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Glasgow Area 5's


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One team was fitter than the other... Yada yada yada.

How's interest for (Monday) the 28th? Poor by what I could gauge tonight, but just double check.

Aye I dont hink anybody fancied it.

Thats one of the heaviest whippings ive ever seen at the 5s. Was solid tae take a good touch with it so slidy...although the other team for the most part managed it lol.

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That was one of the most one-sided games of 5's I've ever been involved in!

Between us, we played some excellent stuff, one-touch passing in particular. I don't think there was any stand-out players in our team, we all played well. I didn't score too many goals, but managed to set up a good number, and set-up several chances too. Always pleasing.

Davie saw his name in lights for his 'Van Basten' moment, but unfortunately the finish didn't match 'that' goal. :lol:

All-in-all, really enjoyed it (not just due to the win), and as of just now, I'm in for next Monday.


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I'll put myself down as a maybe for the 28th just now.

It was a bit of a joke last night, before KO I knew that we would be on the receiving end of a good old fashioned bum rape.

Best player for us was Percy, made some great runs and finishes. The thing is though, I don't think anyone on our team had a particularly bad game, it was just a case that the other side were stronger than us.

I wasn't best pleased with my performance, but I have to admit that my head dropped when we went more than six behind. I just couldn't be fucked. :lol:

Hats off to Mr David W though, like Shakey said, I think he saw his names in lights and tried an audacious shot. The old line of "If it was on the other side I would have got it on target" was LOLtastic as well!

Cheers to everyone for showing up last night, I was really desperate for a game!

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Initial head-count for Monday 28th...


Mr David W

Mr Chrissy

Mr Shakey

Mr Colin M

Mr Sao Paulo

Mr Thistle (Not even dependant on suffering a dose of the bad AIDS. Now that's graft!)

Mr Kevin


Mr Adam Wee


Mr Ryan Cowden

Mr Fabregas

Edited by ShakehandsTom - DFC
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Monday 28th...


Mr David W

Mr Chrissy

Mr Shakey

Mr Colin M

Mr Sao Paulo

Mr Thistle (Not even dependant on suffering a dose of the bad AIDS. Now that's graft!)

Mr Kevin

Mr 258


Mr Adam Wee

Mr GeeJay


Mr Ryan Cowden

Mr Fabregas

Edited by ShakehandsTom - DFC
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Never mind all this pish about playing football on Monday, nobody cares that muchabout that.

The real issue at stake here is the piss up on Sunday. The Glasgow Area 5s Xmas Party if you like. I propose anyone keen on it meet in somewhere easy like the Counting House about 2ish?

Shakey and I have already confirmed our attendance, along with Tait and Kaz. Would be great if any of the rest of you reprobates could join us for the festivities.

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Never mind all this pish about playing football on Monday, nobody cares that muchabout that.

The real issue at stake here is the piss up on Sunday. The Glasgow Area 5s Xmas Party if you like. I propose anyone keen on it meet in somewhere easy like the Counting House about 2ish?

Shakey and I have already confirmed our attendance, along with Tait and Kaz. Would be great if any of the rest of you reprobates could join us for the festivities.

We'll be along to see you at some point, but I shall only be out a short time before relieving the babysitter. After that, you are free to do as you wish with Mr Wee.

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Never mind all this pish about playing football on Monday, nobody cares that muchabout that.

The real issue at stake here is the piss up on Sunday. The Glasgow Area 5s Xmas Party if you like. I propose anyone keen on it meet in somewhere easy like the Counting House about 2ish?

Shakey and I have already confirmed our attendance, along with Tait and Kaz. Would be great if any of the rest of you reprobates could join us for the festivities.

Thacker signifies his intention. Jist keep me away fae Diamond Dolls. Spent 3 tonne in it last night. Worth it but lol.

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Never mind all this pish about playing football on Monday, nobody cares that muchabout that.

The real issue at stake here is the piss up on Sunday. The Glasgow Area 5s Xmas Party if you like. I propose anyone keen on it meet in somewhere easy like the Counting House about 2ish?

Shakey and I have already confirmed our attendance, along with Tait and Kaz. Would be great if any of the rest of you reprobates could join us for the festivities.

Aye, I'm up for a good session on Sunday. I've mentioned it to JamboStu also, so hopefully he will be able to make it too.

Sunday festivities sound terrific.

When the time comes on Sunday night, I tout a nightclub! 8)

We'll be along to see you at some point, but I shall only be out a short time before relieving the babysitter. After that, you are free to do as you wish with Mr Wee.

The more folk the merrier! Should be a good day! :D

Thacker signifies his intention. Jist keep me away fae Diamond Dolls. Spent 3 tonne in it last night. Worth it but lol.

Epic Thacker.

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