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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I feel for you. Perhaps her Royal Shoutyness will allow you a beer later when little 'un's away?

You should. Where is my thread? :(

Yeah, the wee man went away a couple of hours ago so I am sure that a Beer or two will be had.

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You should. Where is my thread? :(

Yeah, the wee man went away a couple of hours ago so I am sure that a Beer or two will be had.

You don't need a hug, you need a good slap and to come to your senses and grow a backbone, or be forever doomed as a mere consort to the Duchess of Huff.

Anyway, speaking of beer.... :D

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He does come across as a particularly vindictive little shit.

I suppose anyone who "supports" a shower of murdering b*****ds is quite likely to be a cockfarmer.


This could be fun...

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He does come across as a particularly vindictive little shit.

I suppose anyone who "supports" a shower of murdering b*****ds is quite likely to be a cockfarmer.


That collection of emoticons best describes my reaction to that post.

Anyway, PTTGOYN - I've found a tiny wee spider on my window. I don't want it in my bedroom, but I don't want to leave it homeless either. It's quite cute.

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You don't need a hug, you need a good slap and to come to your senses and grow a backbone, or be forever doomed as a mere consort to the Duchess of Huff.

Anyway, speaking of beer.... :D

Lyn-Marie said that you have to f**k off :lol:

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I know. I'll be sipping some delightful wine tonight, but it's a man's wine. A cheeky bottle of monks finest for Mr. Toma.

Oh, for the days when a bottle of Bucfast didn't provoke a hangover that lasts into the early hours of the following morning. :(

People in glasshouses...

I am indeed a vindictive little shit, and I'm prone to stooping to personal abuse from time to time. The difference is that I don't stalk folk around the internet to persue this.


If anyone wishes to debate the actions of Liverpool fans at Heysel and Hillsborough, I can't be arsed, frankly. My best mate (a Liverpool fan), and I have fallen out over this often enough, so I don't really give a f'ck about the opinions of a bunch of plastic Scousers on the internet.

Edited by wearealldoomed
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Guest BullyWee1878

This could be fun...

If you have no life you would probably find this fun but I suppose thats maybe why you stick up for Kilt so much as you are almost as big a p***k as him :)

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I am indeed a vindictive little shit, and I'm prone to stooping to personal abuse from time to time. The difference is that I don't stalk folk around the internet to persue this.

Quite, remember, I know you :P

I wasn't having a go at you, just wanted to know why you felt the need to bring a football team into it.

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Guest BullyWee1878
I am indeed a vindictive little shit, and I'm prone to stooping to personal abuse from time to time. The difference is that I don't stalk folk around the internet to persue this.

Oh cos its really hard to stalk someone round the internet when they constantly post on most topics with stuff about their personal life and constantly looking for sympathy :lol:

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If you have no life you would probably find this fun but I suppose thats maybe why you stick up for Kilt so much as you are almost as big a p***k as him :)

I'm a far bigger p***k than Kilt. See, Kilt is actually a nice guy with a couple of issues. Oftentimes, I choose to be a p***k. Simple no?

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Oh, for the days when a bottle of Bucfast didn't provoke a hangover that lasts into the early hours of the following morning. :(

I think Buckfast actually lessens my hangovers. If I had to spend a night drinking beer and spirits then I would feel like shite the next day, but if I have a cheeky bottle before I go out I don't feel to bad at all, and that's still having the beer/spirits on top of it. Buckfast is a truly magical drink.

I think his 'murdering b*****ds' was not about Clyde but rather the arsehole's 'big team'.

Oh good. I thought he was about to bring up the old Dougie Imrie "incident" again for the Hamilton fans.

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Guest BullyWee1878
I'm a far bigger p***k than Kilt. See, Kilt is actually a nice guy with a couple of issues. Oftentimes, I choose to be a p***k. Simple no?

If you have issues would you not speak to someone about it instead of posting every single part of your life and bits about other people on a message board where anyone can read it and people are gonna take the piss out of him for it!

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I think Buckfast actually lessens my hangovers. If I had to spend a night drinking beer and spirits then I would feel like shite the next day, but if I have a cheeky bottle before I go out I don't feel to bad at all, and that's still having the beer/spirits on top of it. Buckfast is a truly magical drink.

Oh good. I thought he was about to bring up the old Dougie Imrie "incident" again for the Hamilton fans.

As did I. The can of worms would have been open once again.

Buckfast is a truly horrible drink BTW. And to think that I thought only classy people lived near me :P

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If you have issues would you not speak to someone about it instead of posting every single part of your life and bits about other people on a message board where anyone can read it and people are gonna take the piss out of him for it!

I would aye.

The fact that he's dealing with his problems it in a way that you view as being wrong doesn't make your pish internet bullying of a vulnerable person any easier to stomach. Hence, you're a cockpiece.

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Guest BullyWee1878
I would aye.

The fact that he's dealing with his problems it in a way that you view as being wrong doesn't make your pish internet bullying of a vulnerable person any easier to stomach. Hence, you're a cockpiece.

Stick me on ignore then Captain Cockpiece if your poor ickle little tummy cant handle it.

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