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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm just really really really REALLY fed up of being pregnant!

Are you past due date?

Stop trying to be eleqent, yer a fifer FFS.

The correct phrase is 'are you better soon'.

Which I personally hate.

Never understood that one myself.

"Bend err hen, ah'm gonnae make ye no well" wouldn't get me anywhere either.

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Friday Night With Jonathon Ross. Ross introduces Paulo Nuitini.

"Paulo grew up above a chip shop in Glasgow"

*Paulo sits there and grins*

Now sorry, that really gets my fucking goat. Not only can the BBC not even tell the difference between Scotland's biggest city and its biggest town, but Nuitini doesn't even want to correct him.

Dirty wannabe weegie c**t :angry:

Hmm, I hope he shoves it right back at Woss, but he did run Paisley down which was widely reported in the press so I'll wait to judge after he's had his turn.

Leave the "Timm" (sic) bit out - that's just inviting trouble! <_<

Curry's done f'ck all... It was nice though, to be fair.

I've heard that, to get baby moving, a bout of feisty sex is a good idea! Speak to the boy and see if he's game! I'm only repeating an old wive's tale - don't beat me up about it! :(

Edited by Andy.C
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So he's not altogether without sense and observation then? Good for him!

I'm an 'Interlowper' - ain't for me to judge but a shed load of Paisleyites are mighty pissed off with him!

I'll stand back and watch the fireworks! ;)

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I don't care how much discomfort Reina is in, my left nostril is blocked with the hayfever, but the right one is fine, which has got to be far, far worse. The fucking b*****ding thing won't clear! Ive been trying the trick where you push your nose and forehead to no effect, I have been blowing out what seems like 10 litres of swimming pool water from earlier on, and it just keeps on fucking blocking. Gaah.

I decided to try and clear my nose with cotton buds, and thats just made things dramatically worse and more painful. :(

Edited, I've also decided to give the chilli and tabasco sauce roll a miss this time. Last time it cleared my nose but left me in pain. Why is it only one nostril? Why won't it clear?

Edited by xbl
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I don't care how much discomfort Reina is in, my left nostril is blocked with the hayfever, but the right one is fine, which has got to be far, far worse. The fucking b*****ding thing won't clear! Ive been trying the trick where you push your nose and forehead to no effect, I have been blowing out what seems like 10 litres of swimming pool water from earlier on, and it just keeps on fucking blocking. Gaah.

I decided to try and clear my nose with cotton buds, and thats just made things dramatically worse and more painful. :(

Oh do yuo ever stop moaning man....get a grip! :P:lol:

Have a chilli/cayenne pepper/tabasco sauce concoction and see if that clears it! :rolleyes:

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Leave the "Timm" (sic) bit out - that's just inviting trouble! <_<

Yeah sorry about that, I just care so passionately about Paisley and hate it when people just snub it to give them some sort of higher sense of self esteem. The naughty word was uncalled for and was purely Celtic related, it wasn't meant in a religious sense. I've rightly been slapped on the wrist for my actions :(

P.S. I still stand by the other stuff I said about him :P In saying that he is one talented musician and singer.

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I don't care how much discomfort Reina is in, my left nostril is blocked with the hayfever,

Oh well boo hoo, let's roll out the fecking violins. I'm sorry xbl but do you know how insensitive that sounds? I'm sure it was said in jest but come on.

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No need to be nasty. Just because your no well dosnt mean ye need to be nasty and say things like "i dont care how much discomfort reina is in" just who the f**k do you think you are?


Oh, I see you are posting in well thought out and sensible paragraphs at the moment. Have you forgotten your character? I am stressed with work, my nose is blocked, and I am a very, very angry man. Bring it on, you scummy dundonian scummer!

Have a chilli/cayenne pepper/tabasco sauce concoction and see if that clears it! :rolleyes:

I said above I wasn't going down that route......but this is really irritating me. I reckon if I grill a burger, I could add enough chilli stuff to it to remove my entire fucking sinus...its tempting.

Btw people its meant to sound petty! I think comparing the burden of a first time mother close to birth to a blocked nostril is just ridiculous enough so that it shouldn't be taken seriously. But then, after seeing the reaction to kilts "car crash posting" last night, maybe I have too high an opinion of the general intelligence of this forum.

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No need to be nasty. Just because your no well dosnt mean ye need to be nasty and say things like "i dont care how much discomfort reina is in" just who the f**k do you think you are?


Chill out man!

I'm 100% certain that xbl didn't mean what he said maliciously.

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Stop being a dick
2 people have thought this and this wouldnt be the first time xbl/greyghost/whoever he wants to call himself has been malicious

And it wouldn't be the first time you've been a deluded, deliberately duplicitous doughnut.

Btw Reina, I hope my original comment didn't sound insensitive, but unlike some of the cretins on this forum, I credit you with a modicum of intelligence. We may not have met personally, and I may not know you as well as, say, Evie, but good luck with it and all that.

Anything else to say Gman? You filthy scummer!

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