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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Seconded. Work ballsed up my pay again, which means that when they correct it next time around I'll just end up getting taxed a load on it.

Seconded. I was not paid my overtime from April last month, was told it would be in this months wage, but it was not <_<

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Yeah mate, I did a few overtime shifts at the West End and Southside Bar Buddas and apparently they are supposed to pay me, not my own work. They haven't bothered their arse though so I'm gonna raise hell on the phone to head office tomorrow.

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:angry: Shut up you!

The Gray Ghost has heard about your strange and perverse "hobbies", and thinks you are a maddie! :P

Anyway, a nag. The Gray Ghost is unwell, dying, and unable to go into the office and get any work done. Therefore he has to go in tomorrow instead. Also, theres a really sore bit on The Gray Ghosts skull that feels like he got coshed. But The Gray Ghost doesnt have any recollection of being hit.

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I've no idea what I'm going to wear tonight to our player of the season awards. I don't think it's a suit affair, so had planned on wearing my skinny jeans with a top. But most of my tops are black, which presents a problem as my jeans are black. I had thought about red shirt and waistcoat, but it looks silly... back to the drawing board...

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I've no idea what I'm going to wear tonight to our player of the season awards. I don't think it's a suit affair, so had planned on wearing my skinny jeans with a top. But most of my tops are black, which presents a problem as my jeans are black. I had thought about red shirt and waistcoat, but it looks silly... back to the drawing board...

The shops are still open :D

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Guest The Phoenix
I've no idea what I'm going to wear tonight to our player of the season awards. I don't think it's a suit affair, so had planned on wearing my skinny jeans with a top. But most of my tops are black, which presents a problem as my jeans are black. I had thought about red shirt and waistcoat, but it looks silly... back to the drawing board...



Either would be great.

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Guest The Phoenix


Not black jeans with a black top! :o

It's not the colour that's the problem TGG - Black makes 'em look fat.

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