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Glasgow Area 5's


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Utter, utter bollocks.

Pun intended?

I sensed some discontentment as regards doing numbers to select the sides, are we alright to continue with that or would everybody rather they were picked? I don't think selection will make much difference in the long run personally. I'll leave it open to debate.

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Pun intended?

I sensed some discontentment as regards doing numbers to select the sides, are we alright to continue with that or would everybody rather they were picked? I don't think selection will make much difference in the long run personally. I'll leave it open to debate.

I think it's probably best they were picked after the age old game of tic-tac to determine which captain gets first go. That way, they are likely to be as even as possible and no one can really complain.

'Numbers' probably evens itself out over time with reagrds to if you're in the better or worse team but uneven teams can often spoil the individual game regardless of what side you're on.

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I think it's probably best they were picked after the age old game of tic-tac to determine which captain gets first go. That way, they are likely to be as even as possible and no one can really complain.

'Numbers' probably evens itself out over time with regards to if you're in the better or worse team but uneven teams can often spoil the individual game regardless of what side you're on.

You think so? It occurs to me that the variables in that equation are the captains. Who's to say they'll pick wisely? I mean in theory (god forbid it become reality) Bomber Brown could be a GA 5s captain.

And would we be going with the same captains each week or would they vary? Me & Kevin are often touted to pick and of course I would hope that in that case the sides wouldn't be too far apart but I've seen it pass that they have been. There can be a broad spectrum of ability (fitness inclusive) through the ten whom play as well. The cut can't always be 'even', as it were.

We can give it a go next week if it's the general consensus. All one to me.

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Well obviously I said religion wis an idea but that doesn't always work so heres another few suggestions on how to arrange the teams. Top 5 vs Bottom 5.

Knob Size

Household Income

Capacity for Alcohol

Average daily masturbating

Academic Intelligence

Obviously proof will need to be provided for all of the above.

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I always found that allowing the losing captain 2 picks in a row somewhere down the pecking order often resulted in teams being more even that just alternative picks, saying that there is really no stand out first pick which that rule exists to even up.

I'm really not bothered, but think the picking of teams might get rid of the frustration of the 'randomess' if you've been lumbered with a gash team (and someone to blame if you still are!). Sometimes you can just tell what team is going to win before the game kick off (eg - last week and this week our team looked the better on paper) and picking should eliminate that to an extent.

In reality though, I'm not particularly bothered, but if a team looks obviously weaker after 15 mins then we should swap players around to even it up.

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:lol: I'm sure my cock was bigger before I was hit in the nads last night.

Like Cannon said, there was a lot of stoppages and therefore it didn't really get off the ground. Personally, I think it would have probably have been better if we had changed the teams around for the last half hour, would have made it more even and exciting. Still, I thought our team was pretty good. David W was making some great runs at times and his finishing was pretty good.

Shakey played really well in my opinion as well. Good tackles at the back and some great balls through to me and David when we were up.

I thought Kev put in a good shift last night as well. I'm a bit like Kev though, I find it hard to look up for the pass when I have the ball at my feet. Other than that, pretty solid on the left.

Young Mick should have decked me a couple of times for being a greedy bastard. Thought he played excellent, some good bits of dribbling and passing on the go and some decent finishes to boot.

Overall, I don't think our team was that bad, I just think fitness and strength wise, Cannon's team were much stronger. I'd say the best player last night was Greg. Was really impressed with his ball skills (fnarr) and was getting really pissed off when I couldn't get rid of him when he was marking me. I had to try some silky skills that haven't been used in around 10 years and failed miserably.

Looking forward to next week already. I'm in fucking agony though, my balls really hurt.

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I thought I was much better last night. Obviously bacon, eggs and sausages, followed by a glass of coke, is the way to go.

I didn't mind last nights game actually; not really tonnes of good football but plenty of running and thumping collisions.

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I thought I was much better last night. Obviously bacon, eggs and sausages, followed by a glass of coke, is the way to go.

I didn't mind last nights game actually; not really tonnes of good football but plenty of running and thumping collisions.

:lol: I'll be keeping that in mind for next week!

Yeah I thought you played really well, seemed very confident on the ball.

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In saying that, I think my display in goals was amongst the worst "things" I've ever witnessed.

Compare that with Kevin's Casillas impression and I felt like a young Peter Cherrie.

Yes, it kind of set the tone for our team when that ball trickled past you after 3 seconds of play. :lol:

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I thought I was much better last night. Obviously bacon, eggs and sausages, followed by a glass of coke, is the way to go.

I didn't mind last nights game actually; not really tonnes of good football but plenty of running and thumping collisions.

Ah, memories. Just like old times when GA 5s first started.

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Hmm. From what I'm gathering, the numbers were uneven in the end?

Balls, should have come along. Coursework was a pain in the arse, though, but I probably could have made it tbh. Next week I'll be available for certain, got some work to hand in for Monday, some fitba afterwards would be just dandy.

Well obviously I said religion wis an idea but that doesn't always work so heres another few suggestions on how to arrange the teams. Top 5 vs Bottom 5.

Knob Size

Household Income

Capacity for Alcohol

Average daily masturbating

Academic Intelligence

Obviously proof will need to be provided for all of the above.


Wonder if thats how John Brown does it... :unsure:

Anyway, on the subject of getting hit in the nads at football, I remember 5'es a few weeks back (not the Glasgow Area one, though, one I go to with a few schoolmates kinda thing) and I went to close down someone who was obviously taking on the shot from a good distance away; the ball absolutely thudded right into the babymaker while I was in midair and jumping towards it. Was on the deck for yonks afterwards, reeeeeally sore stuff, so I share your pain.

S'happened to me a fair few times before, come to think of it, especially since I almost always went in goal during playground football and tended to get scudded in the nuts more often than anyone else. Usually happened in front of the watching lassies, too, which always caused a fair bit of embarrassment while they were giggling away at me clutching my balls, usually as I was kneeling down from pain. :(

And aye; if a team ends up 7-0 down after 5 minutes like it did 2 or 3 weeks ago, then I think the teams should get shuffled pretty sharpish.

I don't think I've really played to my absolute best a few times for this, so I think I'll just try a few different things next time and see if it improves my performance (fnaar, as adam would say ;) )

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I'll be in for next Monday as its my birthday and having cash shouldn't be a problem. No hacking me now but <_<

We should do that £110 birthday offer thing they advertise at Powerleague!!!

(Sad thing is, despite being 20 years old, I actually quite liked the look of that offer from what I can recall. Pizza n' juice? Good wee bit of footie? Erm... can't remember what else was in it, but it looked awesome...)

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