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How did nobody hear them shouting? There were obviously bits of gaps in the boarding of the windows and they were having a right go at each other for ages the other day.

On Thursday I have it on good word that Patrick says "Yeahhh man, you're back" then things just carry on as normal.

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How did nobody hear them shouting? There were obviously bits of gaps in the boarding of the windows and they were having a right go at each other for ages the other day.

On Thursday I have it on good word that Patrick says "Yeahhh man, you're back" then things just carry on as normal.

I hope they shit it and think she is a ghost and freak out and in the melee libbys birthday cake flies into the air and the knife comes out of it and right into denise, Lucas comes around, sprinkles holy water and convinces them it was a ghost that possessed her corpse and they bury the body in the garden.

An outside shot I grant you...

also unrelated, but I think wee boaby beale must be the most neglected kid in the world, Ian might as well just sell him into slavery as he never makes an appearance and hardly gets a mention.

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If they had CCTV, murders would be cleared up in seconds, and it'd just be no fun.

The club had CCTV did it not. Was there not a couple of storylines involving it, one of which being Janine trying to blackmail someone? (that or a webcam she must have used)

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What right did the Police have in arresting him and what had he done as far as they were concrned?

As far as I could see when they arrived he was just standing at the door looking moody, not a crime as far as I know.

This stinks of a set up!!

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What right did the Police have in arresting him and what had he done as far as they were concrned?

I had hopeful visions of him throwing sharpened crucifix's oot the windae ninja style before nailing himself to a cross after setting fire to his living room.

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What right did the Police have in arresting him and what had he done as far as they were concrned?

As far as I could see when they arrived he was just standing at the door looking moody, not a crime as far as I know.

This stinks of a set up!!

Erm, the slight call to the Police saying "Lucas Johnson has just admitted to killing 3 people, his supposedly dead wife has resurfaced despite him identifying her dead body, he has strangled his step-daughter and could turn really nasty and kill again at any moment" might just have been sufficient to warrant an arrest...

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Erm, the slight call to the Police saying "Lucas Johnson has just admitted to killing 3 people, his supposedly dead wife has resurfaced despite him identifying her dead body, he has strangled his step-daughter and could turn really nasty and kill again at any moment" might just have been sufficient to warrant an arrest...

I'm pretty sure it was Jack who called and just said "Police and an ambulance to 20 Albert Square"

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I'm pretty sure it was Jack who called and just said "Police and an ambulance to 20 Albert Square"

Yeah but they're not going to record the whole phone call OBVIOUSLY and it's not like the operator would just say "aye okay" then hang up.

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Do you think that's why they got rid of Wheels? The budget got cut and they needed the chair for Jack?

If I wrote the script I'd have Ronnie topping herself, you know, about the raping. I'd then have Jack taking wheels on as his bitch and wheeling about with him on his knee, obviously he'd need someone to push him as he still has that fucked arm thing going on.

Save a chair, and frankly wheels looks like he'd make a great bitch, Jack isn't the fussy type, he can't be now he's a cripple afterall.

Anyone heard about Phil? oft.

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Mrs Ned usually watches Eastenders whilst I just tap away on the net but after Tuesdays episode I was quite keen to watch it last night ... and what a load of utter bollocks it was <_<

if I were Denise I would have locked, boarded up and then moved furniture in front of that door, I'm not convinced that anyone would have reacted like the big tall lass did when her mum had come back from the dead .. and they could all have just ran out of that house at any time without the rev being able to stop them,

and then everyone just milling about outside waiting on the police to arrive - especially with the window panned in !? and, as someone has already said, the police just turn up and arrest someone who to thenm was just standing outside a house - didn't ask him to confirm who he was or aything !

Total bollocks

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Erm, the slight call to the Police saying "Lucas Johnson has just admitted to killing 3 people, his supposedly dead wife has resurfaced despite him identifying her dead body, he has strangled his step-daughter and could turn really nasty and kill again at any moment" might just have been sufficient to warrant an arrest...

As rajpelt says, you're talking shite, none of that was on the 10pm version although it may have been on at 7.30pm.

I can only deal with what I saw and heard and personally think it was strong armed tactics by Police who knew nothing other than there was a black man looking pissed off in the middle of London, something of an every day occurrence I assume. :(

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As rajpelt says, you're talking shite, none of that was on the 10pm version although it may have been on at 7.30pm.

Monkey, as we agreed 5 years ago, I cover the early shift and you cover the late shift, ensuring that no such discrepancies take place on the subsequent later show. It would have flagged up on the reports we complete, I know I let you down that once, where I missed the 8pm slot, you know, with the Russian stripper cocaine death incident I was clearing up at my flat, but I thought we'd got past that. Where's the trust man?

Edited by rajpelt
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