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What a dangerous little game Max and Tanya were playing there! Filthy buggers.

"Noddy":lol: Max and Tanya are great. No surprise Jay didn't get his hole, Abby is still a little girl and was always going to back out. Lola looks like a bit of a goer and Jay will probably knock her up, then die from the AIDS he contracts. Young love eh.

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The Eddie & Sons storyline is annoying me already. I know Jean is a raving lunatic but when he convinced her to tske some stuff from the Vic it was ridiculous.

I would love to meet Jean the now, she really seems to be gagging on it and makes puppy dog eyes at anyone with a tadger.

And by the way Tanya just keeps looking better and better.:wub:

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He used to look far more Carney than he does now...


I like the character though, he seems like a nice guy, although he does appear to be harbouring a dark secret. That's good because they've never done that in soaps before.

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Ian Beale is a fucking dispicable man.

What does he think he's playing at? For a relatively clever man he's being incredibly stupid. All it takes is for Bobby to mention something about Jane to that woman at the centre and the games up.

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Ian Beale is a fucking dispicable man. On the bright side, it's a certainty that Jane must be on her way back to piss on his bonfire. :D

I really think the script writers are taking it too far with this storyline.

I mean - 'do you want to meet Jane?'!!!!

Then to proceed to buy an urn and fill it with fag ends is awful. Imagine the poor womans horror if she was to look in the pot :lol:

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I really think the script writers are taking it too far with this storyline.

I mean - 'do you want to meet Jane?'!!!!

Then to proceed to buy an urn and fill it with fag ends is awful. Imagine the poor womans horror if she was to look in the pot :lol:

I have no idea how he thinks he can get away with it. As the other lad pointed out, it only takes one word from Bobby and the game's up. He really is A grade a fudbracket.

Also, Tanya needs to get a grip and decide what she wants from her life, the way she is treating both the guys is wrong, the only person getting more action than her is Carol Jackson.

She's a saucy devil that Tanya and no mistake. Good on her though, Max is the bad boy all women want to tame while Greg's a bit of a looker. Best of both worlds for Tanya now, but they're going to both come crashing down on her soon.

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The writers should do the decent thing and set fire to that hair of hers. And if Jodie and her daft pal happened to get caught in it then it wouldn't be a disaster

I know the way they each repeat what the other says is meant to be amusing/endearing, but it gets right on my tits.

Is this it then? Will Max and Tanya announce all and get back together? Nah, I can't see it myself. Something is on the horizon for those two, it has to be. Walford life just ain't that simple.

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