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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You haven't a clue.... :(:( Sad man... <_<

Oh for God sakes, it was a joke! Remember, I've defended you before against the Clyde fan who was trolling round the Board after you so I'm clearly not out to get you. Indeed, you come across as a very decent and friendly bloke, although completely and utterly naive.

However, you really don't help yourself posting stuff like that and it does leave you open to sly digs from bored folk like me. Anyway, had my burd (or wife in my case) left me for another woman, I'd definitely be keeping quiet about it. I really can't think of anything that would more completely destroy a bloke's ego and confidence than that. I do though cling to the hope that it isn't true and that you're playing some huge whoosh on everyone.

Edited by Aloysius Snuffleupagus
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A quiet start to the day,means all hell will break lose this afternoon. I may need to go out and do a few pick up and deliveries myself..

And a load of parcels i sent south last night have disappeared into thin air... :(

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Oh for God sakes, it was a joke! Remember, I've defended you before against the Clyde fan who was trolling round the Board after you so I'm clearly not out to get you. Indeed, you come across as a very decent and friendly bloke, although completely and utterly naive.

However, you really don't help yourself posting stuff like that and it does leave you open to sly digs from bored folk like me. Anyway, had my burd (or wife in my case) left me for another woman, I'd definitely be keeping quiet about it. I really can't think of anything that would more completely destroy a bloke's ego and confidence than that. I do though cling to the hope that it isn't true and that you're playing some huge whoosh on everyone.

Fair point and yes, utterly naive and open. :(

And it's much, much, much more complicated than you can imagine.

Thank you for the 'decent' and 'friendly' bits though - I like to hope so! ;)

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You haven't.... have you? :unsure::o

no, i'm just really disappointed with myself because i liked that girl and i did f**k all about it and now college has finished so i wont see her again

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The Gray Ghost is more confrontational than xbl, and is more inclined to pick a fight. xbl is essentially good natured and harmless, but The Gray Ghost is a crusader, on a mission to save the forum.

And yet you label other people on the forum "weird" :lol:

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Guest The Phoenix

Right, fafc, time to give yourself a good shake (not in the literal sense).

What's the worst thing that can happen if you ask?

She says "No".

If she does, tell yourself it's her loss not yours and move on to the next one.

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Right, fafc, time to give yourself a good shake (not in the literal sense).

What's the worst thing that can happen if you ask?

She says "No".

If she does, tell yourself it's her loss not yours and move on to the next one.

its a bit late for that

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