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Do we not supposed to get a t-shirt and/or a number throught he post before the race day?

I cant remember but I think you get your "goodie bag" at teh end of the race and it might be a collection of race number before - I remember having to go into the 5's pitches to get stuff.

Even if they post teh stuff out to you there is still plenty of time - I only got my Great Scottish Run race pack on Saturday and thats the week before Cumbernauld

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I got fucking soaked this morning

I actually quite enjoy running in the rain. Not Winter going-horizontal rain, but light-medium summer rain is pretty pleasant.

I was lucky this morning, went out mid-morning after the rain had stopped, but it was still pretty cool and refreshing. And, it was my first run in weeks where I felt that it was my brain that dictated what pace I ran at, not my legs & lungs.

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I actually quite enjoy running in the rain. Not Winter going-horizontal rain, but light-medium summer rain is pretty pleasant.

I was lucky this morning, went out mid-morning after the rain had stopped, but it was still pretty cool and refreshing. And, it was my first run in weeks where I felt that it was my brain that dictated what pace I ran at, not my legs & lungs.

I dont mind running in the rain either but this soaked me to the skin in about 5 minutes - jacket, tshirt, shoes, shorts and cap all dripping wet. I had to ring the water out of my tshirt before hanging it up to dry.

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If I do anything under 50 mins in next week's 10k I'll be right happy, so I went out this morning to batter in and see how close I could get.

Passed the 10k mark at 49:55 in my total run of 11.6k, well chuffed with myself. Must've been the power vested in me as I was wearing my Sons top. Or maybe not.

3 more runs planned before next Sunday.

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My 10mile run on Tuesday took me 8:35 mins per mile on average (although I was fannying about in the 1st 3 miles). If I take that pace into the Half Marathon I'll be finishing around 1hr 52. I'll take that as my only previous half was 2hrs 5 mins.

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Finished the Paisley 10k in 42 mins 55 secs today for a big pb (around a minute quicker than my training best and around 4 mins better than my race best. Doing the Great Scottish Run Half Marathon next Sunday - hoping for a running time of sub 1 hr 40 mins

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Well done on the PB.

Been working on my speed during the week sessions. This has more to do with the fact I'm training the kids and I have to be at the end before them.

At the weekend I've been doing my long runs.

Last weekend I ran 9 miles in 1 hour 18. I was disapointed as I wanted to finish it in 1 hour 12, but I have to stop wanting to tackle these insane hills!!!

I ran the 2.25 miles to work in 15 mins 24 secs yesterday. Took 20mins on the way back as I had to take a detour and I got lost..... thought one of the roads was a short cut, but it was a cul-de-sac and I ended up turning round.

Then I ran 2.5 miles as I ran out of petrol!

Tomorrow I've a nice 11 mile run planned.

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Wel done on the PB.

Did some interval training this morning for 5km. 1 minute 12km/hr and 1 minute 16/km/hr.

Day before that I ran a 10k PB albeit on the treadmill 43:50.

One more long run planned this week about 8 miles, before the Middlesbrough 10 k on Sunday.

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was just researching the best train to get on Sunday, to find that the earliest I can get to Glasgow on Sunday is 08.59!

Looks like I'll have to arm-wrestle my sife for the car instead, there's no way I can foresee hitting Q St at 8.59, getting to Glasgow Green to dump my bag, and back to George Sq to do any pre-race gubbins, for the 9.30 start.

Thanks a bunch Scotrail. Get out yer beds on a Sunday, ya lazy fuckwits.

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Finished the Paisley 10k in 42 mins 55 secs today for a big pb (around a minute quicker than my training best and around 4 mins better than my race best. Doing the Great Scottish Run Half Marathon next Sunday - hoping for a running time of sub 1 hr 40 mins

Congratulations on the PB - it is amazing how much quicker you go in the race setting and there is a real buzz about the GSR which pushes that wee bit faster. One tip from last year, particulatly if this is your first mass participation event, there a alot of plums who start right at the front who clearly aren't quick enough to be anywhere near there. Dodging round them added a few minutes on to my time last year and meant that I went off a bit quicker than I meant to.

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Doing the GSR 10K on Sunday, bit apprehensive as with work nonsense I've not been out running as much as I'd have liked over the last month or two. However whilst I am undoubtedly a plum I have a comfy spot right at the back of the crowd so I shouldn't be getting in anyone's road.

Edited by McB
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