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Right, with that out of the way, lets make like Eminem and Get Down To Business.


It recently occured to me that Kevin Painter really needs his own entrance music. I Predict a Riot seems to be the generic walk on music for people who don't have any.

18:33 : Steady scoring from both Painter, but his missing the doubles is going to cost him if he doesn't pull it together. Roy is looking good on the doubles and when the treble 20 at the end went in, I knew he was going to finish the leg off. This is far from being over of course.

18:51 : What a comeback that was. Absolutely sensational finishing there from Painter. Look at the high checkouts throughout that 11 leg match ! More than half of them didn't even require more than two darts at a double. That is pretty great. Credit to Alex Roy, but he really should have put away Painter there. Still, a fun match, and the best of the day so far.

I'll keep a mark of high checkouts as well.

Painter : 65, 48, 105

Orton : 56, 100, 114


19:14 : Adrian Lewis is absolutely shocking here. Did you hear what that average was ? That is simply not good enough. Tabern is both scoring well and clinical on the doubles while Lewis is sweating more water than you can fill a bucket with. I can only see one winner here.

19:25 : He sure made quick work of that one in the end, didn't he ? The most impressive and professional performance of the day so far. Adrian Lewis just wasn't at the races tonight, and the result is probably being very flattering to how he played. A couple of cracking finishers in there though, so credit to him for that.

Saint : 121, 110

Jackpot : 64, 121


19:51 : Commentators made a great point on the 132 finish from Hamilton in the 4th leg. Why go for the first bull if you're going to bottle out of the finish when you hit treble 19 ? Anyways, another case of a player not being at the races, and this time it's Manley, and Hamilton doesn't even have to be great right now, but he's playing pretty well.

20:02 : That was pretty unspectacular stuff there from Hamilton, and he did what he had to do to win.

One Dart : 101

Hammer : 44


20:24 : Oh James Wade, how I've missed you. The match has been a good standard with both guys playing some good darts. Whenever I've seen Beaton, he hasn't been as good as this. I'd have been less surprised if Wade was winning because Beaton wasn't playing very well. Ah well, good finishing and scoring ensure that Wade is in front. Although his confidence seemed to take a knock from the 106 checkout from Beaton. More of the same in the next half please James ! :)

20:34 : Not quite as good as Tabern was earlier, but Wade was still terrific here, and Beaton wasn't playing that badly either. He was just completely outclassed by the much better player. This man is the #2 in the world for a good reason.

The Machine : 54, 126

Magnum-PI : 106


The Thorn : 60

Flash : 52

Edited by DomDom
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I love "Voices" quite a lot myself. It took a while to grow on me as I was used to his old music, but I think, now more than ever, it suits him down to the ground.

I'd use Kurt Angle's old music as my walk on music. :lol:

Well, I've actually already decided on Scary Kids Scaring Kids - What's Up Now ? ... if I ever make it of course. BIG if.

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A pretty sluggish match for the most part I thought but I enjoyed the last 3 or so legs. Feared the worst for Thornton after the first leg he looked so sloppy then, but glad he dug deep enough for the win.

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Great last leg from Rab Thornton but he needs to work on his doubles...almost as bad as Gary Anderson :o

If Robert could hit doubles he'd be up there in the top 5 IMO, unfortunately though his doubles are absolutely rotten. He'll either hit the double first time or miss 20 darts at it, with the latter being more likely.

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I hate how Mighty Mike keeps drawing Taylor early in the major tournaments so often.

Why can't the fucking draw ever pair him with a shitey seed like Peter Manley or someone like that?

Also the female talent on show is getting better all the time at the darts.

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Finally got my connection back, meaning I missed Taylor.

Any good big finishes ?

Taylor took out a couple of finishes in the 130's IIRC, but not much else to report, MVG played decent-ish but as usual not enough to beat Taylor.

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Only just caught up with the results from yesterday - couldn't see one bit of the action thanks to work. <_<

Still, most matches went to form and I'm looking forward to the Quarter Finals tonight as that's the first session I'll be able to watch.

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