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Glasgow Area 5's


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This appears to have just been 3 pages of you lot grooming a 13 year old.

Glad I got out the GA 5s game when I did...

:lol: It's not really Michael who is 13 years old on the other end, it's that guy from Dateline!

Can only follow up what the majority said, was probably the best game we have had this year. Really close, and I'll be honest, at the beginning I thought we would have run out easy winners. That fact we didn't wasn't down to anyone on our side, it was the fact that the opposition refused to be beaten.

Best player for us by a country mile was Dubs. He was carrying us for a bit when we were 4 or 5 down. A joy to watch. How he can be that fit as a smoker I have no idea. I'm jealous.

McGowan put in a pretty decent shift as well, some of his passes and runs were the best I've seen from him in a while.

Paul, normally I have a go at you for having a go at yourself, but you spurred yourself on at times last night. Well played. Held the ball up very well at times.

I have to disagree with what Shakey said about his performance. I thought he was tremendous. Held the ball up superbly and scored a few crucial goals.

Best player for the opposition has to be Brian. His pace is brilliant. As soon as he turned me there was no chance I was going to catch him. Great player and I hope he comes along more often.

For the first time in ages I was actually pleased with my performance. I'm sore as hell today, which I suppose is a good thing.

Looking forward to next week already. I'm IN!

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His capability of producing far distance wondergoals out of nothing help distinguish the fact of his superior capabilities of the usual five a-side footballer. Hence his suggestion to partake in a game of Glasgow Area 5's in the 2010 Summer Holidays.

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I might get a game in the summer. Sau Paulo, SKOK, Chrisy M will tell you of my electric pace, silky skills, supieror fitness, unstopable shots and tremendous goalkeeping skills.

I'll come out of retirement that day, and I can mark you. PLEASE ? :(

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Heard a certain GA 5's player was causing some trouble in georgics bar one evening and resulted in him getting headbutted a few time :lol: Who was it!? :lol:

I dont think ive ever been headbutted in my life but an incident did take place.

No further comment for legal reasons.

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We should get an early slot booked a few weeks in advance, get the numbers together early so we can go to Georgics Public Bar afterwards and get blind drunk.

Having not taken part in the past few Copa del Glasgow's due to serious money worries, a recent, unexpected yet positive development to my cash flow has left me in a solid position for taking part at some point over the next few weeks.

Admittedly, the possibility of getting shit faced afterwards has also played its part in my returning to selection for the GA 5's.

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