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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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As did I. The can of worms would have been open once again.

Buckfast is a truly horrible drink BTW. And to think that I thought only classy people lived near me :P

Bucky is lovely! I used to be a hater, but one magical evening (I was skint and needed some cheap booze) my whole world changed. Bucky and Red Bull is nice, although you may never go to sleep.

I'm a bit of a Bucky connoisseur, to be honest.

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Stick me on ignore then Captain Cockpiece if your poor ickle little tummy cant handle it.

My tummy can just about handle it. Instead, I'm gonna leave you off ignore and call you names whenever I notice you acting like a 12 year old.

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Stick me on ignore then Captain Cockpiece if your poor ickle little tummy cant handle it.

That is fantastic, I've never heard that before. I'm stealing that, Steven.

Oh, and yawn, not all this bollocks again.

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Bucky is lovely! I used to be a hater, but one magical evening (I was skint and needed some cheap booze) my whole world changed. Bucky and Red Bull is nice, although you may never go to sleep.

I'm a bit of a Bucky connoisseur, to be honest.

I've bought it a couple of times, like if I am going out and it's a short train journey and I am with a couple of mates, I will share it with them.

I couldn't sit and drink a bottle to myself though, I'd much prefer a nice Rioja. I can't imagine taking that on a train with your mates, you would never hear the end of it.

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I'm a bit of a Bucky connoisseur, to be honest.

Have you ever tried it with a wee dash of lime? It does mean drinking it from a glass, with the resultant effect that you'll be leaving yourself wided open to accusations of latent homosexuality, but it really does improve the taste.

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I've bought it a couple of times, like if I am going out and it's a short train journey and I am with a couple of mates, I will share it with them.

I couldn't sit and drink a bottle to myself though, I'd much prefer a nice Rioja. I can't imagine taking that on a train with your mates, you would never hear the end of it.


Me and my mate were quite subtle about our Bucky on the train last season. We started off quite well, sitting with a coffee, a newspaper and perhaps a sandwich. Then after 10 minutes we'd whip out the blue polly bag, squal "MMMOOOOOAAAANNN EEEEHHHNNNNNN!!!", which would signal the Buckfast era.

Have you ever tried it with a wee dash of lime? It does mean drinking it from a glass, with the resultant effect that you'll be leaving yourself wided open to accusations of latent homosexuality, but it really does improve the taste.

Funnily enough I did drink it from a glass the other week. Me and a friend went to a party armed with a bag full of beer and a bottle each. We walked in dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt, then we noticed inside everyone was suited up, or at least smartly dressed.

After a few hours we decided it was time to bring it out, but we couldn't possibly show the bottle in this company. I went over to my friends mother and asked if she could supply me with a few glasses. "Oh, have you brought wine?", she asked.

Actually, my mate ended up with his glass smashed later on. He put a lime (a whole one) in his glass and tried to sook it out. It didn't quite work, but eventually he got it in his mouth and tried to spit it back into the glass.. It didn't work out well.

So I suppose technically, my mate has tried Buckfast and wine.

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Guest The Phoenix
Show me where Monster and Gaz (for example) have posted the personal information of others without permission on P&B and I'll gladly give them 'the same level of shit' as I did Kilt.

I can understand that the moderators have dealt with the Kilt's conduct on a softly-softly basis but the number of people mitigating for his absurdly irresponsible behaviour is worrying.

Who knows, maybe it'll be your son or daughter whose name, address, sexual proclivities and new partner he posts for the world to see without asking him/her next!

I'd gladly offer you a free boot in the baws but you'd only run off to the teacher and whine. :rolleyes:

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Guest The Phoenix

You're rather grumpy about this incident aren't you?

Moi? :o:unsure:

Nah, just a bit miffed that TGG got exactly the same punishment exercise to do.

I was hoping for a spot of detention.

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I think his 'murdering b*****ds' was not about Clyde but rather the arsehole's 'big team'.

Correct. I did find Accies' "Dougie Imrie Die!" chant amusing in a juvenile way though. :ph34r:

Oh cos its really hard to stalk someone round the internet when they constantly post on most topics with stuff about their personal life and constantly looking for sympathy :lol:

Choosing not to posed veiled references to alcoholism after his every tenth post he makes isn't exactly difficult either.

I think Buckfast actually lessens my hangovers. If I had to spend a night drinking beer and spirits then I would feel like shite the next day, but if I have a cheeky bottle before I go out I don't feel to bad at all, and that's still having the beer/spirits on top of it. Buckfast is a truly magical drink.

The three worst hangovers I've had all involved Buckfast, albeit in conjunction with other drinks.

I should do a wee experiment by chucking shitloads of caffiene, some "vanilla extract" and a couple of voddies into my bog standard red wine to see if the effect is the same.

In reply to Adam's comment, the mentioning of a football team was latching onto an easy target. Weanish, I know, but I didn't get where I am today by rising above petty shite like that. :ph34r:

Edited by wearealldoomed
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I'd gladly offer you a free boot in the baws but you'd only run off to the teacher and whine. :rolleyes:

Alternatively you could try to suppress your violent urges for a change.

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Guest The Phoenix
Alternatively you could try to suppress your violent urges for a change.

You really are being serious aren't you?

This is the internet, in real life I've never had an urge for violence to a fellow human in my entire life.

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