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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
So you've come on P&B!?

Jeepers, is that included in Platinum Membership? :unsure:

Pretty good value for a tenner if it is.

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Just had some news - not really petty - so enough tomfoollery for tonight.....

Blessed Be......hugs all round...

Edit: Just to explain - not about me but about some people dear to me...

Edited by Kilt
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My car broke down in the middle of Edinburgh today and after phoning the AA the guy discovered that the tow thing on his van was broken so he couldn't take me anywhere. Seriously how many people could have something like that happen to them? Now I have a big crack in the windscreen and something wrong with my thermostat by the look of it.

Thought the day couldn't get any worse but low and behold it did.

Edited by Middleton Mouse
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Guest BullyWee1878
Got a letter from the hospital when I got back tonight, doubt I will get much sleep tonight till I can phone them in the morning :(

Is it confirmed you have the Bad Aids :o

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This mornings gripe. Toddlers on early buses. Capy jumps on the bus 06.40.A couple of stops into the journey lady and toddler get on bus.

Toddler far too chirpy,yak yak,chuckle chuckle.Mummy whats that....For Fek sake shut it.Some of us are trying to sleep!!

No bairns on buses before 9.

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This mornings gripe. Toddlers on early buses. Capy jumps on the bus 06.40.A couple of stops into the journey lady and toddler get on bus.

Toddler far too chirpy,yak yak,chuckle chuckle.Mummy whats that....For Fek sake shut it.Some of us are trying to sleep!!

No bairns on buses before 9.

Blame the government. You seem happy enough to blame them for absolutely every other woe in your life.

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This mornings gripe. Toddlers on early buses. Capy jumps on the bus 06.40.A couple of stops into the journey lady and toddler get on bus.

Toddler far too chirpy,yak yak,chuckle chuckle.Mummy whats that....For Fek sake shut it.Some of us are trying to sleep!!

No bairns on buses before 9.

You need to get yourself an iPod mate. Drowns all that shit out ;)

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Got a letter from the hospital when I got back tonight, doubt I will get much sleep tonight till I can phone them in the morning :(


Edit: Bullywee1878 bet me to the punch :(

Edited by Adam_Wee
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No Adam it's cancer...

They found it in a Lymph node so will need further treatment starting from next week.

Seriously? If so, I'm sorry. Cancer isn't something to be mocked.

All the best.

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No Adam it's cancer...

They found it in a Lymph node so will need further treatment starting from next week.

Oh dear! I seen that coming to be honest although the two lads were only having a laugh.

Best of luck to you. My old man had bowel cancel six years back now and made a full, if slow, recovery. A young man like you should deal with the treatment a bit better than he did.

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