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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Dickheads at cash machines who put in about 4 different cards and get slips printed and don't even get any cash out. I was waiting nearly 10 minutes for some bint then. I only wanted £10 for some fags & lunch.

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And the band played..........................
When I was a young man I carried my pack

And I lived the free life of a rover

From the Murrays green basin to the dusty outback

I waltzed my Matilda all over

Then in nineteen fifteen my country said Son

It's time to stop rambling 'cause there's work to be done

So they gave me a tin hat and they gave me a gun

And they sent me away to the war

And the band played Waltzing Matilda

As we sailed away from the quay

And amidst all the tears and the shouts and the cheers

We sailed off to Gallipoli

How well I remember that terrible day

How the blood stained the sand and the water

And how in that hell that they called Suvla Bay

We were butchered like lambs at the slaughter

Johnny Turk he was ready, he primed himself well

He chased us with bullets, he rained us with shells

And in five minutes flat he'd blown us all to hell

Nearly blew us right back to Australia

But the band played Waltzing Matilda

As we stopped to bury our slain

We buried ours and the Turks buried theirs

Then we started all over again

Now those that were left, well we tried to survive

In a mad world of blood, death and fire

And for ten weary weeks I kept myself alive

But around me the corpses piled higher

Then a big Turkish shell knocked me arse over tit

And when I woke up in my hospital bed

And saw what it had done, I wished I was dead

Never knew there were worse things than dying

For no more I'll go waltzing Matilda

All around the green bush far and near

For to hump tent and pegs, a man needs two legs

No more waltzing Matilda for me

So they collected the cripples, the wounded, the maimed

And they shipped us back home to Australia

The armless, the legless, the blind, the insane

Those proud wounded heroes of Suvla

And as our ship pulled into Circular Quay

I looked at the place where my legs used to be

And thank Christ there was nobody waiting for me

To grieve and to mourn and to pity

And the band played Waltzing Matilda

As they carried us down the gangway

But nobody cheered, they just stood and stared

Then turned all their faces away

And now every April I sit on my porch

And I watch the parade pass before me

And I watch my old comrades, how proudly they march

Reliving old dreams of past glory

And the old men march slowly, all bent, stiff and sore

The forgotten heroes from a forgotten war

And the young people ask, "What are they marching for?"

And I ask myself the same question

And the band plays Waltzing Matilda

And the old men answer to the call

But year after year their numbers get fewer

Some day no one will march there at all

Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda

Who'll come a waltzing Matilda with me

And their ghosts may be heard as you pass the Billabong

Who'll come-a-waltzing Matilda with me?

Copyright © Eric Bogle

I assume she referring to the fact the we all think you've just 'gone over the top' so to speak? ;)

Or I may have got that entirely wrong! :rolleyes::lol:

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Dickheads at cash machines who put in about 4 different cards and get slips printed and don't even get any cash out. I was waiting nearly 10 minutes for some bint then. I only wanted £10 for some fags & lunch.

This is certainly one of my major pet peeves.

I have timed myself before, and it takes me 55 seconds from the time I put my card in, check my balance, withdraw my card and then cash and walk away.

Anyone that takes over a minute at a cash machine should automatically be shot dead.

The amount of arguments I have had with people at cash machines is quite astounding. I can't help but sigh heavily when someone takes one card out and puts another one in. I have done it before, but have NEVER done it with someone waiting behind me. If I need to use it again when there is someone behind me, I will return to the end of the queue, hoping that people will notice I have done so, then follow my example in the future.

I'm actually getting angry writing this, I fucking hate people that either don't know how to use a cash machine, or take the piss at one. May they all burn in hell.

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If I'm going to place a bet in a bookies shop, I always have to take about 4 cards to the cash machine and without fail there is someone behind me tutting or generally voicing their disaproval.

I don't faff about getting receipts or the likes though, that really is old woman teritory.

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This is certainly one of my major pet peeves.

I have timed myself before, and it takes me 55 seconds from the time I put my card in, check my balance, withdraw my card and then cash and walk away.

Anyone that takes over a minute at a cash machine should automatically be shot dead.

The amount of arguments I have had with people at cash machines is quite astounding. I can't help but sigh heavily when someone takes one card out and puts another one in. I have done it before, but have NEVER done it with someone waiting behind me. If I need to use it again when there is someone behind me, I will return to the end of the queue, hoping that people will notice I have done so, then follow my example in the future.

I'm actually getting angry writing this, I fucking hate people that either don't know how to use a cash machine, or take the piss at one. May they all burn in hell.


The worst one I had was when a woman with a pram and a couple of other children scurrying around by her feet.

She had checked her balance or whatever three times then proceeded to phone who I assumed was her partner screeching at him why there was no money in it. Then one one the kids started crying because she had forgot that she told him she had previously said he could push the buttons - so she put the card in again just to let him have a go.

I seriously had visions of smashing her head into the cash point.

Edited by Nick_BCFC
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Is there a reason you posted that 3 times?

It was actually

..........believe it if you like :rolleyes:

No, just the usual totally incompetent senility! :P

I'm away to a health & safety meeting now - wish me luck as I cross the road and negotiate the stairs! :rolleyes::(

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If I'm going to place a bet in a bookies shop, I always have to take about 4 cards to the cash machine and without fail there is someone behind me tutting or generally voicing their disaproval.

I don't faff about getting receipts or the likes though, that really is old woman teritory.

Fair enough, but I really only think that you should use the one card at a time. There has been a couple of times I have been late for work because I have been stuck behind someone that took ages at a cash machine.


The worst one I had was when a woman with a pram and a couple of other children scurrying around by her feet.

She had checked her balance or whatever three times then proceeded to phone who I assumed was her partner screeching at him why there was no money in it. Then one one the kids started crying because she had forgot that she told him she had previously said he could push the buttons - so she put the card in again just to let him have a go.

I seriously had visions of smashing her head into the cash point.

That is my own idea of personal hell. I would have HAD to have said something, I could not let that lie.

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