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I've got two compost bins on the go just now. I'm experimenting with various stuff. I got loads of good compost from last years efforts and it went onto my borders.

I have been getting bags of used coffee grounds from my local coffee shop as it is meant to be very good to compost.

I AM a sad b*****d.

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Thanks for bumping this - a superb read and some good tips.

At the moment we just have Rhubarb and Apples...my gran used to grow Potatoes, Peas, Carrots, Onions, Tomatoes, Grapes, Cucumbers etc so I would like start my own crops B)

You don't need a lot of space to grow most stuff. Potatoes probably take up the most room of any veg. The rest of the stuff can be grown in a relatively small area.

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Have you ever grown Lettuce?

Its one I think I would be quite interested in growing

No never tried it. I always get the feeling it would get fucked over by slugs too easily.

Might give it a whirl next year. It's not really sexy enough for my garden :lol:

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My fruit trees arrived today :bounce4. 1 conference pear, 1 braeburn apple and 1 plum :thumsup2.

Sam finished school today for a week's holiday (well, a week and a bit really) so we'll all be off to the garden centre tomorrow lunchtime for some more family fun. Need three 30L tubs - 1 each for the trees, some more compost and some ideas of what to grow our potatoes in. We're growing more than we thought and have ten almost ready to plant - I'm thinking of going back to the idea someone posted on here of growing them in sacks - was it you, Reynard?

My friend was taking the mick out of me so much that I challenged her to a potato growing contest. Goodness only knows how we'll judge the winner - I reckon we'll be going off the yield. Anyway, she's using chicken sh** on hers to help them grow. Can't say I know much about that. She reckons it's her secret ingredient - only I found out about it. She's also talking to her potato plants to help them grow :blink:. I want a secret growing method now too. I'm feeling all left behind! :( Although she just planted hers as they were straight from the bag - I've left mine to chit. I guess we'll just see who gets what. I'm thinking if all else fails of stealing into her back garden one night and just removing half her crops. I think that has to be a job for Mr HGG - she'd see me coming a mile off! :lol:

And speaking of Mr HGG, he's been texting that same friend of mine accusing me of cheating in this contest and planting my potatoes a week before she did, claiming the seed potatoes arrived well before I told her about them as we shared an order! He really is asking for trouble... :guntoting. Those of you who've met Mr HGG, I hope you remember him well. You may not see him for some time! :ph34r:

Edit: I fear the new P&B server is about to get tested tomorrow later today (just saw the time! :o) with lots of uploads...

I want you seasoned gardners to take a photo of your sexy gardens and crops for tomorrow B)
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My fruit trees arrived today :bounce4 . 1 conference pear, 1 braeburn apple and 1 plum :thumsup2 .

Sam finished school today for a week's holiday (well, a week and a bit really) so we'll all be off to the garden centre tomorrow lunchtime for some more family fun. Need three 30L tubs - 1 each for the trees, some more compost and some ideas of what to grow our potatoes in. We're growing more than we thought and have ten almost ready to plant - I'm thinking of going back to the idea someone posted on here of growing them in sacks - was it you, Reynard?

My friend was taking the mick out of me so much that I challenged her to a potato growing contest. Goodness only knows how we'll judge the winner - I reckon we'll be going off the yield. Anyway, she's using chicken sh** on hers to help them grow. Can't say I know much about that. She reckons it's her secret ingredient - only I found out about it. She's also talking to her potato plants to help them grow :blink: . I want a secret growing method now too. I'm feeling all left behind! :( Although she just planted hers as they were straight from the bag - I've left mine to chit. I guess we'll just see who gets what. I'm thinking if all else fails of stealing into her back garden one night and just removing half her crops. I think that has to be a job for Mr HGG - she'd see me coming a mile off! :lol:

And speaking of Mr HGG, he's been texting that same friend of mine accusing me of cheating in this contest and planting my potatoes a week before she did, claiming the seed potatoes arrived well before I told her about them as we shared an order! He really is asking for trouble... :guntoting . Those of you who've met Mr HGG, I hope you remember him well. You may not see him for some time! :ph34r:


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You know, you could've kept this thread a whole lot neater by just deleting the irrelevant bits of my posts from that quote! You only needed two sentences of it at most! :unsure:

I'm going to leave my carrots in instead of thinning them just now. They really are very close together but I'm going to pull some up in a few weeks and have them as baby carrots and then leave the rest to grow into full sized ones. That sounds like a far better thinning method to me! :thumsup2 (Should hopefully be less carrotfly that way too!)

