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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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I assume crime watch will be giving 25 minutes to every other missing child? Something just not right about the whole thing.. We will be having this every couple of years until the truth about what happened finally comes out.

Are you saying this case doesn't deserve a slot on crimewatch?

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Surely there were even crèche facilities which they could have used while they were away? If not then, as has been said already, leaving your children alone in an apartment in a foreign country is dreadful parenting. But the punishment is something no one deserves.

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What if they had been on a front balcony and someone took her out of a back window? Or a few yards further away on a friend's balcony? I honestly think the McCanns are treated pretty harshly in all this.

I'm getting the distinct impression that you know, or are friendly with that couple.

Quite honestly, you are trying to defend the indefensible.

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I find it pretty ironic when people talk about 'a working class couple would be vilified for doing the same thing' whilst they (and almost everyone else in the country) vilify the McCanns.

I also think it is only a matter of time before this is solved, because there can't be many guys aged from 20 - 40 with short brown hair, average height, average build and with no beard.

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I find it pretty ironic when people talk about 'a working class couple would be vilified for doing the same thing' whilst they (and almost everyone else in the country) vilify the McCanns.

Indeed. The delight many people seem to take in berating the McCanns for their stupidity is pretty sinister frankly. That pair will never forgive themselves, I pity them.

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If they had been in their own privately owned holiday home and stepped next door into a neighbouring chalet's front garden would that have been better?

Yes of course it would have been better - whats your game here?

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Wow!!!!! You're actually serious. :lol:

I have never met these people in my life. Nor do I know anyone who knows them. Ok?

You're probably just an irresponsible parent which comes as no surprise given the team you support

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Just had a look at the new photo fits.

The picture of the man carrying the child at 9:15 from 2007 had long hair down to his collar, the new photo fit has a short back and sides. More tapas 9 lies by the look of it.

If he hadn't had a haircut since 2007, his hair would reach to his ankles, never mind his collar...

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If he hadn't had a haircut since 2007, his hair would reach to his ankles, never mind his collar...

Only if he was 3' tall to start with.

Have the Portugese Police investigated the possibility of trained Circus Midgets abducting Maddie for their amusing and highly entertaining shows?

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Classy. Just underlines how sincere your concern for the wellbeing of children really is. You're not just using a child abduction as an excuse to posture at all.

Sounds exactly what you are doing. You are defending the indefensible.

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Nah. I just think people are using it as an excuse to posture and even, shockingly as a kind of "get it up ye" to the McCanns. People love the opportunity to be outraged and say "I would never do that" etc. What they did really wasn't that bad and the villification of them is grossly unfair.

That's indefensible.

In some peoples eyes its not unfair - had they been in the apartment where they should have been this wouldn't have happened

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I wouldn't even run out to the ice cream van if it meant leaving my daughter sleeping alone in her bed. Its just irresponsible, you never know what could happen in that time. I would be racked with guilt had she to wake up from a bad dream and be looking for me and not find me nevermind anything else.

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