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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Yes because it saves the rest of the board getting bored of it.

That answer yer question?

Maybe you could do us all a favour and stop posting your shite in here and the other threads. That would stop everyone on here from having to go through all your stupid posts about f**k all.

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Maybe you could do us all a favour and stop posting your shite in here and the other threads. That would stop everyone on here from having to go through all your stupid posts about f**k all.

Come back and share your pm later :lol:

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Come back and share your pm later :lol:

:lol: I'm sorry that everyone had to read that little rant,but the bloke is really starting to get on my tits now. I know I shouldn't let him bother me and that it's only the internet,but come on he doesn't need to reply to every single post that is in reply to any of his site that he posts,he doesn't even quote all of the posts that are in reply to his,that's what get's me there are pages and pages of his double posts.

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:lol: I'm sorry that everyone had to read that little rant,but the bloke is really starting to get on my tits now. I know I shouldn't let him bother me and that it's only the internet,but come on he doesn't need to reply to every single post that is in reply to any of his site that he posts,he doesn't even quote all of the posts that are in reply to his,that's what get's me there are pages and pages of his double posts.
I have asked how to do this but have been ignored, if it bothers you then tell me how to do so.

Cheers in advance

Click quote (next to reply) on all the posts you wish to answer then add reply at bottom of page. Voila all in one post rather than numerous.

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:lol: I'm sorry that everyone had to read that little rant,but the bloke is really starting to get on my tits now. I know I shouldn't let him bother me and that it's only the internet,but come on he doesn't need to reply to every single post that is in reply to any of his site that he posts,he doesn't even quote all of the posts that are in reply to his,that's what get's me there are pages and pages of his double posts.
Does pm'ing everyone you take issue with make you feel good?

Quality ranting Xbl. I know exactly how you feel.

Thats the thing, its not like the easy wind up merchants (burgundy, dickson) that are easy to avoid, he has that whole fucking moronic thing going on, where he deliberately acts dense, and goes on and on. We all know he's smarter than that, but I don't see why he has to act so stupid all the time, it is infuriating. You can't reason with him, and I tried, because he has his cretin act. Look at his "shouldnt own a shotgun" comment. That is deliberately used to infuriate. Why does he need to act so stupid?

If he's on the wind up, then what does he achieve? He gets a couple people annoyed, he feels better about himself, and then what? He can't contribute to the board, he can't get involved in any meaningful interaction, so whats the point?

You cant reason with people like that.

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i do contribute to the board by posting in the footballing sections. and im not on a wind up, your just dont like the way i type or act or whatever, simple as that really.

To be honest you dont know me at all, so you have no idea how i act, you say all this crap about im dense, my cretin act etc

Who the f**k are you? An angel? No a fucking bellend more like.

No. I judge you 100% on your postings. I don't care about your fucking personal life. It means nothing to me. I judge you on your postings. And lets be honest here, the verdict is not good. Incidentally, I note that because dyslexia hasn't been mentioned for a while, your spelling has been of a decent standard. I now expect it to decline rapidly.

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Guest Kyle99
When was there sun in Scotland? (or are you on holiday?)

I climbed Ben Vorlich the other day, and I wasn't wearing a top so I'm guessing that's how it got there.

Something else that gets on my nerves - people that watch Bizarre ER - why would you put yourself through that :yucky

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Something else that gets on my nerves - people that watch Bizarre ER - why would you put yourself through that :yucky


That sounds too horrific to even contemplate!

I note that because dyslexia hasn't been mentioned for a while, your spelling has been of a decent standard. I now expect it to decline rapidly.
A verdict from who? You? :lol:

A so you judge people, nice one

I wont bite no more.

Your games are poor.

Sad little boy you are xbl

Who the f**k do you think you are now? Yoda?

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I climbed Ben Vorlich the other day, and I wasn't wearing a top so I'm guessing that's how it got there.

Something else that gets on my nerves - people that watch Bizarre ER - why would you put yourself through that :yucky

Tut tut

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be

it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by

scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable

than my own meandering


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