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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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What did you do wrong? Went to tesco and i got some people to look out for you.

Karma they say, you have some failed banter with myself and karma follows you my friend.

Every little helps



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Someone I had a pint with last night needs to do some housekeeping...

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...so I can get some missing details to help solve that mystery! :ph34r:

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I've never understood either why so many people who visit hospitals feel they have the right to abuse the folk there to help them.

My grievance is that sometimes when I go out, I seem to be a ned magnet.

Went out for a few ales last night to watch the Man U game, towards the end of the evening this lagered up wee urchin decided to befriend my pal and me.

He proceeded to annoy the bar staff, scream at the TV and complain to me about the amount of black people in the pub and remained adamant that he was goint to "get his hole" from his girlfriend who was waiting impatiently outside to give him a lift home.

Every hint that he was becoming a pain in the arse was gormlessly ignored and he proceeded to stand with us until he was refused any more drink, then he staggered away into the night.

I really need to learn to be less tolerant of vermin


I'm quite tolerant of idiots but he'd have been told to f**k off quite soon by the sounds of him.

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What did you do wrong? Went to tesco and i got some people to look out for you.

Karma they say, you have some failed banter with myself and karma follows you my friend.

Every little helps

Oh my god, you are so far up your own arse you actually think everything is about you. You wouldn't know banter if it jumped up and smacked you in the face.

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I've never understood either why so many people who visit hospitals feel they have the right to abuse the folk there to help them.

My grievance is that sometimes when I go out, I seem to be a ned magnet.

Went out for a few ales last night to watch the Man U game, towards the end of the evening this lagered up wee urchin decided to befriend my pal and me.

He proceeded to annoy the bar staff, scream at the TV and complain to me about the amount of black people in the pub and remained adamant that he was goint to "get his hole" from his girlfriend who was waiting impatiently outside to give him a lift home.

Every hint that he was becoming a pain in the arse was gormlessly ignored and he proceeded to stand with us until he was refused any more drink, then he staggered away into the night.

I really need to learn to be less tolerant of vermin

Indeed. After a few days working away down south, I return to Glasgow last night only to be greeted by a bunch of these arseholes with their usual 'whit you looking at, ya dobber' nonsense. Seemed to irk them that I ignored them. Thats twice in a row now that Ive arrived back in the city centre to be greeted by these scum (although last time it was an aggresive beggar). This is the sort of thing that greets folk on visits to Glasgow.

Probably the most annoying thing was the wee twat that made the comment was clearly only saying it as he was with another 4 or 5 neds. A wee specky joe 90 bag of bones he was. I genuinely felt like keeping them in view and as soon as he moved away from his mates, catching up with him and wiping the fecking floor with him, but I suppose that would not make me much better than him.

Grrrrrrr. Neds.

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Family groups - Mum, daughter and two kids. Constant, and I mean constant, moaning from check-in, through security and to the office, mostly as follows:

Where my husband

He's in our office

Where my husband

He's in our office

You take me see my husband


Where my husband

He's in our office

Where my husband

He's in our office

Where my husband

He's in our FUCKING office :angry:

ad nasuem.....until I get to the office and hand them over! <_<

And guess what - her husband, being brought to us, still hadn't arrived yet! :ph34r::rolleyes::lol:

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Women. :angry: Specifically women in cars. More specifically, women in cars in car parks. <_<

Was in the car park, looking for a space, having arrived through the one way entrance (not the exit clearly marked with "No entrance signs", I drove by that and went in the entrance). There was no space immediately available, so I drove round said car park, clearly following the direction of the large and frequent arrows painted in the road.

Go round the corner, and have to brake as there is a stupid bint in a red car charging the wrong way round the car park. We stop. She then looks at me like I've done something wrong, like its MY error, and waits for me to move. Well f**k that! I inched forward so she couldn't dodge past me, but she had plenty of space to turn round and go back the way she came...you know, following the traffic flow.

But she had a whispered consultation with the witch in the seat next to her, and squeezed past the front of me, drove past 2 more no entrance signs and vanished into another part of the car park, still against the flow. Next time Ill block her more carefully.

But if that wasn't enough, I drove on, and managed to see another stupid woman in a red car driving straight in through the car park exit (the one marked by no entrance signs) and going past me, again, against the flow.

What the f**k is wrong with these people?

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It has obviously REALLY pissed you of mate 'coz that's two rants on two different threads about the same incident! :rolleyes::lol:;)

I actually vented here, and then remembered that there was a thread devoted to this sort of thing. :ph34r:

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:lol::lol: I must have read the threads the other way round then! :rolleyes:

It was fucking annoying though! Seriously not just one idiot woman in a red car ignoring traffic rules and common decency, but two of them within a couple minutes! :angry:

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Guest The Phoenix

At my age every looks or feels "scratchy" anyway. :(

Ignore them, Kilt, stupidity doesn't come easily - some of us have to work hard at it. ;)

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Someone I had a pint with last night needs to do some housekeeping...

...so I can get some missing details to help solve that mystery! :ph34r:

what mystery?

anyway when my Platinum membership ran out I went back tio having a Gold PM inbox instead of a Platinum one.

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