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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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If I'm going to place a bet in a bookies shop, I always have to take about 4 cards to the cash machine and without fail there is someone behind me tutting or generally voicing their disaproval.

I don't faff about getting receipts or the likes though, that really is old woman teritory.

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This is certainly one of my major pet peeves.

I have timed myself before, and it takes me 55 seconds from the time I put my card in, check my balance, withdraw my card and then cash and walk away.

Anyone that takes over a minute at a cash machine should automatically be shot dead.

The amount of arguments I have had with people at cash machines is quite astounding. I can't help but sigh heavily when someone takes one card out and puts another one in. I have done it before, but have NEVER done it with someone waiting behind me. If I need to use it again when there is someone behind me, I will return to the end of the queue, hoping that people will notice I have done so, then follow my example in the future.

I'm actually getting angry writing this, I fucking hate people that either don't know how to use a cash machine, or take the piss at one. May they all burn in hell.


The worst one I had was when a woman with a pram and a couple of other children scurrying around by her feet.

She had checked her balance or whatever three times then proceeded to phone who I assumed was her partner screeching at him why there was no money in it. Then one one the kids started crying because she had forgot that she told him she had previously said he could push the buttons - so she put the card in again just to let him have a go.

I seriously had visions of smashing her head into the cash point.

Edited by Nick_BCFC
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Is there a reason you posted that 3 times?

It was actually

..........believe it if you like :rolleyes:

No, just the usual totally incompetent senility! :P

I'm away to a health & safety meeting now - wish me luck as I cross the road and negotiate the stairs! :rolleyes::(

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If I'm going to place a bet in a bookies shop, I always have to take about 4 cards to the cash machine and without fail there is someone behind me tutting or generally voicing their disaproval.

I don't faff about getting receipts or the likes though, that really is old woman teritory.

Fair enough, but I really only think that you should use the one card at a time. There has been a couple of times I have been late for work because I have been stuck behind someone that took ages at a cash machine.


The worst one I had was when a woman with a pram and a couple of other children scurrying around by her feet.

She had checked her balance or whatever three times then proceeded to phone who I assumed was her partner screeching at him why there was no money in it. Then one one the kids started crying because she had forgot that she told him she had previously said he could push the buttons - so she put the card in again just to let him have a go.

I seriously had visions of smashing her head into the cash point.

That is my own idea of personal hell. I would have HAD to have said something, I could not let that lie.

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For the first time in my life I am a speccy four eyed b*****d after getting glasses at the weekend for watching TV and driving.

I got specks a couple of years ago for work because my eyes go a bit daft after they've been looking at a computer screen for too long.

One week later my mate is fannying about in his car and breaks them. I had forgotten about this until this morning when I got a letter through saying I need to go get my eyes tested again.

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Guest The Phoenix
Went to the orthodontist today and they tightened my braces. My teeth hurt like f**k now.

You sure he was an orthodontist?

Still so long as your trousers aren't falling down, a little bit of oral discomfort shouldn't be too unbearable.

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I got specks a couple of years ago for work because my eyes go a bit daft after they've been looking at a computer screen for too long.

One week later my mate is fannying about in his car and breaks them. I had forgotten about this until this morning when I got a letter through saying I need to go get my eyes tested again.

I hate my glasses - they make my eyes look even closer together. For that reason I never wear them, and my eyesight has got worse. Got them 4 years ago and have never returned for a a checkup :(

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I hate my glasses - they make my eyes look even closer together. For that reason I never wear them, and my eyesight has got worse. Got them 4 years ago and have never returned for a a checkup :(

Ever thought about contact lenses?

I'm 17, have been wearing glasses since i was 5 or 6, you get used to it.

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I hate my glasses - they make my eyes look even closer together. For that reason I never wear them, and my eyesight has got worse. Got them 4 years ago and have never returned for a a checkup :(

My eyes are actually fine. Good vision all round, it's just that if I'm on the PC, watching TV or playing a bit of FM they just hurt.

Also, if I'm in a shopping centre my eyes get all watery and they sting like buggery. It's near enough the same when I'm drinking as well, one pint and my eyes just go red and I look like I'm absolutely wasted. I remember I was in the pub a while ago, I went for a pish then came back out, then my mate asked me for some coke, because I looked like I was on it.

Not good.

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My eyes are actually fine. Good vision all round, it's just that if I'm on the PC, watching TV or playing a bit of FM they just hurt.

I get that too. I get horrible eyestrain if I am too long on a computer, which considering my job, is a bad thing. I use refreshing eye drops a lot if I am working for long hours, they help.

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My eyes are actually fine. Good vision all round, it's just that if I'm on the PC, watching TV or playing a bit of FM they just hurt.

Also, if I'm in a shopping centre my eyes get all watery and they sting like buggery. It's near enough the same when I'm drinking as well, one pint and my eyes just go red and I look like I'm absolutely wasted. I remember I was in the pub a while ago, I went for a pish then came back out, then my mate asked me for some coke, because I looked like I was on it.

Not good.

Sounds exactly like me Toma.

One night on the Guiness and my eyes are redder than a T-800. I had to stop wearing my glasses to work though as the headaches I was getting whilst wearing them were worse than the ones I got without them.

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I get that too. I get horrible eyestrain if I am too long on a computer, which considering my job, is a bad thing. I use refreshing eye drops a lot if I am working for long hours, they help.

I've started to get blurred vision in my left eye after working on the computer for too long. Fifteen minute breaks every now and again seem to help, and a good excuse for a smoke!

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daily lenses about a pound a day, fortnightly are about £20 for 6 weeks worth. I've not looked at other ones.

That's internet prices, more expensive if you buy from an optician.

That's not too bad actually. I guess with the daily ones you don't have to mess about with the cleaning solution, little jar thing etc...

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I've started to get blurred vision in my left eye after working on the computer for too long. Fifteen minute breaks every now and again seem to help, and a good excuse for a smoke!

Its what your supposed to do. I found that a lot of the time its actually all the sleep clogging up the eyes, and so the eye drops help clear it. I also take breaks when it gets intense, or even have an eye patch so I can switch eyes occasionally.

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