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How do you rank as a runner?


Pretty nifty, this. Put in your 5K time and it'll show you what percentile of runners you're in.

My most recent time of 27:01 puts me in the bottom 20-29% of runners.

My PB of about 21 minutes puts me in the top 11-20%. Don't think I'll be getting that any time soon :lol:

If you have been running the 5ks at a parkrun then your results should already be uploaded to the "Power of 10" and "RunBritain" websites and they rank your races and also work out a handicap.

According to Run Britain my best 5k in 2013 was in the top 3.5% nationwide, my Half Marathon was in the top 5.7% and my marathon wasn't inside the top 25%. Relative to my other distances I'm rubbish at marathons.

Edited by Ziggy
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What was your 5k PB Ziggy?

Mine is 24m 30s (if you don't count the 24 minute one I did on the bouncy running track) which puts me in the bottom half :(

Went for my first proper run today with my custom insoles. My knees held up and I did 4.5k in 24 minutes which is a bit slower than normal, but not bad since I've done no exercise since November.

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What was your 5k PB Ziggy?

Mine is 24m 30s (if you don't count the 24 minute one I did on the bouncy running track) which puts me in the bottom half :(

Went for my first proper run today with my custom insoles. My knees held up and I did 4.5k in 24 minutes which is a bit slower than normal, but not bad since I've done no exercise since November.

Best parkrun time is 19'07 at Eglinton.

I'm considering going to get some custom made orthotics, (I'm always injured). Where did you go for them?

Edited by Ziggy
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I ain't done a Parkrun in over a year, I don't think.

The wee one goes to a BabyBallet class on Saturday mornings so I haven't been able to make it. She moves up a class in a month's time so it will start later so I should get back along to the Parkrun again.

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Best parkrun time is 19'07 at Eglinton.

I'm considering going to get some custom made orthotics, (I'm always injured). Where did you go for them?

Went to the Treatment Hub in Hamilton. Was a bit annoyed cos he gave me insoles that didn't fit any shoes I own, then didn't reply to my emails asking what to do. But to be fair, he gave a plausible reason why he didn't get the emails (their servers down in England got flooded!), and even though I'd pretty much destroyed the insoles trying to shoehorn them into a pair of shoes, he pretty much did them again from scratch for no extra cost. He was a nice guy as well.

I'm no expert on the subject, but they seem to work so far. And they make me half an inch taller, which for a short-arse, is always nice.

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I seem to be at a point where a few seconds faster would move me from the bottom half to the top, in fact just a minute faster moves me into the top 40%.

How do you rank as a runner?


Pretty nifty, this. Put in your 5K time and it'll show you what percentile of runners you're in.

My most recent time of 27:01 puts me in the bottom 20-29% of runners.

My PB of about 21 minutes puts me in the top 11-20%. Don't think I'll be getting that any time soon :lol:

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I ran Eglinton 3 times this morning, once for a warm-up and then again for a cool down. As for the parkrun itself I started slow and just gradually increased the pace a little each mile.

9 miles is the longest run I've done this year and it was fun despite the rain, wind & mud. Although it does seem like a strange way to enjoy yourself.

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Pollok Park for me this morning - was hard going with the wind, rain and puddles! Enjoyable all the same. Time was around 19 mins - just over 10 secs slower than usual and 22 outside course pb. Not bad given the conditions!

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Pollok Park for me this morning - was hard going with the wind, rain and puddles! Enjoyable all the same. Time was around 19 mins - just over 10 secs slower than usual and 22 outside course pb. Not bad given the conditions!

Sweet man. Was gonna go today for my first run, but I have this massive essay to do. Semi final in Edinburgh next week, but going to go the week after.

Is it all flat or anything? How many people went today. Also, congratulations on getting round so quick :)

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Sweet man. Was gonna go today for my first run, but I have this massive essay to do. Semi final in Edinburgh next week, but going to go the week after.

