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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Care to explain the difference ya sanctimonious p***k

Not knowing if they are alive or not is horrible. If she is dead, and they find out about it, they can get on with their lives. That is much better than not having a clue if she is dead or alive. The key word in the statement you gave that you disagreed with is Knowing. I bet she will prefer to find out she is alive and get her back.

Edited by bluetooner
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Tbh, the more the publicity campiagn goes on, the less likely they are to find her.

If her captor(s) see these speeches and articles about how she was 'seen here' and 'seen there', then they're going to be off-like-a-shot tbh.

Without sounding harsh, there must surely be a time when police 'call it a day' as it were and render it a cold case, as I don't think they have many (if any) leads to go on...

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So she would rather she was dead and get this over with, than there being a chance she is alive and having to go through this for a bit longer ?? :blink::huh:

Yes. If she is alive, and then they get her back then that obviously is the best outcome. If she is dead, then obviously she would prefer to know that instead of the false hope. :blink:

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But surely they cannot be blamed for it. :blink:

He was snatched by people who waited like vultures and took their 'opportunity' to start their sadistic act.

Surely the parents can shoulder pretty much very little blame.

it is not the blame. Parents of kids who die of "natural" causes (well natural as in medical reasons) also often get divorced. It seems to be easier for them to get on with their lives without the man/woman who they parented the kid with being around, as it reduces the memories. Its a sad by-product of the sad loss of life.

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Not knowing if they are alive or not is horrible. If she is dead, and they find out about it, they can get on with their lives. That is much better than not having a clue if she is dead or alive. The key word in the statement you gave that you disagreed with is Knowing. I bet she will prefer to find out she is alive and get her back.

Means the self same thing

Ideally she would want to know she was alive but at least as long as she doesn't know there is a chance the lassie is alive, which is surely better for Maddie than being dead just so her irresponsible Mum can have closure

Or does Maddie not count?

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I can't believe that some posters on here actually believe that in some way the McCann family are enjoying the experience they are going through.

They are a wealthy family with good jobs - I don't somehow think they murdered their daughter for the sake of a couple of million quid and a few weeks in Portugal.

Utterly ridiculous. My stomach is churning reading some of the comments on here. I don't believe Madeleine is still alive, but nor do I think it fair to sit back and criticise the family for doing everything they possibly can to find her.

I think it's incredibly naive to thing they can jusy hop on a plane, come back home, forget about Madeleine and get back to work. Life is never going to be the same for them again and whether that is down to their negilgence or not they are still parents and I can't begin to think of what they must be going through.

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Means the self same thing

Ideally she would want to know she was alive but at least as long as she doesn't know there is a chance the lassie is alive, which is surely better for Maddie than being dead just so her irresponsible Mum can have closure

Or does Maddie not count?

It really doesn't. I can understand why she would think that.

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Means the self same thing

Ideally she would want to know she was alive but at least as long as she doesn't know there is a chance the lassie is alive, which is surely better for Maddie than being dead just so her irresponsible Mum can have closure

Or does Maddie not count?

I dont think Maddie is relevant in the fact that if she is dead, her mother would prefer to know instead of not knowing. By coming out and saying this, it is probably trying to tell the "killer" to atleast give information to the police where the body is, that way they don't have the false hope.

DO you get it yet?

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I dont think Maddie is relevant in the fact that if she is dead, her mother would prefer to know instead of not knowing. By coming out and saying this, it is probably trying to tell the "killer" to atleast give information to the police where the body is, that way they don't have the false hope.

DO you get it yet?

I've always gotten it but it's one of those things we all get from time to time where you know it's selfish and know to keep it to yourself

It simply sounds like 'I'm suffering here and want it to stop, whatever that takes'

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I've always gotten it but it's one of those things we all get from time to time where you know it's selfish and know to keep it to yourself

It simply sounds like 'I'm suffering here and want it to stop, whatever that takes'

So you understand what she means, yet still want to stick the boot in. Fair enough. :rolleyes:

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I can't believe that some posters on here actually believe that in some way the McCann family are enjoying the experience they are going through.

