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Martin Adams has played like that won against better opposition. Chisnall was very good there and the match was a belter.

Adams is no more a favourite than he was when he went into the match. He didn't just become a bad player over the course of five sets.

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Missed tonight's action thanks to work but just watching the highlights on BBC2 now. Martin Adams pushed all the way in a tight encounter by the looks of things.

Genuinely good viewing tonight. Gurney and Chisnall look like two for the future.

Good to see Ross Montgomery going through too, didn't play all that great, but done enough. Hankey looks on form though just now and he'll be tough to take down.

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This Robert Hughes has a near mirror image of my darting throw as well. I also think hes a bit better than I might have given him credit for, but come on Gary...

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Anderson goes through, could this be his year?

Maybe he'll play his best darts against better opposition. Having overcome his Lakeside jitters he may finally show us what he's all about.

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Scott Waites disposes of Alan Norris fairly easily to finish off the night's action.

Ross Montgomery vs Ted Hankey looks like being the highlight of tomorrow night's matches - I'll catch up on that match after work.

Edited by The Naitch
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In the sun this morning it says that Gary Anderson and Mark Webster will move from the BDO to PDC after the current world champs. Also the winner fo the tournament will move across and be handed a place in the Premier League

Hopefully Anderson will win the tournament as he is a half decent pleyer who could hold his own in the Premier League, any one else would just get torn apart from what i have seen so far of the BDO tournament

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In the sun this morning it says that Gary Anderson and Mark Webster will move from the BDO to PDC after the current world champs. Also the winner fo the tournament will move across and be handed a place in the Premier League

Hopefully Anderson will win the tournament as he is a half decent pleyer who could hold his own in the Premier League, any one else would just get torn apart from what i have seen so far of the BDO tournament

Hmm, surprised at Webster moving over given his comments in recent weeks (wants to do his plumbing apprenticeship before going 'full time' with darts), but Gary Anderson was always a possibility. Maybe once he is over with the PDC he might just get the kick up the arse he needs. He'll be found out very quickly if he doesn't improve his current regime (i.e. he needs to start putting in the hours on the dart board).

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If Anderson goes you have to expect his exhibition pal Robson will too.

I can understand why Robson chooses not to spend too much time practising anything other than shagging.

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Some interesting words from Ando after his win last night. Having described his performance as "absolute rubbish" he then added:

"In practice I hit two nine darters. The problem is that I play darts, perhaps I need to take up tiddlywinks. I am a good tournament floor or pub player. I prefer to be in the shadows and really do not being like on stage in the limelight with the cameras but I know I have to do it because it is my job. But trust me I do not enjoy it. However, once I kick in during a game I do kick in.

Worrying quotes. If this is really how he feels then he has no chance in the PDC.

Edited by RedWeb
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Anyone from here heading along to the BDO Scottish Open ?

It's Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of February. I'd say it's worth the experience and there's always a chance you can draw a decent player and get something out of it.

I've applied.

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Tonight's darts. This wee experiment should see how far behind the BDO is from the PDC.


Set One Score : 3-1

Set Two Score : 3-2

Set Three Score : 2-3

Set Four Score : 2-3

Set Five Score :

Set Six Score :

Over 40 Outshots

Adams : 66, 56, 85

Gurney : 70, 82, 85



* Of COURSE Adams would say this is the real world championship. It's the only one he'll play in !

* Gurney seems to have lost his range a wee bit. He was playing well initially, but that has fallen badly. Which means he comes out and hits a 140.

* Did you see the look on Gurney's face. And we all thought that Brian Woods looked like a p***k !

* Gurney seems to enjoy throwing away sets. He gave Adams advantage of throw again and he did nothing with it. Thankfully, Gurney came back and did something with it. Not enough, and Adams takes the leg and is throwing for the set.

* "Six.". HA !

* A nice smile from Adams when Gurney took out that 70. That was really nice to see.

* Great attempt at 150 from Gurney isn't enough as Adams takes the set. Gurney loses the leg with the throw, but he's still got the advantage, so it's fine.

* Gurney seems to have the same ability as me. That is, when he's playing badly, he manages to drag the other guy down to his level. :lol:

* My god, what an arrogant looking wee c**t this one is.

* Martin Adams had a good wee shot at the nine dart finish with six perfect darts. Always gets the blood pumping when that happens.

* Say what you want about Martin Adams. Any time he plays, it's absolutely amazing entertainment.

* What the f**k is Tony Green on. "Nearly out of the arena with that one.". IT WAS ON THE WIRE YOU OLD CRETIN !!!

* Crappy editting means that we don't see a double 20 on an 85 finish from Gurney.

Edited by DomDom
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David Croft is a tool. What is the problem with stepping back and composing yourself!! hes changed his tune now, but all tournament hes been on about it! who is he anyway?? just some relation of Olly Croft getting a sweet little earner every January for Daddy?

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