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I put concrete down seven years ago and it's looking great. :)

Let me at your garden! You can keep the concrete. A few attractive tubs with nice plants like a pieris, lilies and others which will add a bit of colour and basically look after themselves - sorted! :thumsup2

You don't have to make work for yourself by having some green stuff out there.

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200 acres of concrete? Are you the Laird of East Kilbride?


That line completely cracked The Gray Ghost up! Funniest one liner he's read in ages. :lol:

Anyway, cheers for the weed and feed suggestion HGG, The Gray Ghost will look into it! Nobody has come up with a suitable wee lawnmower (cement mixers dont count <_< ).

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That line completely cracked The Gray Ghost up! Funniest one liner he's read in ages. :lol:

Anyway, cheers for the weed and feed suggestion HGG, The Gray Ghost will look into it! Nobody has come up with a suitable wee lawnmower (cement mixers dont count <_< ).

The cheapest flymo is £35 and it's great. :)

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It seems so overkill for such a tiny garden though! Might go and get one soon though, it'll be nicer on the grass than the strimmer.

If you find the feed and weed leaves bald patches which you then reseed, look out for the seed which includes ryegrass. It might seem like a good idea at the time that it's quick-growing so you get your new lawn sooner, but remember that it will continue to grow quickly and need frequent mowing!

(Edit: Buy the Flymo. At that price it's well worth it to keep your lawn looking pleasant once you've fixed it!)

I went out to check on my produce today and am amazed by the rate at which everything's growing. It's enough to satisfy even my impatient nature! Honestly, I went out Monday morning and had no visible growth in my Brussels Sprouts pot - by that evening there were loads of seedlings there. They're already half an inch tall. Lots of growth in my other stuff too. Although I'm concerned that I may have overcrowded my strawberries - too many plants in too small a tub!

It's great how quickly my kids have got the hang of it. Elise is almost four and keeps going out to check on things in the garden, passing comment if a plant is looking a bit sad because of wanting support/water/etc. Scott's 17 months old now and when we were all out there yesterday he suddenly appeared beside the rest of us with the watering can in his hand, stood there all serious looking at the carrot seedlings and waited so patiently till I took the hint and got him some water to use! :thumsup2 Sam's often straight out there after school now too - especially if his sister has breaking news of new growth for him on his return. :lol: This is great. A fab idea and it's keeping us well entertained for ages. Certainly beats that lull after school once dinner's finished but when it's not quite bath/bedtime.

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Down to £28 now.

Bah, I knew I should have gone to Argos. I went to the local garden centre! Ah well, I didn't use so much diesel to get there and I'm doing my bit for local shops and all that.... :lol:

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I made my raised bed last night and cemeted it together. Right next to the fence with a bit of trellis, I just now have to buy a clematis to grow up the fence for a bit of colour :D

My wysteria and broom all have lovely colour on them now, slowly but surely getting there with this garden.

Putting out my onion seeds this weekend, hope it doesn't get too cold for them! :unsure:

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I made my raised bed last night and cemeted it together. Right next to the fence with a bit of trellis, I just now have to buy a clematis to grow up the fence for a bit of colour :D

My wysteria and broom all have lovely colour on them now, slowly but surely getting there with this garden.

Putting out my onion seeds this weekend, hope it doesn't get too cold for them! :unsure:

I have mine onions to put outside too.

I'm also about to order one each of these apple, pear and plum trees for £25 + £5p&p :thumsup2. In fact, my self-sufficiency mission all began because a friend told me she'd ordered these - when I looked into it I decided to wait till her order arrived to make sure all was well but I got caught up with other veg and stuff in the meantime! :lol:

Bring on the fruit! :bounce1

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Electrician came round tonight and disconnected the power from my garage. I've posted on my local Freecycle group in the hope that someone will want the garage and take it away soon to leave me some space to work with in my garden. :D Here's hoping!

Edit: Just spoken to a guy now who's been looking for a garage and is coming over to pick mine up tomorrow, despite the fact that the roof blew off last winter. :D Yay Freecycle! :thumsup2 I've just been out to take a photo before it goes so I can have before and after shots when the garden's sorted!

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I do have 40 hectares set aside for forestry so I'm supposed to be growing something. Just given the survival rate, it's not really working out like that. :(

What trees are you growing? Hope it's not fucking Scandinavian conifer nonsense. :angry:

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What trees are you growing? Hope it's not fucking Scandinavian conifer nonsense. :angry:

I reckon he's growing fruit trees on the sly and trying to keep it from us after his previous posts on this thread. :D

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What trees are you growing? Hope it's not fucking Scandinavian conifer nonsense. :angry:

No foreign trees. There's a sign at the entrance with a bit of info on the trees planted...


I reckon he's growing fruit trees on the sly and trying to keep it from us after his previous posts on this thread. :D

Away and water your carrot.

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Away and water your carrot.

<_< It's possible to fall out with people you know! :angry:

Garage is now being collected tomorrow. They came round to look at it today and said they'll be back at 1pm tomorrow to take it away. :bounce I hope the weather's nice tomorrow afternoon as I want to try and erect a big plastic climbing frame type thing for the kids. There are lots of pieces, no instructions and I don't even know what it's supposed to look like. Bring it on! :thumsup2:lol:

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