the way, I moved it to 5 to check. Then I forgot, now when I went in, the beer is frozen. I should really just have moved it to 3, but I like the stuff cold. Not as cold as 5, obviously. That's what the freezer is for.

Now I need to wait for a beer.

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I went from being one of the better players in the group of guys we play football with to being the worst player tonight when I got a game with some new guys. Felt quite humiliated at the end of the night but it was good to have a challenge for once, even if I did feel like crap coming off at the end.

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I commented to Mr HGG last night that I hadn't seen you around for a bit and here you are! Did you see my post about you yesterday? (I think it was yesterday anyway) :P

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I commented to Mr HGG last night that I hadn't seen you around for a bit and here you are! Did you see my post about you yesterday? (I think it was yesterday anyway) :P

Just got back from hols last night.

Was the post the one about Rangers90's sig? There's nothing there now. What did it have? A pic of some bronzed adonis? :lol:

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Just got back from hols last night.

Was the post the one about Rangers90's sig? There's nothing there now. What did it have? A pic of some bronzed adonis? :lol:

nah there were sevreal rangers tops, if i remember correctly

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While frying my egg, I made Adam noodles. They were both ready at the same time, so while I was taking the egg out of the pan, Adam took the noodles off the stove and managed to place the pan on my hand, the fandangle. :(

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