They are a wealthy family with good jobs - I don't somehow think they murdered their daughter for the sake of a couple of million quid and a few weeks in Portugal.

Utterly ridiculous. My stomach is churning reading some of the comments on here. I don't believe Madeleine is still alive, but nor do I think it fair to sit back and criticise the family for doing everything they possibly can to find her.

I think it's incredibly naive to thing they can jusy hop on a plane, come back home, forget about Madeleine and get back to work. Life is never going to be the same for them again and whether that is down to their negilgence or not they are still parents and I can't begin to think of what they must be going through.

That is all fair comment but where the McCann's are leaving themselves open to criticism from various sectors is when they do interviews for Grazia magazine and Gerry signs up to do a lecture at the Edinburgh TV festival. Who ever has been giving them PR advice must have been recruited from the Jade Goody team. Some of the activity has looked crass and is hard to square with finding Maddy. She wasnt in US or in Edinburgh. This piles on top of them taking a long time to acknowledge that their behaviour that night was inappropriate at best. It is very easy for the public to look at them and speculate as to why they have behaved in a different way to any other parents who have been in a similar situation. I'm a dad and would hate to be in their shoes for every reason possible, and feel particularly sorry for the two twins who are missing their sister and it will be a huge challenge for them to cope as well as the parents.

I hope two things come out of it - parents dont leave under 4's home alone for any amount of time, and second that anyone who does have such a trauma in the future is given better advice about using the media cos the red tops and sky etc only care about the ratings / copies sold not the effects of what they say

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I think it's incredibly naive to thing they can jusy hop on a plane, come back home, forget about Madeleine and get back to work. Life is never going to be the same for them again

But that's exactly what families around the world have to do every year. There are a number of child abductions worldwide.

Because those families aren't wealthy enough to take an indefinite sabbatical, they have to go back to work and resume some kind of normality for the sake of their remaining children, albeit they may always spend their spare time still hunting, which is only to be expected.

and Gerry signs up to do a lecture at the Edinburgh TV festival. Who ever has been giving them PR advice must have been recruited from the Jade Goody team. Some of the activity has looked crass and is hard to square with finding Maddy. She wasnt in US or in Edinburgh.

Well said.

Edited by Hieronymous_Bosch
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Care to explain the difference ya sanctimonious p***k

Oh that's a tricky one. If she's alive, they go on looking and their whole family is in a state of limbo. Not knowing if she's suffering, not knowing what is being done to her.

If she's dead, they can grieve and get on with their lives. Basic psychology Bloobell, though for that you've got to be human and intelligent enough to make the connection. It's called closure.

Away back to your priest baiting, ***. You have nothing to offer here.

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I can't believe that some posters on here actually believe that in some way the McCann family are enjoying the experience they are going through.

They are a wealthy family with good jobs - I don't somehow think they murdered their daughter for the sake of a couple of million quid and a few weeks in Portugal.

Utterly ridiculous. My stomach is churning reading some of the comments on here. I don't believe Madeleine is still alive, but nor do I think it fair to sit back and criticise the family for doing everything they possibly can to find her.

I think it's incredibly naive to thing they can jusy hop on a plane, come back home, forget about Madeleine and get back to work. Life is never going to be the same for them again and whether that is down to their negilgence or not they are still parents and I can't begin to think of what they must be going through.

But Div, be fair. People are getting fed up of having to read this in the papers and watch it on the telly. They've had enough. And what is the suffering of two parents going out of their minds with worry and guilt, and the very, very slim possibility of their child still being alive and still being found, compared to the mental wellbeing of, say, Centralparker and xbl?

Really, enough is enough. This topic is tired. They really ought to show some compassion for the P&B massive and let them get stuck into the next issue that will hold their limited attention span for more than two minutes.

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I just get the feeling that someone is advising them badly now. They must have someone booking them to do things like the Festival, going on the old "all publicity is good publicity" thang.

I don't think that is the case here though. It's not going to achieve anything in what should be their only priority at the moment and that is what is swaying people away from them.

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