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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I love to feed the birds out my back garden.

I always get a few loafs of cheap, shit bread to give them, but one bird in particular isn't happy with this regular feast. In the last month or so my back door has been open all the time because of the good weather and the fact the dogs like lying out in the sun, but this cheeky little doo keeps coming into the house and eating the dog food!

At least twice now I've had to go downstairs and life the thing out the door because it came in, started eating, heard a noise than started to panic, causing chaos in the kitchen.

The best thing is when I hear it coming in. I walk down the stairs casually and he'll just be acting all innocent at the steps in front of the back door.

I would wet my pants in fear. Birds scare the bejesus out of me.

The back door is always open, and if the weather is good, then the front door is open as well... They still decide to pish in the living room.

There's your problem. If there's a door always open, dogs find it harder to differentiate between inside and out because there's no boundary. So they'll pee wherever they fancy. I read that in a book.

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star trek: nemesis.

why is this a pttgomn? because I can see kind of what they were aiming for, with the whole evil clone thing and it could have been good, very good if as is the current way with these pearls of my childhood, they are at least mangled by the mangler extrordinaire JJ abrams.

but it just doesn't work very well and is mildly enjoyable but ultimately unsatisfying.

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There's your problem. If there's a door always open, dogs find it harder to differentiate between inside and out because there's no boundary. So they'll pee wherever they fancy. I read that in a book.

They just pick and choose though. If the door is open they will go outside and do it every now and again, but they still see the living room as their toilet. But then again, sometimes it could be 3am in the middle of winter, they'll go downstairs and start crying for you to open the door.

Apparently it's completely unacceptable to do the toilet indoors in those conditions. They must wake me up and go outside, or else!

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They just pick and choose though. If the door is open they will go outside and do it every now and again, but they still see the living room as their toilet. But then again, sometimes it could be 3am in the middle of winter, they'll go downstairs and start crying for you to open the door.

Apparently it's completely unacceptable to do the toilet indoors in those conditions. They must wake me up and go outside, or else!

:lol: How old are they?

Incidentally, the book I read it in was one by some pet food or medicine company that I bought when I was thinking about getting a dog a few years back. I never bothered getting the dog in the end, it just seemed like more hard work that I had the time to put in!

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:lol: How old are they?

Incidentally, the book I read it in was one by some pet food or medicine company that I bought when I was thinking about getting a dog a few years back. I never bothered getting the dog in the end, it just seemed like more hard work that I had the time to put in!

Trixie is 10 this December, and Tara, her wean is about 6 or 7.

I love animals, I just don't like getting them because I don't like it when they die!

I'm such a big softie!

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Trixie is 10 this December, and Tara, her wean is about 6 or 7.

I love animals, I just don't like getting them because I don't like it when they die!

I'm such a big softie!

I'm the same. Never cried when Disney stopped drawing Bambi's mum, but cried my wee heart out when a pet hamster I had died.

Hamsters, cats, rats, mice, all really easy to look after and require hardly any effort. Dogs I love and I've wanted one for years, but I'd feel mean having one without being able to give it enough attention.

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I love dogs. I would love to have one, but it wouldn't be fair on the animal as I just can't give it the time or attention it would need. :( Just have to make do with my mum and dad's mentalist mutt. He's great fun!

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I love dogs. I would love to have one, but it wouldn't be fair on the animal as I just can't give it the time or attention it would need. :( Just have to make do with my mum and dad's mentalist mutt. He's great fun!

I felt abit like that with our dog when we were all working but nw my mum has start later in the day its not so bad.

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What if you have one on your face or hands?

On your face, presumably you can grow a beard to cover it?

One of the guys has one on his hand and he is unsure what to do.

Fingerless gloves, totally non gay! :D

Do you work for the most evil company in the world? How are tattoos going to affect your ability to do your job? Does your managing director inhabit a pacific volcanic island, cackling to himself?

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On your face, presumably you can grow a beard to cover it?

Fingerless gloves, totally non gay! :D

Do you work for the most evil company in the world? How are tattoos going to affect your ability to do your job? Does your managing director inhabit a pacific volcanic island, cackling to himself?

Im 19 and cannot grow a beard. :ph34r:

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