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Boxing Day run is always a tough one after the amount of food you eat on Christmas Day. Enjoyable regardless, though.

Set myself a new program when running along the splash (1M): jog to the first bench, then sprint to the second, followed by ten push-ups on said bench. Do that the whole way along. Must be, easily, about 30/35 benches across the mile so it's not easy. Absolute monster of a task, but you feel fantastic by the end.

Edited by forzamorton
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I haven't run in the last six weeks or so but before that had been fairly regularly running five miles home from work. I was googling around looking for a race to do when I saw this - http://www.greatrun.org/Events/event.aspx?id=2

Is it wise to enter something like this at this stage not having started training? I reckon I will be fine.

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I haven't run in the last six weeks or so but before that had been fairly regularly running five miles home from work.  I was googling around looking for a race to do when I saw this - http://www.greatrun.org/Events/event.aspx?id=2


Is it wise to enter something like this at this stage not having started training?  I reckon I will be fine.

Should be fine, it's on 5 k and you have enough time to get 4 or 5 runs in just to get yourself used to that distance again.

Good luck.

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Boxing Day run is always a tough one after the amount of food you eat on Christmas Day. Enjoyable regardless, though.Set myself a new program when running along the splash (1M): jog to the first bench, then sprint to the second, followed by ten push-ups on said bench. Do that the whole way along. Must be, easily, about 30/35 benches across the mile so it's not easy. Absolute monster of a task, but you feel fantastic by the end.

That is absolutely mental mate - will have to give that a go sometime myself!

One hour run for me yesterday morning ahead of Parkrun on Saturday. Nice conditions for the time of year and covered 14.32km according to my Garmin. Starting proper HM training soon, but happy that my distance pace seems pretty good currently.

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Done a lap of Strathy (just shy of 6k) yesterday in an attempt to burn off some of the food and drink and somehow managed to smash my best time round the loch to bits. Particularly strange given the amount I consumed the day before, albeit the conditions were good. Fairly calm and quite cool and Id had a decent lie in.

Bizarre how you prepare for days prior to a run and epicly fail then just go out for a wee run and you find your mojo.

Tailrunner at Tollcross tomorrow then running at Eglinton parkrun NYD.

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Done a lap of Strathy (just shy of 6k) yesterday in an attempt to burn off some of the food and drink and somehow managed to smash my best time round the loch to bits. Particularly strange given the amount I consumed the day before, albeit the conditions were good. Fairly calm and quite cool and Id had a decent lie in.

Bizarre how you prepare for days prior to a run and epicly fail then just go out for a wee run and you find your mojo.

Tailrunner at Tollcross tomorrow then running at Eglinton parkrun NYD.

I'm volunteering at Eglinton on NYD so make sure to say hello.

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So I ditched the c25k app at week 8 as I felt I was ready to do 5k and it was holding me back. Was out this morning and did it in 38mins! Taking a wopping 1min off my min/km time!

I only started running again in mid October, had two weeks out injured so I'm really pleased. BUPA winter 5k is two weeks today, anyone else doing it?


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Tollcross for me this morning - had to prove to Garrowhillclyde that I am not a wimp (see Tollcross FB postings for more info lol). Pretty windy conditions this morning - particularly on the back straight which had very strong gusts - couldn't catch my breath at all on the first lap at that part of the course. Time was 19 mins 34 secs which is 29 secs outside pb, but not too bad given the conditions. Bit gutted I can't do the special Xmas and NYD runs, but no public transport leave no option unfortunately!

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So I ditched the c25k app at week 8 as I felt I was ready to do 5k and it was holding me back. Was out this morning and did it in 38mins! Taking a wopping 1min off my min/km time! 

I only started running again in mid October, had two weeks out injured so I'm really pleased. BUPA winter 5k is two weeks today, anyone else doing it? 


That is really good - a 1 min per km improvement is amazing.

Not doing the Winter 5k myself, too far away and too expensive for that distance for me. Will drop you a donation later on though.

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*Chuckles* amazing what a bit of juvenile goading can do..


Well done anyway, was actually a decent field today too, decent turnout on a gusty cold morning.

Yeah I know... was a stupid post for me to make in the first place and I was rightfully called out on it.

It definitely was a good turnout all things considered. Unsurprisingly not many pbs though lol!

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