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The whole Sayeed / Christian / Baby thing has been getting on my nerves for a while and hope that is the last we hear of it for a while.

I think Christian should just be true to himself for a change and pump Roxy stupid, if he is really lucky she will let him take her up the wrong un to make him feel at home.

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Janine's meant to be a millionaire who has spent a couple of days away at a hotel being pampered and preened, is she? Why's she got 3 inches of regrowth at the root of her highlights then?

Julie's being a bit bloody selfish as well. I'm not best pleased with her actions this evening. The things she's been saying have been downright cruel. I can understand she's gutted about her boy, but there's no need to take it out on the girl. I think we're looking at a tart with a heart with young Lola here. She does come across as a bit of a ned, but the way she was with Bobby when he hurt his knee showed a softer side to her. I'm not happy about the idea of her and Jay though. He needs to get back with Abi.

Poor old Zainab, alone again. I do feel sorry for her. It wasn't her fault at all, she didn't have an affair with the Cobra, but she's been treated as though she did. While Afia was quite happy to hug her dad and carry on as before, despite believing he'd been humping her new mother in law, but she couldn't extend Zainab the same courtesy. Little witch.

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The whole Sayeed / Christian / Baby thing has been getting on my nerves for a while and hope that is the last we hear of it for a while.

I think Christian should just be true to himself for a change and pump Roxy stupid, if he is really lucky she will let him take her up the wrong un to make him feel at home.

The guy who plays Christian is a terrible actor. To be fair the character is awful too.

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Whilst i don't blame Pat for not trusting Janine (she has had countless chances before), it's getting really tedious watching her turn up anywhere Janine is and having a go at her.

Yep, I'm fucking sick of her poking her nose in. Janine didn't do anything to Lydia, and while there's the question of Janine's past transgressions hanging over it all, the post mortem proves that she didn't actually do anything. Pat's just getting right on my tits now. Or at least, she wishes she was.

I think we're about to see a little more into Ryan's past. He looked decidedly shifty when he relieved that dealer of his cocaine. I did hear a long, long while ago that Lauren is set to become a drug addict, just like Auntie Rainie, so perhaps this is the start of the spiral for her if she's trying het best to seduce the handsome young man. I hope he continues to knock her back though. He can do so much better.

I didn't think Tanya would be pregnant. ~The thing is, if she had been, tonight would have been the last time you'd have seen her suffering the effects of morning sickness. Women in TV and film land only ever seem to have it up until they find out they're pregnant and they're magically cured somehow. There's something really not right with Tanya though and I think this is going to turn out to be serious. She'll end up with Max again soon enough, you mark my words. I just hope Rainie fucks off sometime soon because I'm getting more than a little pissed off with hearing her say "Taaaaahn" every time she speaks to her sister.

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Well done everybody. 100 pages of chat about Albert Square. Heres to the next 100.

What was Kim like on those roller skates last night? Also good to see Janine getting taken down a peg or two at the end. Whitney looking dynamite as well :wub:

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I actually just end up laughing at his facial reactions in pretty much any scene, they're always just mental. The amount of murders that go on in Albert Square how come he's managed tae last so long??? :(:rolleyes:

I once watched Harry Hill and he put together a few clips of Christian and that beaming daft grin he does. He was referring to him as 'The Joker'. I couldn't stop laughing for a couple of minutes after that.

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Just what Eastenders needed, yet another loud, shouty, "i can look after myself" female character. <_< (Billy's grand-daughter).

Whoa whoa whoa. Granddaughter? See I missed a month then caught a week, now I'm lost. Granddaughter? What happened to his son? Also how did they Masood/Yusef storyline work out? Where did Mercy go?

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Whoa whoa whoa. Granddaughter? See I missed a month then caught a week, now I'm lost. Granddaughter? What happened to his son? Also how did they Masood/Yusef storyline work out? Where did Mercy go?

Billy and Julie found out that their son is dead, but that he had a daughter who is in care. Her name is Lola, and she's an arsehole. With chavvy, swept-up blondey hair and her skirts right up to there... no, wait, that's not the words. She is an arsehole though.

Masood is still not home with Zainab, but Afia and Tamwar are. Syed was back there for a bit too, because he and Christian split up for a while (about 9 hours, roughly) but then they got back together again. Yusef's not been on the screen for a while, other than when Tam and Afia returned from their honeymoon, where he happened to meet them in the cafe and then he vanished again. I don't really know what's happening there because the storyline seems to have been put on the backburner for now.

Mercy's fucked off to Nigeria. She decided she wanted to leave before she was hoofed.

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Can't believe Jay didn't get his hole, I mean he put a blanket on the backseat of car and made sure they had the garage to themselves, what a gentleman.

I don't blame her for dumping him after that suggestion that he might call Lola. Mind, she put the idea in his head in the first place, so she's not entirely blameless.

Once again, the Carol/Eddie will they/won't they returns to "they won't". What a fucking surprise. Can that miserable bint just meet a guy, like him, not f**k about with stupid game playing and hump the bugger, get married and live happily ever after? I hate storylines like that. Just get the hell on with it.

I think I've established Pat's exit storyline too. Half pint, or whatever his name is, has already told us how he can't keep a woman for a year without her dying, so that's her planted one foot already. Maybe that'll be the big Christmas draw: watch Pat dying on Christmas Day, eat some turkey and then come back for the later episode where everyone stands outside the Vic and is really surprised and happy when it starts snowing and playing the sad piano music.

What a dangerous little game Max and Tanya were playing there! Filthy buggers.

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Billy and Julie found out that their son is dead, but that he had a daughter who is in care. Her name is Lola, and she's an arsehole. With chavvy, swept-up blondey hair and her skirts right up to there... no, wait, that's not the words. She is an arsehole though.

Masood is still not home with Zainab, but Afia and Tamwar are. Syed was back there for a bit too, because he and Christian split up for a while (about 9 hours, roughly) but then they got back together again. Yusef's not been on the screen for a while, other than when Tam and Afia returned from their honeymoon, where he happened to meet them in the cafe and then he vanished again. I don't really know what's happening there because the storyline seems to have been put on the backburner for now.

Mercy's fucked off to Nigeria. She decided she wanted to leave before she was hoofed.

Many thanks Mrs M :) When I have a green dot one shall be winging its way in your direction.

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