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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Nah, I drink loads of juice over the course of the day. After a power nap, I still feel like crap.

That's called a hangover Adam :rolleyes:

Possibly. :ph34r:

I'm actually really proud of myself, I've not had an alcoholic beverage in exactly 50 days.

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Nah, I drink loads of juice over the course of the day. After a power nap, I still feel like crap.

Possibly. :ph34r:

I'm actually really proud of myself, I've not had an alcoholic beverage in exactly 50 days.

Neither have I.

Oh wait, you said days...

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But, without it, there's a lot of people who wouldn't be donating at all. One night of disrupted television and a few buckets rattling around the street for a few days is surely a small price to pay for the millions that gets raised that otherwise wouldn't? It's a pain in the arse, yes, but this time tomorrow, it'll all be over.

Good post , hope that shuts them up .

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Id consider it if I knew who the c**t wis lol.

Ach he's no bad really. Handy with an acustic guitar as well, and he's Scottish..although some would dispute that, I though he was Irish first time I heard him

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Me and Toma must have the same kind of mates.

Default Question: ''Fancy doing something tonight?''

Friend 1: ''Taking (girlfriends name) out for dinner.

Friend 2: ''Nah, no the night, got plans''

Friend 3 (female): ''Baysitting, but I promise I woulda came out''

Friend 4: ''Got plans tonight''.

So, friend 2 and friend 4 are going somewhere together, I presume. Or all four are going out together and no-one invited me :( Mind you they are in Fife and I'm in Edinburgh. <_< Am so paranoid, man.

So it's just me, Generation Kill, 12'' pepperoni and a few bottles of Bud. Might trash the place.

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Me and Toma must have the same kind of mates.

Default Question: ''Fancy doing something tonight?''

Friend 1: ''Taking (girlfriends name) out for dinner.

Friend 2: ''Nah, no the night, got plans''

Friend 3 (female): ''Baysitting, but I promise I woulda came out''

Friend 4: ''Got plans tonight''.

So, friend 2 and friend 4 are going somewhere together, I presume. Or all four are going out together and no-one invited me :( Mind you they are in Fife and I'm in Edinburgh. <_< Am so paranoid, man.

So it's just me, Generation Kill, 12'' pepperoni and a few bottles of Bud. Might trash the place.

I've been having the same problem recently as well. Luckily I'm DJing tonight :)

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