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Glasgow Area 5's


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That weather was mental.

Unfortunately, when you have the two fittest players on one team, it's always going to be one-sided. Add to that the fact that the other team took 8 minutes to get a shot away, whereas we were slickly moving from one end of the pitch to the other with a couple of passes.

Aye. Me and Chrisy.

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Ach it was a pretty low standard of game. The conditions played a big part in that. Was still played in good spirits though. No the worst.

Once again my goalkeeping let me down although I do feel that I got the blame a few times when it wasn't my fault. Popular thing to do sometimes. But ach well. Glasgow Area 5's eh.

On a side note if its like that next week and I can't get a lift home then I will probably need to think twice about playing. Had to walk 2 miles home in the snow at nearly midnight yesterday. When I got in my bollocks were plastered to my arse wae the cold.

God bless Mick's father.

I must say, that weather suits my game somewhat more. As weird as it seems. Probably cause it was freezing it gave me more excuse to run around to try and get a heat in me. :lol: Also my footwear (a proper pair of astroturf boots) helped more (even in the slippery conditions) than last weeks horror show.

I'm still in my bed now and don't intend on moving for the rest of the day. :D

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That was pretty harsh stuff at times. Warmed up a wee bit as the game went on, and I didn't really have too much of a problem with falling over (one or two slips, right enough, but I've had worse when the conditions have been near enough perfect before) but when I got a dirty bit of snow in my eye or even just too much slush then I physically had to just stop and sort it out.

Funnily enough, just last night I was stating my suspicions on the walk to the station to Paul that the Thistle game today might well be cancelled on account of the weather, got an email from the club along those lines this morning. S'actually a good thing, didnt really fancy 2 nights in a row of being exposed to harsh weather conditions for prolonged periods of time.

Some good tackling in there too, think there was one moment where Adam was running to mark me but couldnt slow down in time on account of the snow and we clattered into each other :lol: Wasn't sore, just a funny one. I did the same thing later on, but nearly colliding with a team mate. Oops. And Shakey's fairly full-blooded effort on myself was a bit sorer than I was letting on, but im not feeling it this morning so its all good.

If the weathers like that next week, then sack it, I reckon.

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Despite the one-sided nature of the game, I really enjoyed that.

I loved the slide tackling element of the game, but apologies to Scott for the slide which was a bit late. That said, the rest of my slide tackles were well-timed and I won the ball.

I loved playing in those conditions, despite the quality of the game being poorer than usual.

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Chaps, is this a private members club or do you allow one-off appearances from special guest stars? ;) I'm in Glasgow on Monday and Tuesday so if you've room for one more I can play if you like?

Nah, it's not a members club at all. Organisationally we're as shambolic as Clyde's defence, so it's not booked until we've got the ten players required.

Times-wise, it's likely to be at 9.00-9.30, so, if your up for a game at those times, you're in?

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Chaps, is this a private members club or do you allow one-off appearances from special guest stars? ;) I'm in Glasgow on Monday and Tuesday so if you've room for one more I can play if you like?

No, it's far from being a private members club Blue. And aye, absolutely, there is room at the inn.

We typically play from 9:30 until 10:30 and pay five pounds a piece for the let. If you can commit to the terms then, by all means, consider yourself in.

I always think we benefit from new blood.

How would you describe your playing repertoire? Inclined towards graft or guile? What's the fitness like? (Don't worry, a sheet of A4 couldn't conga under our set-bar).

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Yeah that's no problem, got a few engagements in the afternoon but nothing on in the evening. Won't be online tomorrow all day though, do you have a usual meeting point?

Just at the power-league pavilion changes Blue. I trust you know where it is aye?

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