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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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No eye contact whatsoever and playing with his ear lobe, classic traits of someone who is very nervous and/or uncomfortable

Kate McCann also blinks for a prolonged period when the question is asked

Very interesting clip

Are you a psychologist? :o:P

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We may as well close this thread as Joan Burnie today has ordered all of us to shut up. :o

Man - "I've had an affair and been cheating on my wife"

Joan - "Burn in hell you worthless peice of shit"

Woman - "I've had an affair and been cheating on my husband"

Joan - "Ach, don't we all dear - hope you enjoyed it"

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Man - "I've had an affair and been cheating on my wife"

Joan - "Burn in hell you worthless peice of shit"

Woman - "I've had an affair and been cheating on my husband"

Joan - "Ach, don't we all dear - hope you enjoyed it"


Spot on.

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Man - "I've had an affair and been cheating on my wife"

Joan - "Burn in hell you worthless peice of shit"

Woman - "I've had an affair and been cheating on my husband"

Joan - "Ach, don't we all dear - hope you enjoyed it"

Were those wee Joan's actual words? I really must get around to reading her critically acclaimed column again.

As for Gerry: "Um, well, I'm not going to comment on anything". That'll be a yes to sedatives then?

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No psychology degree needed here. The nervous laugh when he says the word 'sedatives' coupled with the fiddling with the ear and looking away from the interviewer.

Gerry McCann is not a good liar.

Yep it's human nature to do that when you are lying, you don't even realise you are doing it!

Also if they hadn't (even taking away the visual evidence) why not just flat out deny it :unsure:

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As for Gerry: "Um, well, I'm not going to comment on anything". That'll be a yes to sedatives then?

In yesterday's Sunday Herald there was an interview with 2 of Kate McCann's friends.

They were asked 20 questions and declined to comment on two of them, one of which was;

Q. Were you aware of any situation when they might have given Madeleine sedatives?

A. We cannot talk about anything to do with that.

The other one related to whether they thought Kate and Gerry were angry about the current situation.

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Is it just me, or is Kate McCann an ugly sort?

It's just you.

I see the Archbishop of York has been to the same school of investigation as Philomena McCann.

Dr John Sentamu told the BBC: "Kate and Gerry have been treated unjustly and inhumanely, because the evidence does not stack up at all. There is this great injustice which they feel is piled upon them."

And you would know, Dr Dog Collar?

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Guest Ron Burgundy

shame shame shame on the bearded arsehole.....his money could have paid to provide life saving operations for children sitting dying in hospitals right this very minute and the absolute c**t decides to bail out a couple of arseholes who claim the evidence against them is ridiculous yet they require the most expensives lawyers money can buy, in both portugal and uk....why would they want to instruct an extradition specialist.

So now helping them to keep their tasteless mock tudor mansion with too many bedrooms is now more important than actually finding the wee girl, a shocking state of affairs.

It;'s about time everyone stopped buying virgin products, this might have been slightly more acceptable if it had been anonymous but this man is a prime slice of arsehole.

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They were asked 20 questions and declined to comment on two of them, one of which was;

Q. Were you aware of any situation when they might have given Madeleine sedatives?

A. We cannot talk about anything to do with that.

Was the next question "Why not?"

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It would have been had I been the interviewer.

Albeit, I don't think I'd last long in the job :lol:

On a wider issue, it really fucks me off that politicians constantly get away with not answering questions. The way Paxman treated Michael Howard (albeit he still didn't get an answer to his question) should be the way ahead in this country. Just heard some bird from the Northern Rock on fivelive failing to answer a simple question from a customer. :angry:

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The way Paxman treated Michael Howard (albeit he still didn't get an answer to his question) should be the way ahead in this country.

Absolutely agree.

Politicians should be given closed questions, which invite only a Yes or No answer, and be told "If the next word out of your mouth isn't either "Yes" or "No", I'm interrupting to ask again".

It's just unfortunate the way scum like Alastair Campbell and co. operate, any interviewer who did this would be out of a job within the hour.

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