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As rajpelt says, you're talking shite, none of that was on the 10pm version although it may have been on at 7.30pm.

I can only deal with what I saw and heard and personally think it was strong armed tactics by Police who knew nothing other than there was a black man looking pissed off in the middle of London, something of an every day occurrence I assume. sad.gif

#1581 monkey tongue.gif

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As rajpelt says, you're talking shite, none of that was on the 10pm version although it may have been on at 7.30pm.

I can only deal with what I saw and heard and personally think it was strong armed tactics by Police who knew nothing other than there was a black man looking pissed off in the middle of London, something of an every day occurrence I assume. :(

It's completely normal for them not to include every detail of every conversation. For editorial and timing purposes, it probably made more sense just to make clear that "the police and ambulance are coming" rather than the details of grassing up that have already been acted through several times in conversations in the past week on the show.

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I have been left slightly disappointed with the recent plot.

Seeing Denise in the cellar was one of the best twists I have ever seen in a soap. After that it looks like the rest of the story to date was masterminded by a 5 year old in 5 minutes.

It just doesnt make sense. As Monkey Blair says - at the time the Police had no reason for Lucas to be arrested. And why was no-one surprised to see Denise come running out the house.

Also, what was the point of Jordan going back in? Surley it would have been better if Lucas had torched the house and Ben dives in to save Jordan or something...

Someting that did make me lol was Max saying "Don't dis a dude's doodaa"

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Whats the script with Max's daughter (Abi?) lusting over Darren? Is she not about 13 in the show?

He's the father to HEATHER'S baby, therefore it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he ends up becoming fond of Abi's young vag.

Edited by ChrisyM92
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Someting that did make me lol was Max saying "Don't dis a dude's doodaa"

I liked the part where Fatboy was going to try to shoulder in the front door and Max pointed out that there was a "window there with a bloody great hole in it already". :lol:

Couldn't quite work out though why in the time between that line and the police arriving no-one entered, tried to enter or even looked in that window though. :huh:

Whats the script with Max's daughter (Abi?) lusting over Darren? Is she not about 13 in the show?

Yeah precisely. In the real world no adolescent teenage girl would form a crush on an older boy would they. :rolleyes:

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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I liked the part where Fatboy was going to try to shoulder in the front door and Max pointed out that there was a "window there with a bloody great hole in it already". laugh.gif

Aye!! laugh.gif Max has been absolutely brilliant these past few weeks. His face when he walked into his living room last week and found Darren bollock naked. laugh.gif Had me in tears.

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Drinking outside the boozer is ace, it would be more realistic if Peggy nashed out the fire exit ever 2 mins shouting "get inside ya wee b*****ds or ye'll get yersel' lifted!" - like my helpful local.

Nah, it wouldn't. It isn't illegal there.

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Did you see Darrens face when his burd took her top off, priceless!!

Now he is off to get the slashed by a budget surgery just to get a ride.

Why not just accept the rules she has set down then go home and pull the heed off it like everyone else??

Ben is in for a severe doing now - good.

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If thats what bens face looks like after a couple of weeks in prison, I'd hate to see his ring ohmy.gif I bet it looks like a cauliflower, Good to see on the front page of one of those tv rags in Tesco today that....

Phil smacks his maw

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If thats what bens face looks like after a couple of weeks in prison, I'd hate to see his ring ohmy.gif I bet it looks like a cauliflower, Good to see on the front page of one of those tv rags in Tesco today that....

Phil smacks his maw

I see they are laying it on pretty thick about Ben going to be a totally different person when he comes out of prison... obviously in reference to the new actor who is going to come in and take over the roll. Think a few months down the line we'll see "Ben" back in the square and behaving like a Young Phil. Kinda looking forward to it actually.

Darren's bit of stuff is absolutely lovely btw...

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I see they are laying it on pretty thick about Ben going to be a totally different person when he comes out of prison... obviously in reference to the new actor who is going to come in and take over the roll. Think a few months down the line we'll see "Ben" back in the square and behaving like a Young Phil. Kinda looking forward to it actually.

Darren's bit of stuff is absolutely lovely btw...

Rumour has it , it's Joe Pasquale

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Guest The Phoenix

Really poor episode tonight, Pat and Peggy trashing the pub was cringeworthy.


Pathetic from every angle, including the acting,

Indeed every time Pat and Peggy get together on screen the show plummets to the depths.

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