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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Three idiots have just taken a selfie in the pub, using a selfie stick at it's full extension!

As if that's not bad enough, they all adopted some gangsta finger pose.

Think I may be fighting tonight!

Kill them!

I got the bus home from Falkirk today and it took a very minor detour due to a road being closed. Well feck me pink and tickle my arse with a feather, the reaction among the oldies was unbelievable and provoked an outrage similar to being told an invading force had just landed and were on the way to eat our wives and children. They chuntered on and on about the bus, "Is no supposed to go this way", "The driver doesn't know what he's doing", and "What are the folk who get of at $%&* going to do?", amongst a litany of other mundane comments and mock outrage.

Even worse, everyone of these chattering old windbags got off at least 7/8 stops later, meaning that the detour did not affect them in any way whatsoever. Caants the lot of them!

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Friday lunch and felt like a McDonalds and again got assisted by the stupidest person in the world.

Everybody goes in, forms a single queue and waits, as each server becomes free you go forward and get served,

and everybody is happy and served in order and not a hassle.

Today and a fortnight ago this cockwomble on seeing the single queue get to about 5 people starts moving people into different

queues at each till. End up behind the clowns that don't know what they want for each of the 36 kids they trying to feed,

a fortnight ago the person serving just buggered off as on a shift change or something.

The people who were behind me in the queue have all been served away by the time I served.

The single queue for multiple tills/servers works great in McDonalds and banks and elsewhere, why f**k around with it?

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Wait until tomorrow night, Roland you big slob.

Its a much better night for it.

Not for me, weekend here starts Thursday evening, I've got to work Sunday and going in with panda eyes if frowned upon. Fighting on a Friday gives me an extra day to come up with some bullshit excuse for my inevitable injuries.

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Wait until tomorrow night, Roland you big slob.

Its a much better night for it.

Also, Sir Elton john disagrees with you. Not a bad thing necessarily especially if you are discussing marrows and arses.

ETA - no he doesn't. I'm a fool.

Edited by Roland B
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