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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I've got some work to do over Easter. 1000 word essay plus what I thought was 3 or 4 1000 word tasks to write about that I've been working on over the last while, but I actually have another 8 to do.

I'm going away for 10 days as of this Thursday. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit :ph34r:

It'll be fine. Head down. Plough on through.

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Was going to have a session at the tennis courts today, in an attemp to try and get somewhere as good as I can be for the mens team which starts in a couple of weeks. Look out the window, fucking rain and blowing a gail. Now I have f**k all to do, unless I start driving lessons today, which frankly I can be arsed with.

Oh well back to sleep it is.

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WH Smiths airport shops,when you buy something and pay for it at the checkout,regardless of what time of day it is,they always ask you if you want to take advantage of the £1.00 offer for a huge f**k off bar of chocolate!

At 5.30 in the morning,probabaly not

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WH Smiths airport shops,when you buy something and pay for it at the checkout,regardless of what time of day it is,they always ask you if you want to take advantage of the £1.00 offer for a huge f**k off bar of chocolate!

At 5.30 in the morning,probabaly not

I get that as well, only in the train station. WHAT SOME MIKADOS FOR A POUND? Not at 7.30, chief.

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WH Smiths airport shops,when you buy something and pay for it at the checkout,regardless of what time of day it is,they always ask you if you want to take advantage of the £1.00 offer for a huge f**k off bar of chocolate!

At 5.30 in the morning,probabaly not

I feel sorry for them, you can tell most of them are a bit embarrassed about it all.

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Playing foot today and I got the ball blasted into my hand from 2 yards and 5 hours on it's still fucking agony, and I can't really bend my fingers. If it's staved Again I am going to e raging.

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