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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Sausage, either link or Lorne is far superior to bacon.

B) You're a wise woman.

Been at the beach all day and now I have really bad sunburn. I did slap on loads of suncream but it hasn't really worked.

Hahaha, you're Scottish. We aren't meant to tan, we're meant to boil in the bag.

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Me: 'Hiya, how are you doing?

Her: 'I'm fine thanks'

Me: 'Not being a nag, but I expected a phone call to arrange another meeting; you said you'd call'

Her: 'Ah, yes, well it was a really lovely time but I've made up with the ex'

Me: 'Ah, oh, alright, that's okay - I hope you'll be very happy'


I'll be honest - all I want is a shag! :( Dry spell? It's the fuckin Gobi Desert! <_<:(

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Cyclists making short journeys take twice as long as they should! Trying to drop someone off in Gourock and there was a small peloton of these two wheeled tossers taking up the fucking road. I wished my wing mirrors were 10ft long with nails sticking out of them.

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Guest The Phoenix
When did StewartyMac turn into The Phoenix?

:lol: I call him Grasshopper.

He's just risen after going up in flames with his epic fail in BabestationGate.


BabestationGate ended in a dishonourable discharge.

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Guest The Phoenix
I use to tan without burning when I was younger..

now I burn then tan, so it's not to bad.

I thought you turned dark blue.

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