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You could grow stuff on your window sills. Chillies, tomatoes. Anything really. Maybe not potatoes though.

Or turnips.

That's a good point, actually. I could probably easily fit some window boxes on the inside. The trouble with the ledges is that they are big enough to put boxes on them, but I'd have no way of securing them. Admittedly, it's only old firm fans that tend to walk past the building, so any damage from one landing on their bonces would be negligible, but I can't afford to be sued.

I think I might have a go at some Basil and Oregano since I use so much. :D

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That's a good point, actually. I could probably easily fit some window boxes on the inside. The trouble with the ledges is that they are big enough to put boxes on them, but I'd have no way of securing them. Admittedly, it's only old firm fans that tend to walk past the building, so any damage from one landing on their bonces would be negligible, but I can't afford to be sued.

I think I might have a go at some Basil and Oregano since I use so much. :D

Basil and tomatoes grow well together

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You don't have a garden :lol:

:lol::lol::lol: I own 290 acres of land!!!

You're a right contrary sod, you. If she said growing your own was shit, you'd have argued for it! :P

I'm just jealous because I actually don't have a garden, or even anywhere to stick a window box. :(

Call me a rebel, but I'd have thought a window ledge might have been a possibility for a window box? I actually grew poatoes once in a window box on the top floor of a tenement when I lived in Partick. I don't know which is worse, my brief foray into growing my own veg or having lived in Partick?

And I'm not at all contrary. You're confusing me with someone else - and not for the first time either grumpy knickers

I enjoy gardening and the crop tastes a hundred times better than the mass-produced stuff you buy in supermarkets in my opinion.

I never like to disagree with you, but when someone resorts to "hundred times" exagerations, it's a sure sign that their argument is on dodgy ground. I'll give you "marginally better" if you'll give me "so not worth it".

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Call me a rebel, but I'd have thought a window ledge might have been a possibility for a window box? I actually grew poatoes once in a window box on the top floor of a tenement when I lived in Partick. I don't know which is worse, my brief foray into growing my own veg or having lived in Partick?

And I'm not at all contrary. You're confusing me with someone else - and not for the first time either grumpy knickers

Aye, but as I was saying, I've no way of securing boxes to the window ledges, and since I don't really want to be sued, I'd rather not run the risk of concussing some poor sod walking past.

Partick is definitely worse and my knickers are far from grumpy. :P

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I never like to disagree with you,

Stop, my sides are spliiting...

but when someone resorts to "hundred times" exagerations, it's a sure sign that their argument is on dodgy ground. I'll give you "marginally better" if you'll give me "so not worth it".

If you say so. Not worth it in your opinion, definitely worth it in mine.

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Aye, but as I was saying, I've no way of securing boxes to the window ledges, and since I don't really want to be sued, I'd rather not run the risk of concussing some poor sod walking past.

Partick is definitely worse and my knickers are far from grumpy. :P

How does everyone else secure their window box to their window ledge? I have a suspicion your heart's not really in it. You're happy to embrace consumer culture, but don't want to be seen to turn your back on the burgeoning home grown movement that's crowing about its "achievements" here.

stick a wind farm on it

Over my dead body! I know the difference between exploiting natural resources and being exploited for them.

If you say so. Not worth it in your opinion, definitely worth it in mine.

See, that's why I don't like disagreeing with you. It's like dealing with a huffy teenager whose only response to logic is to restate their opinion. I don't think your heart's in it either, I think you secretly agree with me.

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Hopefully Ill be moving house in the next month or so.

Im going to have a garden for the first time in 10 years.

Theres already a greenhouse in the new place and we're planning on growing our own veg too. :)

Its not about saving money or anything like that, I'd just like to try it.

Veg from the supermarket is tasteless in comparison to the veg I get from the farm.

So itll be nice too see how some home grown veg compares :)

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How does everyone else secure their window box to their window ledge? I have a suspicion your heart's not really in it. You're happy to embrace consumer culture, but don't want to be seen to turn your back on the burgeoning home grown movement that's crowing about its "achievements" here.

I have no idea how anyone else does it, but as stated on the thread, I intend to grow things inside, on the sills, rather than outside on the ledges. Stop just arguing for the sake of it. :P

Edited by Lyn-Marie
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You're a right contrary sod, you. If she said growing your own was shit, you'd have argued for it! :P

I'm just jealous because I actually don't have a garden, or even anywhere to stick a window box. :(

Yes, yes he is! Thank you. He'll be sorry when I'm eating my tasty home-grown produce and not giving him any! <_< B)

Seriously, LM, you should join in and grow some stuff on your window sills inside. You wouldn't want to be all left out while the rest of us are busy sharing anecdotes of compost, seedlings, harvesting and tasty meals would you? Just make sure you label them properly so Adam doesn't try and smoke your plants! :o:rolleyes:

:lol::lol::lol: I own 290 acres of land!!!

Fantastic, you can spare me a small corner to grow produce on then! Cheers for that. :thumsup2

Oh... and Partick's worse. Definitely Partick! :P

How does everyone else secure their window box to their window ledge? I have a suspicion your heart's not really in it. You're happy to embrace consumer culture, but don't want to be seen to turn your back on the burgeoning home grown movement that's crowing about its "achievements" here.

Yup. There's someone else not sharing their produce with you. :P Chancing your neck a little with your cheek on this thread, aren't you?