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You know, you could've kept this thread a whole lot neater by just deleting the irrelevant bits of my posts from that quote! You only needed two sentences of it at most! :unsure:

I'm going to leave my carrots in instead of thinning them just now. They really are very close together but I'm going to pull some up in a few weeks and have them as baby carrots and then leave the rest to grow into full sized ones. That sounds like a far better thinning method to me! :thumsup2

Am I in trouble? :lol:

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Am I in trouble? :lol:

Nowhere near in The Hebridean's league. I'm most disappointed he hasn't been on criticising us tonight! :( I'm missing him.

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Nowhere near in The Hebridean's league. I'm most disappointed he hasn't been on criticising us tonight! :( I'm missing him.

Someone that can slaughter folk for growing carrots and potatoes has a few issues to get sorted out. :lol:

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Hello potato planters, I'm back!

I'm thinking of going back to the idea someone posted on here of growing them in sacks - was it you, Reynard?

It was me! But I actually suggested BUYING them in sacks from a supermarket. Pleased to see you accept the undeniable logic in my suggestion.

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Someone that can slaughter folk for growing carrots and potatoes has a few issues to get sorted out. :lol:

Ah, but this thread wouldn't be what it is without him trying to pull us to pieces :D.

I'm growing some garlic at the moment and herb-wise have rosemary and chives on the go.

My friend and I took all six of our kids out to the garden centre for lunch. Lots of little old ladies out for a nice quiet lunch and then we explode into the place. Class! :lol:

I bought tubs so we can pot our new aple/pear/plum trees later. Also bought a rhubarb plant (cheers for bringing that up Footiechick :rolleyes: ) and herbs - chives, pineapple mint which is staying in a smallish pot to keep it at bay, oregano and 2 types of Rosemary. I had each of the kids (except my friend's 7 month old baby) eating chives when I put them in my trolley - some of them looked at me like I was mad until they saw the others eating them and then tentatively pulled one off my plant to try. They all ate them so they must've thought it was ok. Now comes the task of explaining why they can eat that but not the leaves off the strawberry/rhubarb plants, etc, which are poisonous!!! :unsure: Scott sat in the trolley pulling leaves off my friend's strawberry plant just for the laugh. It amused him anyway. In fact, that's her growing potatoes, strawberries and rhubarb now - she's caught the bug from us I think B) .

Hello potato planters, I'm back!

It was me! But I actually suggested BUYING them in sacks from a supermarket. Pleased to see you accept the undeniable logic in my suggestion.

Yes, we can see you're back. I forgot to buy the sacks today. Thanks for the reminder though - I'll no doubt be off to B&Q over the weekend. Happy days. :)

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Ryan wanted to grow the tatties in old tyres this year. You get old tyres and stack them up as the tatties grow. Then when you want to harvest them, you just lift the tyres off and the tatties fall out. Think we'll try that next year, much easier than digging!

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Ryan wanted to grow the tatties in old tyres this year. You get old tyres and stack them up as the tatties grow. Then when you want to harvest them, you just lift the tyres off and the tatties fall out. Think we'll try that next year, much easier than digging!

That is such a cool idea! Probably too much bother for weedy little me though :(. I have the strength of a matchstick.

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  • 2 weeks later...
No posts for nearly a fortnight. I do hope everyone's carrots are ok! :(

..... oh and that HGG's shed is gone.

<_< You know where you can stick that post, lad!

Edit: Oh and the carrots are fine thank you. I'll away and water them now. They'll need to grow big and strong for where I intend to shove one after all your heckling.

And the garage... well, that's another story as well you know. :( I wanted rid of the *whole* garage, not just half of it. The people who took the first half have now disappeared and not contacted me further - it's a week since they took it. What use if half a garage to anyone??? I tell you! I have to assume they'll be back, but it'd be nice to know when and it would have been even nicer if they'd left it safe out there rather than my children wandering out to find broken glass, bits of metal, nails, etc. Grump, grump, rant, moan, grumpety grump!

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