Is it all flat or anything? How many people went today. Also, congratulations on getting round so quick :)

It is not flat, but not too hilly either apart from one long section at the end of each lap. I would describe it as undulating. Victoria Park is a pure flat course with two very slight elevations and Tollcross Park is a hilly course.

Not sure on the numbers today as the results are not processed yet - normally it is at least 400-500.

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Didn't get out this morning for my planned 8 mile run. Bad chesty cough. Got changed and ready to go but thought better of it. Marshalling at Border XC tonmorrow here in Berwick (weather permitting) and away on Monday so be Tuesday before I get back out.

Trying to find a 10k in Feb /March anyone know of any?

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Yaaaaas. Buchlyvie 10k in under 50 minutes. First time I've managed it and so so happy to get that monkey off my back. about a dozen attempts last year and failed and managed it first time this year. Lets hear it for dropping a few pounds and joining a tougher running group.

*Happy dance*

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Went to the Treatment Hub in Hamilton. Was a bit annoyed cos he gave me insoles that didn't fit any shoes I own, then didn't reply to my emails asking what to do. But to be fair, he gave a plausible reason why he didn't get the emails (their servers down in England got flooded!), and even though I'd pretty much destroyed the insoles trying to shoehorn them into a pair of shoes, he pretty much did them again from scratch for no extra cost. He was a nice guy as well.

I'm no expert on the subject, but they seem to work so far. And they make me half an inch taller, which for a short-arse, is always nice.

I think I'm going to end up getting insoles made.

I went to get a gait analysis done at Sweatshop Glasgow today. I was really impressed by the length of time the guy took and the service given however the guy told me that I over pronate on one foot whilst the other doesn't. I think this explains why I get pain in one leg if I run in neutral shoes but I get pain in the other if I wear shoes for over pronation.

I'm a wonky donkey.

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I think I'm going to end up getting insoles made.

I went to get a gait analysis done at Sweatshop Glasgow today. I was really impressed by the length of time the guy took and the service given however the guy told me that I over pronate on one foot whilst the other doesn't. I think this explains why I get pain in one leg if I run in neutral shoes but I get pain in the other if I wear shoes for over pronation.

I'm a wonky donkey.

Hope this sorts your problem. I have had on Off issues with leg pain since great north run. Got structure shoes as I too over pronate more so On left. However still getting pains not when running but couple of days later. How much we talking for these insoles??

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I think I'm going to end up getting insoles made.

I went to get a gait analysis done at Sweatshop Glasgow today. I was really impressed by the length of time the guy took and the service given however the guy told me that I over pronate on one foot whilst the other doesn't. I think this explains why I get pain in one leg if I run in neutral shoes but I get pain in the other if I wear shoes for over pronation.

I'm a wonky donkey.

Hope this sorts your problem. I have had on Off issues with leg pain since great north run. Got structure shoes as I too over pronate more so On left. However still getting pains not when running but couple of days later. How much we talking for these insoles??

Mine were 130 sheets, although I went for the cheaper option (you could get specially moulded gel or something but that would be twice as much). Tbf to the guy I went to, during the free consultation, he explained that I could just buy running shoes with insoles and that might do the job.

£130 sounds like a lot of money, but it includes all the aftercare stuff. And going from walking down the street thinking my knee was about to pop out its socket and back to running again, it was definitely worth it.

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Weather was wild in Bishy this morning so went into gym instead to do my Sunday 1 hour run on the (always boring) treadmill. Really pushed it to make up for the slight edge you get on a treadmill and managed to cover 15.76km. Was raging when I got back to Bishy to see weather had dramatically improved and the sun was out (albeit still cold and windy). Bloody changeable Scottish weather lol.

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Went out this morning and managed 10k. Was hoping for 45 (ish) minutes but there was a brutal wind and driving rain the whole time. We also had a good bit of sleet over night so i had to watch my feet for slipping. Still managed a respectable 47 mins dead though which made the effort worthwhile. Bring on the dry weather I say.

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