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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Gerry, your daughter is dead. Accept this fact and get on with the rest of your life. I can't be arsed listening to your bleating any more.

I'm sure if you had kids then your thoughts would be much different than that.

Ps once again this post is dripping in sarcasm.

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Guest stennyhibee
I thought they were getting private investigators and other experts in to search for the girl and to pay for the campaign not to extend their stay in Portugal.

Good point.

I'm sure if whoever took the girl wasn't cacking himself already then the global publicity has only made things worse for Maddie.

IMO the parents are endangering her life further with whats being done at present although I can't help but feeling I'd be doing the same thing.

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I would never have donated to the fund with the terms they came up with. Shockingly vague and open to abuse.

They could save money and come home and sit about, it's been reported that the locals don't want them there.

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I'm sure if you had kids then your thoughts would be much different than that.

Ps once again this post is dripping in sarcasm.

Most people know when to stop flogging a dead horse. McCann is living on another planet if he believes that Maddie is still alive. Forget all this nonsense about abduction by North African paedophile rings.....the poor wee girl is dead.

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Most people know when to stop flogging a dead horse. McCann is living on another planet if he believes that Maddie is still alive. Forget all this nonsense about abduction by North African paedophile rings.....the poor wee girl is dead.

Maybe he cant face the reality of what an arse he and his wife were to leave the children alone in a room while the swanned off. Its alot easier to blame others around you for your own stupidity.

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Guest Ron Burgundy
I thought everything was run past Gerry "the Godfather" McCann before being divulged?

I was reading the account of the incident properly for the first time at the weekend and it appears when he checked the light was on in his bedroom and he assumed that the wee lassie had gone into his room as the twins were noisy yet he did not actually enter the room to see if she was there. He also noticed a window open yet still never went into either of the rooms where the children were sleeping.

Now I do not have children but have been responsible for others ( I am the Godfather) and I cannot ever ever ever imagine going to check on them and staring at a door and assuming everything was ok.

It seems quite clear that last weeks shenanigans were an attempt by the Portuguese police to flush out more information. Police do this all the time by almost insisting suspects make new appeals via press conferences. Given the types of information they were putting out Murat and the extended group of friends are the suspects.

One of them was saying we all just checked on our own children and not the others....and one couple had a baby monitor at the restaurant with them.

Gerry also had an extended converstaion with Murat that evening when back "checking" on the children and this was reported by one of the friends who said she saw a man carrying a child away.

I have no conclusions to draw from this other than the police are looking to trip someone up by continually ramping up the stakes of the investigation. They must have known the media would grab the dead link and ask her parents what they thought, it saves the police the trouble of doing it and you get it all on camera to review at a later date.

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I thought everything was run past Gerry "the Godfather" McCann before being divulged?

Aye anything to the press, I'm sure he can't do the same in police interviews though.

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They could save money and come home and sit about, it's been reported that the locals don't want them there.

Is it any surprise the locals want to see the back of them? While they stay there the resort is still under the spotlight of the investigation. It will not be doing the tourism any good, will it?

Not that the McCanns will be bothered about that, and I don't blame them.

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Good point.

I'm sure if whoever took the girl wasn't cacking himself already then the global publicity has only made things worse for Maddie.

IMO the parents are endangering her life further with whats being done at present although I can't help but feeling I'd be doing the same thing.

That's the thing, isn't it? You could sit and do nothing, or do everything you possibly can and always there will be that element of "am I making this worse". Poor b*****ds. I don't really care whether they milk their fund for all its worth or not, I wouldn't swap places with them for anything.

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I don't really care whether they milk their fund for all its worth or not, I wouldn't swap places with them for anything.

I think anyone who contributed to that fund, with it's terms, can have no complaints about how it is being spent.

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Guest Ron Burgundy
That's the thing, isn't it? You could sit and do nothing, or do everything you possibly can and always there will be that element of "am I making this worse". Poor b*****ds. I don't really care whether they milk their fund for all its worth or not, I wouldn't swap places with them for anything.

I think thats a given freud..the money is not really the issue here.

What is at issue is that they are being afforded a disproportionate level of coverage in comparison to others in a similar sitaution. I feel it's the disparity of assistance given that makes the level of anger against them even worse.

It reminds me of pushy parents who insist you donate to their fundrasing nigh so that their child can get a special wheelchair/swim with dolphins when I know many other kids have to wait because their parents are not surrounded by the machine thats driving the mccanns campaign.

It's one of pet hates when people in the UK still manage to use social standing/wealth/religious beliefs to propogate an advantage that others would not.

I will be fucking livid if another child goes missing and the same level of media interest is not shown.

Would that million and a half be better spent on operations for dying children rather than the hunt for a girl or something tangible. I mean they already have interpol etc on the case.

I can see why you feel so passionately about this but I can also see why others get pissed off with their holier than thou attitude and apparent disgust at being labelled suspects.

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Yeah it is very strange that they have near enough no leads or info to go on. Although I'm pretty sure the publicity i.e. pictures everywhere reduces the chances of her actually being spotted in public to almost zero.

Yeah I've said that a few times on this thread, and it is undoubtedly true, but then if you sit and do nothing you aren't going to find her either. So what do you do ? I certainly don't know ;)

I don't think she's going to turn up any time soon so the problem for the McCann's is deciding when to draw the line and come home. They can't stay there forever.

Exactly, I don't see what they are gaining from staying there. If they are staying there until they find her then they will be there for a very long time. Let's be honest, the chances of Maddy being alive are incredibly tiny, they should try to get over it and concentrate on giving their kids the best life they can have. I understand this is far easier said than done, but they will have to do it sooner or later.

Gerry, your daughter is dead. Accept this fact and get on with the rest of your life. I can't be arsed listening to your bleating any more.

I wouldn't have put it so bluntly :lol: but I can't disagree with you.

What got me angry the other day was when I heard on the news that Maddy's mum, forget her name, said the publicity was getting tiring :blink::blink: I mean, WTF. If you don't want publicity don't go on a publibity campaign to the USA, don't give press conferences every few days, and don't bloody visit the Pope !! :angry::angry: There will be thousands of parents who have lost children, and the best they probably got was a few lines in the local paper. She gets around a million pounds and people searching the world over for her girl, and she f**king moans !

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I think they'll end up getting divorced. I don't see how any marraige could survive the fact there may be an element of blame on one parent.

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I think they'll end up getting divorced. I don't see how any marraige could survive the fact there may be an element of blame on one parent.

Today she's saying she'd rather know Maddie was dead than carry on suffering all this uncertainty

What a selfish bitch and with an attitude like that it's not surprising that she didn't bother about leaving them all home alone, nor appears to have shown much emotion since Maddie went missing

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Today she's saying she'd rather know Maddie was dead than carry on suffering all this uncertainty

What a selfish bitch and with an attitude like that it's not surprising that she didn't bother about leaving them all home alone, nor appears to have shown much emotion since Maddie went missing

She never said she would rather they were dead than alive. She said she would rather KNOW she was dead, instead of the not knowing. Maybe you should read what she says and undestand it before putting the boot in and making yourself look thick. Typical ***.

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She never said she would rather they were dead than alive. She said she would rather KNOW she was dead, instead of the not knowing. Maybe you should read what she says and undestand it before putting the boot in and making yourself look thick. Typical ***.

Care to explain the difference ya sanctimonious p***k

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