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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Having a shite body clock. This is early morning for my body clock. I've been staying up until 6am some days just so I can say hi to my brother as he is going out to work. I am an arsehole <_< .

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Having a shite body clock. This is early morning for my body clock. I've been staying up until 6am some days just so I can say hi to my brother as he is going out to work. I am an arsehole <_< .

I'm half asleep and read that as you having a "bloody cock".

So it could be worse..

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I have a sunburnt back,it's peeling and it's sore. :( It doesn't matter how hight the number on the sun cream is I still bloody burn. :(

If your skin is that sensitive to sun, you should use Factor 50 sunblock- like the stuff you get for babies.

I would also get your skin checked by a specialist, if you burn all the time, you should really be checked for skin cancer.

I'm lucky, I go brown fairly easily :) And from tomorrow permanent sun for a fortnight :D:D

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WoW maintenance AGAIN. :angry: Servers were meant to be up at 10 AM but they were then delayed until 12 AM - and they STILL aren't up as I type this.


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I left my balcony door open last night to cool down the flat, but there must have been quite a storm in the night as some of my plants seem to have thrown their soil all over my kitchen floor <_<

Triffids are they?

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Wearing my sports shit and I have odd socks on. They are both white but one has a red W on them and one doesn't. I can't find another W one though, managed to fold them over and hide it :(

nothing wrong with odd socks!!

when i was single after i washed my socks i just threw them in the drawer in singles,f**k wasting time sorting them out and just grab 2 to wear when required

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