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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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If there's a DNA test going on, that means the child in India must have had a DNA sample taken. On what grounds was this done? Is there an actual, legal suspiscion here?

It all seems very odd.

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In her most recent interview, Mrs McCann said she believes the kidnapper who took Madeleine may also have drugged her other two children.

She said she had to check that twins Sean and Amelie were still breathing because they did not wake as the frantic search for the missing three-year-old began.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...
Guest The Phoenix

The McCanns did the wrong thing.

Why do people like you just love to twist the knife?

We don't actually know that for a fact.

I don't believe she was twisting the knife and neither am I.

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I could possibly agree with the fact they made a mistake and are paying for it, if they left a 3 year old in a room but they didn't leave her alone. they left her with 2 babies, they should never have been out like they were, irrespective of whether you think they are innocent or guilty. has been said before but others have been charged with neglect for less.

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They were on holiday with friends. If there were issues in the timeline it would have been exposed by now, unless you believe that their friends are in on it.

Honestly, this stuff about the McCanns is just hateful. People are being opportunistic over the abduction and who knows what else of a toddler. They are using it to feel good about themselves and further down the line seeking to self validate further with defamatory garbage accusing them of murdering their daughter.

The McCanns did the wrong thing. It could be argued that it was practicably little different from leaving children sleeping in a back bedroom at home while you sit on your decking at the end of the garden. Would I have done what they did? Probably not. BUt you really don't expect something like this to happen, especially in a place like Praia da Luz.

They made a mistake, but the punishment in no way fits the crime. They have lost their daughter and must wonder constantly if she is alive and what is happening to her. Their lives are ruined for ever. They are in a living hell.

Why do people like you just love to twist the knife?

What they did was wrong. Fact. They should have been up on charges and jailed for neglect. To leave a four YO and two babies on their own is unforgiveable. Lets face it it wasn't as if they couldn't have afforded a minder if they wanted to go out. Upshot is a four yo girl was abducted. Best case scenario is she is living with a family somewhere in the world. Worst case scenario well I don't want to think. It's a tragedy and the real culprits are swanning around scot free, whilst the masses have been fooled by their attempt to deflect the blame away from themselves.

If they had looked after their children properly Madeleine would have been growing up quite happily. If I was in their shoes I couldn't have lived with myself.

Ultimately they prioritised a meal and a few wines above their children's safety.

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