See, that's why I don't like disagreeing with you. It's like dealing with a huffy teenager whose only response to logic is to restate their opinion. I don't think your heart's in it either, I think you secretly agree with me.

Just ban him Debbie! Or at least delete his posts from this thread. You have the power! B) :D

Theres already a greenhouse in the new place and we're planning on growing our own veg too. :)

Congratulations and welcome to the clique! Hebs isn't invited. In fact, he's already banned!!!

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Stop just arguing for the sake of it. :P

I'm not - I'm trying to save you from the green-fingered mafia. They'll never accept you anyway with your poxy window box. Sure, they'll encourage you in public but once your back's turned there will be "my carrots shit on her carrots" whispers.

Fantastic, you can spare me a small corner to grow produce on then!

I'd sooner have wind turbines.

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The Gray Ghost has a wee query if anyone can help. He has a small garden, made up of a tiny lawn (a few square metres) and some flower beds. There is a wee garden strimmer for cutting the grass, but The Gray Ghost has found that this doesnt give a nice even cut, and over the years has made the lawn look all scrappy.

So The Gray Ghosts query is twofold. Firstly, can anyone recommend a lawnmower? A full size petrol or electric one would be overkill as its for such a small area, does anyone know of a small one, or even a manual push mower that gives a smooth and even cut?

Secondly, the lawn is all unevenly growing, with weeds n shit and bald patches. Can anyone recommend a good way to repair the lawn and make it lovely once more?

All help much appreciated!

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See, that's why I don't like disagreeing with you. It's like dealing with a huffy teenager whose only response to logic is to restate their opinion. I don't think your heart's in it either, I think you secretly agree with me.


Whatever you say :rolleyes:

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The Gray Ghost has a wee query if anyone can help. He has a small garden, made up of a tiny lawn (a few square metres) and some flower beds. There is a wee garden strimmer for cutting the grass, but The Gray Ghost has found that this doesnt give a nice even cut, and over the years has made the lawn look all scrappy.

So The Gray Ghosts query is twofold. Firstly, can anyone recommend a lawnmower? A full size petrol or electric one would be overkill as its for such a small area, does anyone know of a small one, or even a manual push mower that gives a smooth and even cut?

Secondly, the lawn is all unevenly growing, with weeds n shit and bald patches. Can anyone recommend a good way to repair the lawn and make it lovely once more?

All help much appreciated!


That'll give you a nice even finish.

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Guest Edzell Blue
Call me a rebel, but I'd have thought a window ledge might have been a possibility for a window box? I actually grew poatoes once in a window box on the top floor of a tenement when I lived in Partick. I don't know which is worse, my brief foray into growing my own veg or having lived in Partick?

I don't know how you can describe gardening as "backbreaking" (previous post) when this is all you have done!

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Guest Edzell Blue
As if HGGland wasn't exciting enough with all these seedlings appearing, my seed potatoes just arrived about an hour ago! I've rubbed off the white chits and they're now sat in an egg box in my kitchen awaiting the growth of some nice new green ones :D . While they do that it'll give me chance to figure out what size and type of pot to grow them in. I feel more trips to B&Q and garden centres coming on after school this week. The kids are going to be so chuffed. Not only that, but we got sent onions free to plant with the potatoes so that's added to my crop unexpectedly! :thumsup2

You should have left the white chits on and just planted the potatoes as you received them. It doesn't matter the colour of the chits, some varieties have purple ones. It will now take longer to grow new chits and they may not all grow back and you could end up with a reduced yield. I planted all my potatoes outside over three weeks ago and they are growing well, the recent warm weather has done them a lot of good. What variety did you get?

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I don't know how you can describe gardening as "backbreaking" (previous post) when this is all you have done!

My knowledge is much too extensive to have come from personal experience. In this instance, I'm relying on evidence gathered from the Beechgrove Garden while frantically looking for the remote control.

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I'm trying to save you from the green-fingered mafia. They'll never accept you anyway with your poxy window box. Sure, they'll encourage you in public but once your back's turned there will be "my carrots shit on her carrots" whispers.

Touch of bitterness there, I feel. Her carrots would shit all over your carrots. :P

I'd sooner have wind turbines.

:o Hmph. Well, how do you like that?! You're a very, VERY rude man! <_<

*Takes ball in.*

Secondly, the lawn is all unevenly growing, with weeds n shit and bald patches. Can anyone recommend a good way to repair the lawn and make it lovely once more?

There are loads of "Weed and Feed" type products out there. You could try one of those. If the weedy areas are raelly bad you could end up reseeding. Personally I'm too impatient for all that and when that happened to my garden I got extreme about it - took the lot up, sorted the weeds issue and started again with new lawn (got turf as it was instant - see my previous impatience comment!). :D Maybe others can be more constructive for you!

You should have left the white chits on and just planted the potatoes as you received them. It doesn't matter the colour of the chits, some varieties have purple ones. It will now take longer to grow new chits and they may not all grow back and you could end up with a reduced yield. I planted all my potatoes outside over three weeks ago and they are growing well, the recent warm weather has done them a lot of good. What variety did you get?

Valor. Late maincrop variety and versatile with a good yield I believe.

I'm led to believe the chits were white because they were light-deprived which isn't great. Some info I read recommended just leaving four chits on when they went into the ground - presumably to increase the quality of the ones that were there. I'd have thought if the others chits were going to grow then they'd grow anyway once it was in the ground? I know you don't *have* to wait for the chits but understand that cultivating them like this first can increase the yield?

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