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P&b Running Club

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I've recently started running as well, in the last couple of months, initially I just took it up to get fit for fives which, is again, something I've only started playing after a couple of years out.

I've started running 5Ks around different routes where I stay but my times are fucking garbage I just dont have the stamina / endurance to run for any significant length of time. I was out last night and ran the first mile in about 8 and half minutes and it then took us about the same length of time to walk/run the next half mile which was all up hill. My finishing time was around 34 minutes.

Whats it the best way to increase your stamina / endurance is just a case of running week-in,week-out for a long period of time or is there any other exericises etc. which would be good for this?

For the last couple of weeks I've went out running on Monday & Friday and play fives on a Wednesday. I've noticed a big improvement in my fitness at fives over the last month or so but the running seems to be taking a lot longer.

I am planning on going along to the Parkruns at Strathclyde park in the near future but I would like to get my time down a bit before heading along to these.

sheer determination is #1!! #2 is ignore times until you're doing the max distance you want to achieve.

I started trying to go out & run 2 days in a row, then rest the 3rd, but I had to change to run/rest/run/rest etc as my mid-forties legs were shit the 2nd day.

My tactic has been to run the same route each time out, but if I got home 2 runs in a row feeling that "I could have done more", I upped my distance next time out. And did that until I could have coped with more, so I ran further next time again. So you get the drift. That way, I found I was upping my distance every 3 or 4 runs.

Once I was doing 10k plus every time I was out, then I started timing myself, and trying to be faster each time out, even if it's only by seconds. I now aim to average under 5 mins/km, which I've only done twice so far, but I'm getting there.

Once you're timing yourself, get yourself an app that talks to you each km or mile, and updates you on your lap times. I found that a brilliant motivator.

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After 10 days on holiday. Camping and treking around West Scotland (Drinking too) I went out for a run today and it was hard going. I only did about 3.5 miles but I couldn't believe how sluggish I was.

Before I went on holiday, I was jogging 3/4 x a week and doing on average 4-5 miles per run.

Back out tomorrow - maybe try 4.5 miles.

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What helped me when I got to the stage where my body was suggesting I walk a while, I would set myself a series of mini-targets - "I want to still be running at that lamp-post" then "I want to still be running at that bus stop" etc. Even if that next target is only 100m away, you'll be amazed at how much distance achieving these mini-targets will add.

One of the top female runners in the UK started by running a little bit longer each time and before she knew it she'd built up the distance to a marathon.

Whats it the best way to increase your stamina / endurance is just a case of running week-in,week-out for a long period of time or is there any other exericises etc. which would be good for this?

Dynamic stretching before exercise will help - walking high knees, lunges, squats and cross-overs to loosen the muscles and raise the heart rate. More importantly is to stretch after you have finished to flush out the latic acid.

You can try walk/jog/run for longer runs, picking the bits you want to put the effort in and the bits you want to recover in. When you are taking it easy you can speak a sentance, when you are going jogging a few words can be said and when you are going flat out a word is hard to say. Take it easy and listen to your body. If it is hurting stop. Don't injure yourself.

You dont have to run miles to get a good run in. Try running fast up a hill a couple of times with a rest inbetween.

Got 4 weeks of tough training (i'm sadistic and looking forword to it). Tonight we ran at a steady pace "out" for 20 mins and then had to get back "in" within 18mins. So set off at 5km pace and got 4km out and back in bang on 18mins. A few of the lads mangaged it within the 18 mins, but most of them were 15-25 secs out.

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I've been a lazy shite over the last two weeks, only managing it out twice. Last night I bite the bullett and attempted an easy 4 miles. The first half was dreadful, aches and pains all over. After they wore off though (and after stopping by the ruins of an old house along the way and getting properly spooked) I melted it back home.

I've not looked at the splits but the second half was way faster than the first. Managed it home in 31:37

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I am really struggling just now as I have a slight injury (tight IT band). I have had it checked out by the Physio and I still ok to keep training but I seem to be putting in twice the effort to go half as quick.

It makes me about a mile - mile and a half to get into my stride and then I just feel slow and I'm still sore. It is all very depressing with the half marathon 8 1/2 weeks away and the marathon 11 1/2.

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I am really struggling just now as I have a slight injury (tight IT band). I have had it checked out by the Physio and I still ok to keep training but I seem to be putting in twice the effort to go half as quick.

It makes me about a mile - mile and a half to get into my stride and then I just feel slow and I'm still sore. It is all very depressing with the half marathon 8 1/2 weeks away and the marathon 11 1/2.

8 1/2 weeks till the half marathon? Crikey!

I'm still £70 short of my £75 charity pledge.

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2nd day out after my 10 day hiatus and tough going again. My legs felt tired and heavy after about 8-9 minutes and I stopped a couple of times, more so than I'd have done 3 weeks ago.

I wasn't expecting to be so out of it, after having only taken 10 days off (was on holiday and even then it wasn't just sitting around, I was up walking across Western Scotland, but did tank a few beers).

Going for a long-walk tomorrow, then back out running on Friday.

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I've been trying to download that endomondo app but keep getting an error message. Are there any similar one's people use that i could try?

the only other ones I know are Garmin and Nike+, but I think you also need to buy the kit to go with them.

From what I remember, to get Endomondo you go to their site first, where there's a section where you select what type of phone you have and enter your mobile number. Endomondo then texts you a link, which you open on your phone, which then installs the app.

For the dude looking for trainers - Next sale is about to start (may well have started judging by the amount of my wife's slavers on the laptop), that's where I got my last pair - nice Adidas ones at £30.

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Wheres the best place to buy some running trainers online?

Im looking at starting running for a fitness boost, getting bored with the gym work and this thread has inspired me.

best thing to do is go to a specialist running store and get measured up for trainers and then when you find a pair you like just search for them online.

You usually need to go a 1/2 size bigger than you normally take as well

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