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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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That seems like a pretty good deal to me if you want to listen to music legally. I'm guessing that's ad-free too?

Yes, it is indeed. There's a few things you'll not find on there (the usual stuff you'd expect, just like Napster, The Beatles, Oasis and so on), but there's loads that is available and like you say, totally worth it. If you'd not be using it on an mp3 player/iPhone, you can get the next subscription for about fiver a month.

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Yes, it is indeed. There's a few things you'll not find on there (the usual stuff you'd expect, just like Napster, The Beatles, Oasis and so on), but there's loads that is available and like you say, totally worth it. If you'd not be using it on an mp3 player/iPhone, you can get the next subscription for about fiver a month.

To be honest I don't see what people are moaning about then!

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To be honest I don't see what people are moaning about then!

I think it's brilliant. We've got the tenner a month one so that we can use it on our iPods. Obviously if you want to find a track you've not got already you need to be connected to the internet to search for it, but you can save playlists and download them to make them available offline as well. It's a piece of pee-pee to remove them and sync other ones to your device as well. Worth every penny if you ask me.

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Went to pick up a meal from the Chinese we've been using recently,good deal £3.80 for all meals with rice.ordered and was asked for £10.20 for 2 meals,asked why it wasn't the usual price,was told that was for lunchtimes :( I've never been in it at lunchtime...bumping c***s.

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I absolutely hate it when the wife is outside pegging a washing out and the ice cream van appears. Her wheezing when she returns with my tub/99 really gets oan ma tits. Chuntish.

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Fuel in Germany is 1.60 Euros, and they all cut about in gas guzzlers!

They're not an oil producing country though!

But I tend not to moan too much about fuel, and I probably pay more than most, given that I drive like a loon at times, and if I drove sensibly, I could probably save lots of money, but where is the fun in that?

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They're not an oil producing country though!

But I tend not to moan too much about fuel, and I probably pay more than most, given that I drive like a loon at times, and if I drove sensibly, I could probably save lots of money, but where is the fun in that?

A mate of mines has a BMW X5 and he gets 17mpg :huh:

He got it converted to LPG and is now a happy chap.

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It is a bit annoying that the price of fuel has increased by such a percentage recently, but what I can't understand is when people who complain drive 'gas guzzlers'. Surely if it's really hitting you in the pocket you'd downsize to a more fuel efficient car.

My daily commute is start, stop, start, stop for 25 minutes, so it's the worst type of driving for fuel efficency, yet I get slightly over 400miles on a tank. That's something like 13p a mile. I couldn't get to where I want to go and back for as cheap as that using public transport and if I took public transport, it would take me AT LEAST twice as long.

Even at current prices, I think petrol is pretty decent value :ph34r:

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Guest The Phoenix

It is a bit annoying that the price of fuel has increased by such a percentage recently, but what I can't understand is when people who complain drive 'gas guzzlers'. Surely if it's really hitting you in the pocket you'd downsize to a more fuel efficient car.

My daily commute is start, stop, start, stop for 25 minutes, so it's the worst type of driving for fuel efficency, yet I get slightly over 400miles on a tank. That's something like 13p a mile. I couldn't get to where I want to go and back for as cheap as that using public transport and if I took public transport, it would take me AT LEAST twice as long.

Even at current prices, I think petrol is pretty decent value :ph34r:

You can't compare the price of fuel against the cost of public transport.

I don't know what you drive but I'd suggest the true cost per mile of running your car is at least 35p and probably more.

HMRC has now recognised that 45p is an acceptable amount to reimburse per mile for business users without taxing them.

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You can't compare the price of fuel against the cost of public transport.

I don't know what you drive but I'd suggest the true cost per mile of running your car is at least 35p and probably more.

HMRC has now recognised that 45p is an acceptable amount to reimburse per mile for business users without taxing them.

Apart from pence per litre, what else would you factor in and how? Insurance and road tax obviously. How would you spread the cost of the car over a year etc to get to their figures?

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Apart from pence per litre, what else would you factor in and how? Insurance and road tax obviously. How would you spread the cost of the car over a year etc to get to their figures?

Wear and tear is another factor, included in the HMRC figures.

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I've factored in petrol, tax, insurance, and added in £500 a year for wear and tear (it's a new car so I can't see it needing much any time soon) and £1000 a year in cost (I will get MUCH better value than that).

Every figure is an absolute worst case scenario, it comes to 36p a mile. I reality, it will be nearer 30p. Decent value IMO

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Guest The Phoenix

Wear and tear is another factor, included in the HMRC figures.

Fudge could probably claim an extra allowance for the chubbies he wears and tears in the back seat.

Edit: On a serious note, the cost of servicing including oil and parts such as filters.

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Fudge could probably claim an extra allowance for the chubbies he wears and tears in the back seat.

Edit: On a serious note, the cost of servicing including oil and parts such as filters.

I've got a 5 year warranty, and they threw in the first 3 services for free. I'd still have to pay for wear and tear related things, but I've already factored in £500 a year for that - more than I'd ever likely have to pay.

PS - My 'special friend' is about 8 1/2 stone I'll have you know.

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